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MONTREALS STAKE OFFERINGS. The laaagaral meeting of the new Montreal Jockey Club will begin Jane 4 and terminate June 15. Ever indication polnta to success ;1nd prosperity for the ken aaeaaber of the Oanndiaa turf body, and it those Indbatloaa tarn oal to be weB founded. II will not be many years he tare the Ontario Jockey Club will And ils position as the leading racing iu I. biiI ant lea of Canaan rigoroaaty assailed in naner ana rivalry. The track and track equipment of the Montreal Jockej Crab are of the Ik-si modem type. The favor and patronage of owners is assured from Ihe entacl and the probability is thai I he club will have an eaaaawraaahBg number of horses calling for stable room next June. It remains to he seen to what extent the people of Montreal will prove ta be natrana of rawing on areU raaataeted lines. That is the factor that will determine the future of the club. To l.c run in the course of its first meeting the Club has announced a list of seven stakes, entries to which will close Saturday. May 4. All but one arc of the una ran teed value variety. The stake offerings of the club are to be greatly increased in unrulier and value hereafter. Those now ottered are: Mount Royal Handicap, three-year Okla and over BzJjOO guaranteed: I 14 miles Jockey Club Stakes, t luce v ear olds and over ono guaranteed: 1 1 S miles. Canadian Handicap, shree-year-oida ami over SI 000 guarantee ,1: 1 is miles. Kings Plate, three year olds and over. 1730 added: 1 I 4 miles. Jacques artier Stakes, three rear olds and over. fl.000 guaranteed; 1 mile. Blue Bonneta stakes, three-year-olds, ,000 caaraa-leed: 1 1 s miles. Kindergarten Stakes, two-year-olds, ,000 guaranteed; r. s mile. The Kings Plate is for Canadian bred and owned nor Ban and baa tift.v guineas added by King Edward and *5O0 by the Club. The Canadian Handicap is for borate owned in Canada. The other slakes are oi to all comers and should receive the heartj tanner of American turfmen.