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HERCULOID IS DOING WELL. New York. April 12. -Alex Shields says hi- boned at Bound Brook arc in superb condition. lie haK splendid facilities for training horses in Jersey, ami he says Ihe weather there ha- Iweu much more satisfactory than it has been here. Having declared Halifax out of the Carter Handicap, Mr. Shields says he will not ship the slable he is training for B. K. Thoma- to the metropolitan circuit until after he Aqueduct meeting. He prefers to lei well enough alone. He is iu no hurry. If 00 Between and Halifax are iu condition to race at Gravesemi ho will be -atistied. Hereiiloid. the Savile horse for which Mr. Thomas paid tlMM to Colonel Robert cille. of Virginia, will not race until next fall. Hereiiloid appears lo lie in first lass condition, tiotb, i- regards bodily health and as to his underpinning. Mr. Shields thinks it will be wise to give him a long time lo get ocr the lameness which prevented him from starting iu the Brant Autumn aud Champion steeplechases of CMC This Great Autumn, of ].M7 will probably serve to introduce Hereulold to Ihe metropolitan public under the gray jacket of Mr. Thomas, and whether he wins or loses fiat race he will be pointed for the Champion. The Champion is the race Mr. Thoma- is most anxious to win. and Mr. Shields believes that Hereiiloid is e-pecially qualified for it. He iB an exceptionally quick horse on his feet and he can run all day. Shields considers Hereiiloid as good a fencer as ha has seen in America in twenty years.