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NOTES OF THE TURF. Tbe English home sir Foote, by Sir Hugo, recently died in Australia. The Sydney Cap winner Realm baa been said and is to be raced In Franci . Jndge Dundon is the Brat winner for the stallion OarUoe Grange In iliis country. The Quail bled wbUe saBoping at Belnwnl Pail; a few days ago i nd will be thrown out of training for aaaae time. lasses Fitsslmmons has leaned from John K. Mad den the racing qualltiea of Mis Angle for the remainder of this year. S. J. Fletcher has insured tin- stallion Algal for . ooo and Phil Chlnn holda a policy tor the same amount on Pretension. It ia said thai lie- ind profit- of the Lexington meeting for the Kentucky Association were be twoen ..50ii and 15,000. M. J. Daly, whose entries are not wanted at Toionio. ban his i o. ., - ,1 Hamilton awaiting the attesting or t,n meeting there .lone :;. There are two anckUngs at Morebonaes ranch near Warm Springs California bj collector Jeasnp. They ire the Oral of the gel or this bone. Belaltng, Pore..:;. and PojaaaC Late have been bred to Barney ■ ireioe**s Peatechland. Belsliag and Porphory are daughters of the Australian stal-lion CHevenaV n. ills Blulun. who lias been at Oakland the crrenter part of the winter, las returned to his home here. He intends to pot in the rammer Bshtag at the in Wisconsin. Harry Stover is enthusiastic over the coming Meeting at Butte, Montana. lie says that the poolrooms will close down during the meeting-. The three stockholders in the P.utte track are II. I. Wilson, Harry Stover and Henry Alhertaon, There ■re to be six 1300 purses ivy day of the lueet-ijag wliich will opcu July 4 for forty days.