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MAKING PLANS TO RACE AT ASCOT. Iis Angeles Cal.. May 2ft. — The LOS Angeles Jockey Club is making plans for racing- a! Ascot Park next winter. The directors seem confident lhat they wiil not be coaspeUed to seek another location. They have been advised by counsel that the election at which the vole of annexa t ion was taken was irregular and that the subsequent acts of annexation were illegal and they are satisfied that the cases now pending iu court will be so decided. The P.ablwin track is being built as fast as the fifty teams engaged in grading can work and within another thirty day,- the track will l o completed. The plans of the Baldwin Racing Association are unknown, but as yet the promised organization has aot been begun and some those Interested seem as much puzzled as to the future of the association as is the general public. All talk of a merger of interests with the Ascot management is without foundation, as there is no chance of anj BUCh result. In the event that Ascot is farced to ■move on." it will not be iu tin- direction of Arcadia, Bay those who are in a position to dictate the direction scheme.