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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Communications aUtboat names and addresses of senders will not in- answered or noticed. I.. B. G., Chleagan The parlay won aa Suffrage only. I. I!.. Chicago. George S. Davis was an added ■tarter. l. A. T., Detroit. Mich, in exact igarea the backer is entitled to Siu.iis J. p.. Chicago. The bet on Mooavtae was a draw, thai home not being catered T. .1. i» . Hamilton, out. it is aailat too much clerical labor, which j loald do yooraeJf. Ceo. I., s.. Chicago Tin- track was wet but safe ami good. The time scored speaks for itself. "It." Chicago, if the hit was :it arerage odds Tony Honeios backer was entitled to .•fit.?."., if at post adds fa. T. K.. Detroit, Mich, it befag obvious that it is a case of typographical error, ami baring u.--repted the bet, the bookmaker should pay. M. s.. Chicago. Sour parlay was void on MoUie Montrose because there waa so separate place price ■gainst ber and mm on Tom McGrath ami Fireball. L. K. and others. OhlcagO In Base of a dead heat the money bet by eacb patty to a wager is ■dried together and divided eqaaUy between tin- backer ami laj ei. F. N. G., Chicago. If ran knew anything .nbniit bookmaking you would be ashamed to »el ap sin h an absurd claim. The horse was always a hut favorite 1 opened ■ 7 to .". B. L. Bad C. !-. 1L. Chicago. Edwin T. Fryer baa not run :it Oak lawn -it,., the spring of Pkh;. in all be baa woo seven races ami the longest price ■gains him when he won was 25 to 1. Hereon. St Louis. An eatrj Is m r more horses. If one horse of I COnpied entry starts a bet on the entry st.imUjin.l is won or ] si according to where the horse Bnlshf w. "S ..iii- wager won and it would be a remarkably Igaoraal bookmaker who would claim otberu lac. Charles C .. Detroit, Mich, ami others. In dead betis money bet is added together ami divided eipially between the two parties to the bet. In Uiis waj 65 bet on Tony Bonero at 4 to 5 would he 88. which, e.piall.v divided, would g|ve .. r.« to each person ami net ■ loss to the backer oi the hone. Bets on Shenandoah divided in the game way would -_ive his backers ■ profit. The settlement with you was correct ami the rub- i- correct. ■* on mast take Into consideration that your borae did not will.