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ROYAL RIVER WINS EXCITING RACE. Lochgoil Loses His Life in Steeplechase — Louisville Favorites Are Defeated. Louisville. Ky., Maj -it. Tiiis waa ■ lug daj for the nyers at Churchill Downs. Not a favorite won and sonic good things went wrong, notably Kuiiiitilaire. in the fifth race. T. 1. Hayes and his following attempted a coup with this hoi so and faibi! to bring it ofl -uccessfully only through bail racing luck. Fantculaire was much the hist and with an even start would have won on i y himself. lie waa caught ia a tangle and was nearly left at the post. Ho closed a tremendous gap and landed in second place. The steeplechase was the entire field at one time running closely grouped and fencing in good style. At the sixth hedge Lochgoil made a had landing and broke his leg by the fall. Rome of the rear guard were forced !•• lake back sharply to avoid .he prostrate sorae and this practically eliminated them as sharp factors. Lights out. Kilhloo, Naraa ami Weberttclds eontlnned grouped over the aexl •■•■•• obstacles, here Webei nOhia gave :: up aad the other three fought it out. Lights Out winning by :i neck, the same !i tauce separating Killdoe from Narau. Lochgoil .a destroyed after the last race. The second raee furnished a thrilling finish, four ..f tin- Imrs-. passing the Judges noaea apart, the winner being the long shot oyal River, Nedra beating oat No Quarter. Warner UrisweH, the lieavili sapported favorite, had some bad luck asoa after the start, which probaMj accounted for his p ior showing. After tie fini-M, ■. ■,.,, ,-! [m ! I»y A. it. Maginul8 for ,000. Javanese, which had re couth shown a trial of three-quarters in Lie was claimed by .1. IH.-l for ,109. r.endigo. under J. I.ees handling, performed like . stake borne in the closing race. Some one must have known that he was going to show improve meat, for he was backed from M to i to nearly half that figure at post. time. This made three winners for ,1. Lee bulay. Jockey V. Powers was suspended for three days for disobedience at the poat in the *irst race. A consignment of William Herats horses, Inclad-lag tin- Jumpers Baterjoy, Lull of run. Weher-tields and Manners, will be shipped to Toronto to uieirow in charge of ;. n. Pierce. Jockey McClure will accompany the outfit and ride the horses in steeplechases. Mortiboj aad J. Bd. Grille had to be excused from Starting today on account of lameness. The program for tomorrow promises nolhin -■■ n sational Inn sack useful horses as Bather Brown. I:.- in Friend. Waldorf Belle; Request. Bnvoy. Tie nohi: flu YaniLec. Brimmer. Bitter odd: Old Honesty. Morales, able-ram: Haughty. Potter; W. K. Blade: Harold D. Minnehaha and foreigner are among the entries and the racing maj nruve well worth viewing. .i. i.. Deaaaaey.