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ROY OFFUTT TO HAVE A RE-HEARING. Improvement in the Racing at Oakland — C. Ross Gets Permission to Ride. Hal, la i.. 1. CaL, May 20. The card for today IMrodaced Idgh-CUaa sport. The trio of outstanding road ihin. Prank Pllttner, Blagg ami Sir BriDar, all made good in refreshing style ami the public rejoiced exceedingly tin-real. Beautiful weather and a lightning fast track prevailed. The attendance was immense for an off day. The -towards have uudilied their recent ruling against jockey C. Baaa and he will be permitted to tiile for W. .:. Sonic in future. The olticlals will also give Uoy Oflfntl a rehearing. It is thought thai tlic ruling against him will be rescinded. B. 1 . Lee, the colored owner recently ruled oit, ha* Baked that the bail against his two racer-. Grace Marie and Siiigsworlh. be lifted so that be Can sell them. Joekej Aubucbon -tailed on his return Janraej to New V.rk yeaterdaj . The Stewards naj thai A. Williams, the colored lider. wa- offered .s.mhi to pull Sadie II. ktal week. The l.o was not allowed to tide pending the in vi" i iga t ion. but wa- permitted !•• aeeepl mount -auaiu Saturday tor hi- employer, II. c. Bedwell. W. I. Maxwell has pureha-ed l-iiiailian from I. It. Bebateffer. Jockey W. Kelly is again around, a tier recovering from the effects of his recent fall. lb- will leave this week for Seattle. H. c,. Bedwell ha- -hipped lb seivat ion. Judge Nel-on ami Other hoi -os to Denver. Later he will take them to Seattle. G. II. Keen.- also sent a string to Denver. A silling plater program i- offered for toasarrow, but with such speedy horues a-- Khine-totie. Swe.h Sam. Saint Modaa; Andrew II. CiKik. CerrO Santa Smithy Kane; Santa Bay, Sheen, Peggy ONeal; Aaron J.. My Choice. The Skipper: St, lrancls. Native Son. Oossipor II.; I.ivius, Cabin and San Al viso among the entiles, the racing will not lack in interesting features. II. Ioislaud.