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SUPERMAN IS VICTORIOUS. JAMES R. KEENES SPEEDY COLT WINS THE BROOKLYN HANDICAP. Beacon Light Is Second and Nealon Third — Go Between and Buttling, the Choices. Are Beaten Off — Muddy Track. Near May Ml- Carrying the white and blue spotted Jacket of laan It. Keene and riddca by Walter Miller, Superman won tha twenty-Brat rnu-nlng ui the Brooklyn Handicap at Graveeead today. Beacon Light, racing ia the latereata of Hal P. Headiey, ■ »ill known Kentucky brctdor, was see • •ml and Nealon. owned jointly liy C. K. lturnol! aad i.aruey Bear It her, his breeder, waa third. The traditions of the race ia regard to the fail i •• af Hie tavorltea Waa maintained, for Superman. While Inn ked t.y many who are ever loyal to the Keene colon ia the daaaiea, Waa act the favorite. Thai distinction wint to ;o Between, which was 1-catcu decisively aad m under the Whip before ball of the journey had beea traveled. Kot even Ike victory of I ue favorite, however, could liave beea more papular with the thousands who at* the running of the rave. The Brooklyn may have beea won by better heraea I baa Siiiierman. bat none of the previous vietors. not even excepting Irish Lad, whose gaaat straggle three years age will eer lie remeinliered by those who saw it. avowed ■ more meriiorioiis perforaMBee than the son of Commando and Anomaly did today, The track was fetlock deep ia water and aiad.wbicb was not at all relished liy Bapenaaa, hut his good • hi-- and liiio--. in addition to a perfect ride, over • .line the discouraging coadttlena and earned for the • oit a truly notable victory. The success of Bauer atan was all the more pleas fug to Mr. Keeae kceaaac the earl araa started against lis besl judgment. When Mr. Keeae reached Graveeend to lad the coerae deep ia ship he Mas Inclined to keep the eolt in his Stall and suggested to trainer .lames Bowe that Bapumaii he poatrd aa a aoa-atartcr. Mr. Keeae waa afraid Tl:i oit would not roa well in the going, and. although he had set ids heart on the Brooklya success and bad every reason to believe that ou a fast track Superman would aeliieve the honor, lie lie-lieved it Inadvisable to take the chance in the mini. Trainer Kowe. however, said that Superman was very tit: was in tie- hands of a good rider, aad strong 1] advised starting him. Afier ipaic bestita- I ton Mr. Keeae agreed that the trainer should have ins way, and the reaall was ajalcfc coasolatioa Ear the ioss oi the Withers Stakes last Saturday, when Ieter Pan was defeated lor a race he should hare won. Mr. Keeae, true spoilsman that he is. was ready to grre the credit to joekej Miller ami trainer Rowe. Hi- mad- BO attempt to eoneeal bis pica-lire over Su permans success, bat quickly stole awa] froai his friends in tin- clubhouse to congratulate .Miller. Be fori- the rider had pas-ed the scales Mr. Keene was :u the gate through which the riders pass on their return t the Jockey room, lie grasped the bays hand iii a heart] shake, and said: "Miller, yon araa lie- race. Von had a good call under you. il is true, but your good handling waa responsible for the result. It was an excellent ride, ami 1 hope to see you repeal it many times." lint for the change from a fast to a muddy track Bapenaaa would have been at a shorter quotation iIihii 5 to 1. and probably would have gone to the post an actual favorite. Hut aot even tnaee elos -t to the stable could give their friends any encourage ineiit. The sapped the coll attracted therefore was frees peraana who believed in him regardless of coo ditious and the followers of Miller, who are legion en holiday occasions. The going turned the tide of sentiment to Go Between and ButtUng, both mud runners of high degree, ami both of which were preferred to the winner in the betting. Vet these two furnished the greatest disappointment of tin- race; Go Between bj drawing an anlucky position, which forced Mountain to keep him going in the early stages, a condition not agreeable to the son of Meddler, while Buttling waa crowded to the feme in the early raankag, his rider. Notter, sastaining a bruised am! eat keg, which pained him «o that he was unable to do his mount Jnatice afterwards. After tin- rain lame last eight il was a foregone conclusion thai Co Between WOUld be t.-ivoriie. c- eoitutant. Dandelion. Tokaloo, Blaady, Salvidere and Areite were withdrawn, while Okenlte and Good Lack were added. When the odds were posted with Ho Between a 3 to 1 choice, there was s rush that almost swamped the layers and the Meddler horse ami speedily backed to 5 to 2. Bapenaaa and Battling were equal second choices at 4 to 1. but there was most support lor the latter, which closed at I to 1. while Superman had gone back to "• to 1. Seweii was fairly well fancied si sevens, while liip Klap and Dkenite were supported tit tens and Better. There was no delay si the noat, starter Casaidy catching the field in good alignment after one minute and sending them away to a good start. The ever alert Miller rushed Superman to the front hut be waa closely followed bj ftkenite with Beacon light next in attendai The field was well bunched when passing The stand. Soon after enter lag the hnckstretch Okenlte wenl to the lead, followed by Beacon Light, while Miller was content tn rate Superman along. On the far turn Nealon became prominent and Okenlte dropped back. Around the turn Nealon ami Beacoa Light led. but jus. before the horses swims for home Miller made Ins move with Buae i man. The colt responded gamely, but had to be hustled along to catch the leaders. Nealon was the first to give way. hut Beacon Light put tip a strong finish and Superman was all out to win hy a length in 2:09. Ronton was a goad third, while I-Tip Flap was next, ten lengths back. Go Between, after tieing in a paalthm that forced Mountain to hustle him in the first half, dropped back in the middle of the haefeatreteh a badly beaten horse. Buttling, after -onie Interference in tin scramble for position, wa- never a contender. Miller said after the race that Superman was not at all suited by the going find tha* on]v his class uud his superior condition enabled him to" win- It wat» the fourth Brooklyn victory for Mr. Keene, sffen had previ-aisTv woa the raee with Hornpipe. I.iuiof and U. Ilii It ni al-o the tollltli Wltllie! trained in .i.itr,. ft.iwt- who irained Ornainent urn the raee in addition l- thi- last thuc liani.d In Mr Keenes winnirijr list. The surprise of the race was Beacon Light. The bene meed last year in the stable of T. P. Hayes, lint belongs to Ual I. Headley. the Kentucky breeder, who was aa hand. Beacon Light reached Qraveacad Sunday saomaag at two oclock and galloped si furlongs in :1 dating the day lie was well backed at a long price and undoubtedly is a good horse. Barney Behrelber won three races, but Iom ■ horse. 1ony Bouero being bid up and bought by C. It. rieiscbtnaun for IZSSO. Stargowan easily accounted for the Expectation Stakes ami showed himself to be a colt of more than ordinary merit. A good card with the Ireakness Stakes as, the main feature is offered for tomorrow and with Helen Green, Kuscl Astoria Belle; Sir Toddius ton. Juggler, Far West; Bon Homo. Boblu H I. Oyama; 1 Creole, Vrank Gill, Zambesi; Hal, Bustle, Sweet taire; GrlBMkU. Lad of Langden aad Bright Boy among the entries Interest In the Gravea-eud racing will suffer no diminishinent.