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OAKLAND ENTRIES. Probabiliiir-: Weather clear; track fast. Raring ■ arts il 1:40p.m. Chicago time 3:40 p.m. XKcas well ill mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 1-2 Mile. 2-yeai otda. Selling. Iml. Horaea. A. wt. Hdcp. 68853 Irish Mike 100. . . .725 1*885*1 . s lint Modtin Km; 720 6.8028 ...Sandpiper MO 715 68833 Sir Wesley 101 715 68S33 Vita lr 100 710 1 885-".. . . .Great Apache 166 705 68456. . . .St. Charles 106 706 0S727 ...San Cam. .11 163 700 Second Race — 7-8 Mile. 3 year-Olds. Allowances. 68931 BURNING BUSH 100. .x.. 725 c.VKa-, . . .Sycamore 1 12 72o 68935 . . .Talentosa 112 715 68746*. ..alia 107 n.j 67357. ..Tea Tray II loo 7lo 1 si:::7. . . .Coin-eltia 107 7IO .-■ 3. ...Sacramento Belle MM 710 68S30. . . .r.aby Kiilc MB 705 68«:l7. . . . Nancy W 1 7 705 676 5....S11VS loi 7H 07 :s2 Calls 107 700 68830. . . .Willi**-. w 101 OK Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 1 year olds and upward. Sellin". 68853 Sheen 5. .10$. . X . . 725 68836*... Titas II 7. .101 . ..721 68S56 Caddy lynch 5. .160 715 68806. .. .Silver Sue I..MT.. .715 is :_ic . . .Cuiuolitti I. .167.. -...715 68855* ... Peggj ONeal 5..I07 • 7H» 6.8836 1. ..The Skipper 6.. 113 710 1 si or,. . ,f the forest I..I11O ..- ...Hi 68855 Santa Kaj I.. 107.. X-. 703 68458 Supreme Court 5. .104. . X ..TBS 68731... i Governor Ormaa I..10B.. • ..705 67310 Golden Cule 10. .Ml .10$ Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. " year obis and upward. Selling. iso..i. ... .Native Son 3.. 00.. ..725 689.31 Co-si per II 5. .1M..X..720 6-SOT.7 Van Ness 8.. 107. .©..715 i;ss.;.-. . . .c i.iirv ."I. . 90 "lo 68031**... Royal Rogue s. . 107. . .--. .70 . osssii. . . . s.ipp 1 :;.. 07. . x . .7o.j Fifth Raco— 1 1-16 Miles. ! year-olds and upward. Belling. 68800 Bragg 8. .110. .!• -725 68882 Christine A 7.. 100.. ©..720 68032*... Sahara I..10S.. .-71.5 0S4iii0 Bd Sheridan 5..M7-. ..715 0VNI5 Sun Mark 5. .MS.. ..TM Oss, 2 . . . 1 1. -ma;i ■ I. .102.. ..795 67665* Uonlollus 4. .110. . . -705 |-.s.i::2 Wo iltiiorpc 3. .1I0..V . ,7 hi 6881 5. ...Anvil 7..107. . ■ . .700 68934*. . .Water Cure 10.. MB "iOO Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. :; year obis ami upwards. Allow lines. 68936 toe Coyne I. . 107. . / . .725 l-.ssst :. ..Ma-sa 5. . 107. . X . .720 68050 Bduardo 5. .107. .X-.713 .sisr,. . . .1:, ker-all 5. .110.. .710 ostmii-. . .Huerfano ::..1 M 703 .-a 2 .Swagger 1. .103. . X - .10$