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BETTING UNDER THE NEW SYSTEM. Toronto, Out.. May 25. — Some confusion attended the la traduction Of the new belting system al Woodbine Park, but after -even days it may be said that everything i- running smoothly. The lyi torn here is the -ine a- that in vogue at Ben-ning last fall and this spring. except tliat li-kel- are written and given out a- When the -late- were up and booths were u-cd. The tickets are of thin paper and are made in pad-. Kver.vone stands up nnmey taker, sheet write!, tieket writer and cashier. The first two or three day- they were all kept on the move and in the Jostling crowd the crews were sometimes separated and tiii-- added to the general confusion. During the last four dax -. however, the layers hare taken their place- in the shape of a borseahoe on the lawn iii fiont of ihe old betting rin and order ha -prevailed. There i- no drawing for positions and it i- a ea-e of tir-t come, lir-t netted. On Victoria Day and today the ouiside men were hustled out to the cniii-e by their employ era early la the morning to take and hold the choice positions. Speculation has been jus; as heavy as heretofore, but the business is more split an. Money cannot lie handled .1- fast under the new system and the result is liiat there are more layers in line than ever before.