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NEW YORK ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast: Baring starti al -:-ii p. m. Chicago time. 1:36. Runs well m mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs Main Course, o-y ear olds and apward. Allowances. Iml. Han -. A. Wt. Hdcp. 68934 ..PRINCE HAMEURG . . 5.. 124.. X.. 756 i.-.lL.-.:. . .Kiam. siia 5..M4..X--743 68887 Vletheuo :;. . 108. . x . . 74o 68914... iliimalili :;..1 is 7h lisvsT . . .Pretension ii. . 1 16. . X . .733 68939... Robin 1 6..116. . X . .733 68.887... Pantoufle 4. .113. . X. .736 68884... Paumonok 3. .MM 730 64074*... Captain Emerich :;..los 715 66546.. ..SSm Rice 8. .165 763 8837.* Kins Cole 5. .1111. . © . .700 68013.. Unnepee 3. .108. . X . .679 II. P. Whitney entry. Second Race — 4 1-2 Turlongs Straight Course. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 6X889. . . .Dennis Stafford H o 7-_"i 68889. ..»Chiel Desmond .i7 7*0 68770 . I In naiilor 110.. X.-713 «T88:»...Head Gone 11" 71a •82SK5*. . . Tilling hasl 107 71a 68S16 ... I...i Winifred 97. .X 71 bssii;, . . ,S] ik nor 110. .X.. 710 68770 Donnell Kit 71 o 6H716* . . . Hollister 07 710 68789 ...Treasure 07 7H» 68889. . ..Leji nnesse 110 7iia 68816. . . .Xorbltt HM 703 68700. . . lm 105 68863. ..Mystifler 97 763 i.ssitl , . Sevtnoiir Rentier 110 700 . I,.. | | .,„- Retsj H7. . . .7o 68908 . Small Package ! 07. . . . .7on tlaleada. oh. c by Wools- thorpe— Falerna 100 Cohort, eh. c. bv Cesarioa — Omlalan 100 JChaple;. br. c. by Bea Crush Rosegarland 100 Wbiihlen. br. c, by Miller— Iiamonia 100 J.Masipie. h. c, by Disgaha Rhodesia . 07 urbii ulatc. ch. f, bv Smile Orbed Maiden 07 *T.. Schrelber entry. K. T. Wii-oti. Jr. entry. •I. K. Ket ne iiir . Third Race— 5-8 Mile Straight Course. laureate Stakes. ,500 Adileil. 2 year olds. Allow allies. 68936*. . .Transvaal 121* 7.".0 68861*. ..C. V. Burt 110.. X.. 740 iS7«io. . . . liny 117 7::.-, 6s:*M .... Magazine 113. .X.. 733 68612 Tea Leaf 107.. X.. 730 68.861.. 1. .Live Wire llo 780 6886 i.M -tilier 107 7J|I 6SS33. ..Belle Griffoa 115 715 Rock cress, i-h, e, by Nasturtium ll.inotiua 110 la no oup. ch. c, by urn i meat Ollie Belle 110 Fourth Race — 1 1 16 Miles. The Co-mo|,oliiaii Handicap ,060 added. .; year olds and apward. 68701. ..Dandelion 5..122..X. .736 1*3200 Ironsides 4. .111 715 6MW52 . . .McCarter :: . . 1 imi 7 pi 68886*. ..W. II. Carey * 4.. 121.. X.. 740 6K737" . . .Tokalon S. .118. .©. .746 69911.. Blandy 5. .117.. • ..7lo 64502... Gallavaat 4.. 113.. ©..746 6891 1... Ethos :;. .105. . x . .7lo CV.HI ...N.alon 4. .116.. • . .7:5 ii.s7.iiii . . .1r ink Gill 3.. 107.. X-. 733 6S911...*Doo Bnriqae 3. .100. .X. .733 1*8772.... Belle ol teijoesl !.. 98.. ..7:13 68938.... io Between 6. .125. .© . .730 . . ; .,.. c, 1 5.. 110. .©..736 68702 Kntree I.. 105.. . .730 68938... Zambesi ::.. 99 7-u 68911 .. Dolly Spanker 6. .108. . ..725 0.VI11 . . . Cliiland. r 3. .104.. . .720 68886 Bad News 7. .111 700 . Belmont entry. tJ. R. Kecne entry. j It. T. Wil-ii. Jr. entry. Fifth Race— About 2 12 Miles. sieeplra base. 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap 63138... Ren Shaw t.147 Too •is 1 01 1 . . .Garrett 5.. 143 693 1 87" : lair . • en 5. .133 con 65701 "...Palm , 4. .130 696 1 s-i o. . . . Mr. MeCanti I.. 140 685 68719*. .. Keahn 4.. 137 685 .-,701ni . . s im lino- t I. .150 680 68377...* Kerne I 5.. 142 07462 Rr.-i. uus 7.. 133.. ..680 68860 Delcanta 5. .143 075 •J. W. Colt entry. Si3*h Race — 1 1-8 Miles. 3 year-olds and upward. Handicap. fisrtOS . .tf alifornla King I..105. .X..73B 68787". . .W. Ibourne 4. . 110. . -■;„ 68911*. ..Dolh Spanker c..12i;. . . 715 687.87*... Smiling Tom 3. .104.. ..715 78756... Tommv Waddetl 4. .120. . X . .710 USJM... Iliilamler .;. . 1 1:i. . . .705 68938... /.at abe-i :;..117 703 68935* tGood ind Ileuty 7. .168.. ..706 .!. R. Kecne entry. . T. liit. In . k, Ii. entry. .