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LOUISVILLE ENTRIES. For differences in weight add or deduct 5 points to the pound. An extra good risers average worth is 3 pounds. Probabill les: Weather clear; track heavy. Racing start! at 2:39 p. m. XRuns well in ii. ml. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year olds. Alloa am ■-. Iml. Horses. A. Wt. Udrn. UN919 Italia no. ■ . 72.. 68841 Esther Brown 11 ».. ..TJo 68»1 ».. .ili ii. Walker U0..X..71S 6SS41 . . .CI "i k On — HO ,10 ussia;. . . . i..i,|v Flora 110. . ..710 icTiT ... lb -io: Zorra 110. . .-. . .703 fjsstjtf".. .Inventress 1 1n 103 bsvti.; Waldorf Belle 1H 7_iK i.vii i. . . .i,.,,lv u 110.. ..|IM 88741 lii male 11 Too r.ssia; Mammy Dink 110.. X. -709 8Sa2o....Mary Estes 1D» Uat Jane Switt. ch. ;. by Hand spring Phantom Belle ...110 liestnut Bell, ch. 1. by 1 ii- He of Penzance*- Belle of Troy 110 Car! cite. .Ii. f, by Alvesco! - Osra lli Camille M.. b. f. by Ben Slrome Adore 110 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. :; year olds. Selling. 68722. ..Edith M 96.. X. 72". i.s.m.. . . . Kedra K"-:. . x . .720 68758. ... I r. Lee Huffman Km. . , . . 7 1 . . 188016. . . i unille KM. . • . .713 68S91....No Qaarter 98.. X.. 719 68818 Little Uearge as.. . ..719 68744. ...Mi acre 101. . X..710 68870 S.i a:, mak 98. . X . .719 68843 . . in- i ii.i 96. . .-: . .705 68773. ...Mary Orr Wl.. ..709 G 8tH ... Hardsfaol NS. . . .693 r.ssai :...Alta McDonald M5. .X..696 i;-":;n. . . .Ouardi 1»«» 683 6SS21. ...«Hn Vim i iiic... . .i s.i csiii:;. . . .san 1 son 96..X--669 lissi:, carl Gray 101 699 Third Race— 7-8 Mile. 3-year Ma and apwards. AlkHsaa .-sou. ..oi:i. A.NDWIl K ::.. Si 7".ii lis-- IL. . . "III. life a.. IIS.. -...7IU 6S8ft2....The Knglishman 5. .105.. ..7_i •S917*... Sal B 3. .MM . . . .7*H 68942... ltolhj Ilim I. .111.. ,.7iu i;ss_i Ktrena I.. :n. . ■ . .7ou ! i il Brei .-. ■. b. p. bv or Undo Lake Breeae . • 1 .169 Fourth Race? — Short Course. Steeplechase. l-year-oida and upward. Handicap. 6StH8. . Iv Heard I. .144.. . .700 c.s:i|s-.. Saraa 5..142.. ..i..ii 68742 .. Creolin 7..1tS..@..6K3 USS20 Pete Vim-gar I. .131 r.7. ii.s.hs, . .Killdoe 8.. 149.. X.. 670 6X82t |. ..Lights Ht 6.. 154.. X . .670 c.s7i- . ..I in. DIUoii I. .140 . . 65440 Blueminl 8. .149.. . ..i.i 6891H".. .Graceland I.. 130 630 BJ 778. . . .Snowdrift 7..135..X. .636 SK. Corrigan entry. Fifth Race— 5-8 Mile. 2 j i at- olds. Allow ances. 68817... Stone Street MS . X . .725 i si:i . ..Kinan ler -is.. . I "i CSS.iOi . . .Jim Myers 10S 710 c.stco Colonel Brady 108.. X. • ■ b 7!»::. ...Rexall »N f03 68S90. . . . Petulant .is 7 x» 68S!© Wine Merchant 98.. ,.69u i;s-17. ... Van-el 98 6N3 t;s77i; ntoine 98..X.-675 6S793 Carat 93 670 Itssti:; Water Cooler 98. .X.. 670 68776 Bitter Sir 103 . 68890 Little Osage 98 636 Ma.-ias. ch. c, by Falsetto— SeviUa 103 Sixth Race — 1 1-4 Miles. 4 year olds ami upward. Belling. 68920 High Bear I. .102. .©..726 ■■■. ..S.-aliioek !.. 99.. . .720 68920 Vnna Day 4.. 97.. X.. 729 68920* ... Bendlgo 5. .111.. X.. 713 68743. ...Attila 8.. MB.. X.. 710 68020 Louise Macfarlaa 5. .106 7o3 68842. Sam ion 5. . 106. .X.. 709 68SSI5... .Oberon 4.. 99. .X.. 760 68822 .. r..ii-..liica 8. lo-..: i.:i. iisi;:a;-. . .Bellimliau 5. .106..©. .690 68020 Hoi eradish 4.. ■ .. C..690 -8822 Gauae I.. 102.. ©..683 68777 Lady Charade 4.. 97. . ..680 s-7! ...Moccasin Maid -».. 97.. ..680 liX842=...Trent»la I.-. 111.. ©..673 68893* M.ert Fir 5. .111.. ©..676