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CONDENSED HISTORY OF THE BROOKLYN DERBY. The Brooklyn Derby fell to the famous Hanover in he first year of its running and another grind coll, Fmperor of Norfolk, captured it- honors in Itl second year. It was first run at the orthodox Derby distance of a mile and a half, but in its aecowd vcar it was cut down to a mile and a quarter. In MM i! was restored to the correct distance. It has been marked by many sensational contests, an example being when in moO Ietruehio. in receipt of all allowau lea, defeated Kilmarnock and David iarrick in the fastest lime recorded in the history of this nee. It is BOW among the richest prizes of the year for three-year-oMa and iis record is as follows: * Year. First. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Wt. Third. Wt. Val. Time. IssT Hanover J. McLaughlin .. IIS Dunbine 118 Bronzomarte ...115 ,675 2:4: j isss Bmperor of Norfolk. I. Murphy. .US Sir Dixon U8 Irince Royal. ..118 3,740 2:0SJ IMS Cvnosure Fitzpatrick . .1 18 Carroll 118 Zephyrus 118 4.790 2:10+ IMO Burlington Barnes. .118 Torso 118 Kenwood 118 t ,9«0 2:122 1891 Russell Taylor. .122 Ambulance 117 Bolero 122 5,270 2:10 IMS Patron Havward. . 1-2 Charade 122 Mars 122 5,240 2:10J 189.°. Rainl ow Littleijeld . .122 Don Alonzo 122 Comanche 122 4,350 2:09i 1894 Dobbins Simins..l22 Assignee 122 Sir Excess 122 5,340 2:14i 1895 Keenan Griffin. .122 Counter Tenor 127 Sir Galaliad 122 4.C40 2:10+ 1S9K Handspring Doggett..l22 Intermission 117 Hamilton II 122 7.800 2:10* 1897 Octagon Sinitns . . 122 Buddha 122 Don de Dro ....127 7,900 2:10] 18MtThe Huguenot Spencer. .122 Previous 117 Latson 117 7.750 2:37i 1MB Ahom H. Martin. .119 The Bouncer 119 M Lend of Dare. 119 7.750 2:36 1M0 Ietruehio Spencer.. 1M Kilmarnock 1 " David Garrick . . 1 11 8.475 2:34 1901 Bonnibert Spencer. .112 Blues Ill The Farader 120 7.750 2::U3| 19412 Major Daingerfield Odom..ll8 Homestead 118 King Hanover. .120 7.750 2:37 IMS Whorler F. ONeill .. 1 is Golden Maxim IIS Merry Acrobat. .118 7.750 2:39*, 1904 Brvn Mawr Lyue.-ll.S Highball 118 The Southerner. 118 10.000 2:35 1905 Cairngorm W. Davis. IIS Migraine lis Merry Lark US 5.390 2:S4 ISM Belmere F. ONeill. US The Quail US King Henry ...IIS 9.475 2:37 ♦Distance reduced to 1 1-4 miles. tDistance increased to 1 1-2 miles.