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TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL Room 312. 3rd Floor, 59 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. THURSDAYS SPECIAL: 38-10-25-5-1-37-20-26-24. ENTY LIST : 700. POLLY PRIM, 4-5, WON, was yesterdays Special. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW Room 37, 71 Doarhorn Street, Chicago, 111. THURSDAYS SPECIAL: Florida, Money, Mosaic, Rlufjay. Ono-horse wiro, STANLEY FAY, 1-1, Wou. .00 per week. FOND HEART 7-5 Won Beat Bet DICK FINNLL 8-5 Won BEN STRONG 6-1 Lost were the liiree on our Daily Thrco norse Wire yesterday. Terms, .00 weekly; .00 daily. Grand Special goes Saturday. This one must absolutely win ami at a good price, or you get Free: 1st. A months subscription to the "Standard," unless price is 5 to 1 or better. Ud. Either a weeks subscription to out-Daily Thrco Horso Wiro or three Occasional Wires guaranteed 1 2. or next wire free unless he absolutely wins. Price For This Good Thing Is .00 Last one we had ou our Grand Special HOLLOW, 7-1, WON Thursdays Form Special: August Applo-87-57-7-51-10-80. The Standard Turf Guide Room 212, 2d floor, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. Occasional socs today. Will positively not m he given out until 11 a. m. WOODS DAILY 3 HORSE WIRE so cents Daily. Third Floor, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. YESTERDAY WE GAVE I DickFinnell 8-5 Won Petulant . . . .8-5 2nd Stylit .... 6-1 Lost OUR OCCASIONAL WAS: Bob. Kean, 20-1, 3rd AH subscribers to same wijl receive their money back, by calling at ollice, as it was guaranteed to run 1 -. Another Long Shot Today! Wednesdays one-horse wire at Rtighton Reach won in :i canter, let on tho job and buy good in-formation. It pays. Get wise. BILL LESTER and CO., Suite 37, 00 La Salic St., Chicago, 111. Tel. Main, 2928. Owners and Trainers. Daily, or 0 lor Six Guaranteed Winners. THE MONTREAL JOCKEY CLUB LifiVliTED course: offices: Blue Bonnets, Montreal. 11 St. Sacrament St., Montreal. Autumn Meeting: Saturday, Aug. 31, to Saturday, Sept. 14, Inclusive, Slakes Closing Saturday, July 27. For Three-Year-olds and Upwards. For Two-Year-Olds. The Saint James Handicap; Primrose Stakes; Value, ,000 Value, ,200. The Primroso Stakes, for two-year-olds. Selling. Guaranteed value, ,000, of which 00 to the Tho Saint James Handicap, for thrco-ycar-olds and K,.t.tHi .i 100 o the third. By subscription of upward. Cuarantecd value, ,-JOO, of which 00 ?0 v:lcUt , additional to start. The winner to goes to the second and 00 to the third, liy sub- 1m. ,.t,.r,.,i to be sold at auction for $:i.OOO. If scription of 0 each, 5 additional to start. fr ,ooo. allowed 5 pounds, then 1 pound allowed Weights to be announced on Friday, August :!0. for ,.:R.i, 00 down to . Selling price to be One mile and a furlong, named through the entry box at the course at 12. oclock noon on the day before the race, or to carry Ocean Gateway. Stakes; Value, "Lisht for a ,000. St. Lawrence Stakes; Value, Tho Ocean Gateway Stakes, for thrco-ycar-olds JJJ I QQQ and upward. Selling. Guaranteed value, ,000, of V which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. st. Lawrcnco stakes, for two-year-olds. Ouaran- Iiy subscription of 0 each, 5 additional to start. v:lIll,.f ,WH, of which hBJIO to the second and the winner to be entered to be sold at auction for ?100 t 1Ilt. lllirK At 5 IMllmis ,M,mv tht. sc.,i,.. . $:.,OQ0. If for less 1 pound allowed for each 00. f 1907.sh00, if non-winners of live races, down to ?u00. The selling price to lie named sxnowv, 7 10mls; if non-winners of three races, through. the entry Ik.x at the course at 12 oclock 10 ouuds; maidens allowed 17 pounds, noon on the day before the race, or to carry weight j-jvo furionpg, for age. Six furlongs. ; Champ De Mars; Value, ,000. Canadian Grand National Champ do Mars, for thrcc-ycar-olds and upward. SteepleClldSe; ValllC $,000. Selling. Guaranteed value, ,000, of which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. The winner Tho Canadian Grand National Steeplechase. A to be entered to be sold at auction for $",000. If handicap for four-year-olds and upward. Guar- for ,000, allowed 5 pounds, then 1 pouiul addi- anteed value, ,000. of which 00 to the second, tional for each down to $.",00. The selling and to the third, liy subscription of 0 each: price to bo named through tht: entry box at the 5 additional to start. Weights to be announced course at 12 oclock noon on the day before the three days before the day of the race, race or to -carry weight for age. One milo. Tho full course, about two miles and a half. NO PURSE LESS THAN 00. The Club trill fumlsli a Customs Broker, ivlio will attemlto all horses In bond without coat to owners, v A steeplechase every day. Two two-year-old races each day. All horse trains come to the unloading platforms at the Course. JOHN BODEN, Clerk of the Course.