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FORT ERIE ENTRIES. For differences in weight add or deduct 5 pointslto the pound. An extra gooil I riders averago -worth is 3 pounds. ; I Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 3 p. m. Chicago time, 2 p. m. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. First Race 7-8 Mile. 3-ycar-obs and upward. Selling. Ind. Horses. A. Wt. ndep. 70577 Gracchus 3. .101. . X - ;725 70500 Jigger S.. 07.. X.. 720 70G45 Lady Henrietta 5..100..X..715 70G27 Marimbo 4. .. !7. . X . .715 70302 Plantagenct . 7. .105. . X . .710 70027 Royal Legend 5. .104. . X . .710 70500 Gold Spray .. . ... 4.. 100 705 70124 Annie Berry 4.. 95.. ..705 7.0573 Helen II. Ill 3.. 93...... .075 70537 Battle Creek 5.. 103 050 Second Race Short Course, Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 70592... Tony Hart G. ,138. . X . .700 70512 Flying Plover 5. .142. . X . .095 70592?. ..Sam Parmer .- S..13S..X..G90 70575 Russell A. 5. .428. . . . . .GS5 70592 Little Wally 0. .138. . X - .CS0 70550 Bank Holiday G. ,!l2S. . X . .075 703;73... Merry George 5. . 135. .X.. 051 70139 Gohlenway 0.:12G.. 050 Third Race 5 1-2 Eurlongs. 2-year-oldf!. Selling. 70010s. . .Terah . . .-. 110. . X . .725 70010 Frescati .103. . X . .720 70593 Red nussar ...10S..X..715 l6o3. . .Edna Motter 9S. . X -715 70013. . .Styllt ".... 105. . X . .710 70029 Ahtoino : 101. . X ...705 70570s. .. Tom Shaw 100.. X-. 700 702SS. . . ,6. II." Shilling 103. .X . .700 705.93 Bewitched . .. ite. . X . .CS3 70593 Maxton lOS 050 70574 Drop Stitch . .103. . X . .050 Fourth Race 1 1-1G Miles. Canadain Sportsman Handicap. ,500 added. 3-year-olds and upward. 70557.. Peter Sterling 4. .111. 750 70590... Factotum 4.. 9S..X..740 70141... Charlie Gilbert 3. .109 .735 70557 . . .Solon Shingle 0. .105. . X . .735 70030.. Balhmaria 3. . S5. . X . -730 702S0. ...Tacomo 3. .112. . X . .725 Browii, Lercli and Mills entry. Fifth Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and iipvard. Selling. 70011 Charley Ward 3..100. . X . .725 70027 Bellmence 3.. 93.. X.. 720 70C273... Reaction 5.. 97.. X.. 715 70010 Cobleskill 3.. 102 710 70G30. Showmaiv 7. .112. . X . .710 705!0s....TnpIter 1 4. .102. . X . .705 70014... St. Jeanne 100.. X.. 700 70030... Frank Collins G. .107. . X . .700. 70013 Erlcula G.. KM. .X.. 050 Sixth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 70559... Lizzie McLean 4. .10S. . X . -725 70573... Glena MacBride "! 720 70030... misted 5. .105. . X ..715 70577... Webber 3. .107. . X . .710 70009 Ben Strong ; 3..10S 710 70011... Excitement 4. .ICS. .. .710 70030 Laura A. 3. .101. .X . .705 70012 ilalton 3.. 101.. X.. 705 70009 Beatrice IC 4.. 112 705 70009 Grace Kimball 3.. 99 700 Seventh Race 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 70590 CRAFTY 3.. 91 723 7057S...lele Strome 3.. S9..X.-715 70032... June Time 3.. 90.. X.. 715 7059Q Perfector 3.. 9G 710 70575 Evie Greene 4.. 95. .X.. 710 7057S Matabon ... 4. .104. -X. .700 70500 Reveille G. .102. . X . .095 70014 Harry Richeson 3.. SO.. X.. 090 70032 Little Boot 3.. S9..X..0S5 70578... Haniilcar 4. .102. .X . .GS5 70C11 Lamptrlmmer .t.. 3.. S9..X..G75 705:52 Mary Darby 3.. S9 075