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Mew York Entries and Past Performances for Monday June 22 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST W YORK ENTRIES Sheepshead Bay BayRacing Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 130 XRuns well in mud Superior mud runner First Race 5 12 Furlongs Futurity Course Course2yearolds AllowancesTrack 2yearolds Allowances 122ind Track record 20037 1011 2 122 ind Horses Kee A Wt Hdcp Hdcp75407s 75407s Wamba 1 3 115 750 750i i 1n Coiinty Fair 115 745 745TOM 54072 Edward lir 745 TOM Amrl iOSH 112 725 107 Joe Lett 115 710 1 15407 Hillside 123 705 73310 O U Kid 115 700 700Helen Helen Harvey 1 f by Star Ruby Dough ¬ nuts 112 H P Whitney entry entrySecond Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesTraek Traek record 03213 137H 3 101 71734 HESSIAN 110 750 7530 P Jubilee l40i 110 710 75220 Robert Cooper 143 110X735 75142 Black Oak 143 = 111 735 75121 Creation 141J 110 725 75510 Karls Court 111X725 75340 Rampage 100 710 710Third Third Race 58 Milo Turf Course Course2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Track record S550S 100 2 117 11754222flostruni 54222flostruni 110 X750 X750uJP7lliIIsido uJP7lliIIsido 117 7 751 t County Fair 11O 740 75341 Harrigan 122 X X740 740 75104 Torbelliuo 117 735 735754tK 754tK 735I17 Counterpane 107 735 I17 Unble 110 730 730107X730 5107 Wamboro 107X730 070 101 Iicaro 110 725 J7SS Balboa 110 720 tGoodheart b c l y Iaslisson Bon BonCoeiir Coeiir f V1I 1 Whitney entry tA Bcluiont entry entryFourth Fourth Race 34 Milo Futurity Cf Coney Island Handicap 3 KM a a3ycaroUls 3ycaroUls and upward Track record 01700 1108 j j71H 71H Jack Atkin 11 4 471il 71il Firestone 111 75170 Itiulto 1 ll J 7i02 Dnsimor 11S 7i4052 King Taiiiiss 1OSA 5in2iiby Wolf 1121 4 75510 Tiiuber 5 Ind Horses Rec A Wt 75410 King Cobalt 1OSJ 3 110 11075402s 75302 Berry Maid 1113 3 110 75402s Notasulga 3 100 00073 Wcstbury 4 10 5470 Bat Masterson 11U 5470 Roseben l12g 7 140 140V54032 V54032 Rosimlro l13g 3 0 75302 De Mimd 113J 4 115 75405 GoldLady 114 4 110 753072 Don Enrique i12i 4 100 100520SRoyal 520SRoyal Tourist 111 3 113 113iD340 iD340 Rampage 3 SS SSH H P Whitney entry Fifth Race G 12 Furlongs Turf Course 3ycarolds and upward Handicap Traek record 47207 110 J 1 OS 75345 Besom 3 li 0 750 75470 = Pantoufle 122 510 5107551C2 iilOOx745 7551C2 Far West 11 4 1 123 1237542fBaby x 745 7542fBaby Wolf 110 4 123 754405 James B Bridv 3 105 7532 Bed River r 4 112 22JT53103 5470 UosclHii 1 22J T53103 CresKina 5 5113X740 113 75440 Aletlieuo 110J 4 110 740 75307 Gretna Green 4 4 120 735 75300 Chief Hayes 122 5 00 735 75402 Peter Quince 3 3120 120 730 7520S3tBoyal Tourist 31J5 31J5T5031 T5031 Colonel Jack l20e 4 4110X730 110 51003Tonv Bonero 4 4 102 102700S4 X 725 700S4 Fond Heart 3 3102X710 102 0088S Brother Thomas 4 02 705 75403 Winning Star 3 J ii iir r li Keene entry entryIII III I AVhitney entry Sixth Race 1 310 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 31S25 lV t 3 KM 5171 Bad News 5444 Monfort 4 KM X 720 5144 TcniHceo 4 I0ii 0715 54002 Beanelere 4101X715 5442 Black Oak 00 710 5300 Tenancy by Courtesy 3 00 710 5521 Corncob 3 07 710 1005 Malaga 3 02X710 5521 Bed Friar 010SX705 751 12s Lord Stanhope 5205 Countermand 3 00 700 5521 700435S Cymbal 3JU 700 435S Dottle S 3 SO x 005 5240 Littleton Maid 202J 4 101 COO COOflOSO flOSO Sailor Girl 4 101 000 5403 Winning Star 3 80 xOOO xOOOThe The figures under Uee in above entries show the Inst time made by the horse at the distance since January 1 1000 Tills time is not necessarily made by a winner It may be the estimated time of a losing performance