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FOURTH RACE 34 Milo Futurity Course Coney Island Handicap 3ycarolds and upward 04700 1103 2 10S 10STACK TACK ATKIN b c 4 by Sain El Salado B Schrcibcr Weight today 135 1357519T 7519T Gvesend 1 116 1451 fast 85 121 3 1 1 1 I2 1s J Lee MasRobcrt GreLGrcen Montgomy Montgomy750SO 750SO Belmont 1 1S 152 fast 2 12G 222 2 22 2 E Dugan Celt Dorante 719S2 Belmont 1 116 1452 fast 85 129 3 1 1 1 23 23 E Dugan Tourenne LawPDalsy OHoncsty OHoncstyFIRESTONE FIRESTONE ch c 3 by Royal Flush III Modreda T H Williams ciht today 110 71231 Brighton 1 1392 fast 20 112 2 4 5 G 5 5 W Kuapp Uncle Spooner Mcelick 71010 Gvesend Ab34 110 fair 10 117 2 434 410iSandy Celt Uncle Meelick 7091 Sheepsd 34 l13i fast 8 121 4 2 2 2J 2 Sandy Meelick Julia Powel Live Wire HIALTO ch c 3 by Watercress Tcatro A J Joynor weight today aj 75170 G vesend Ab3 4 109J fast 5 1001 11 1 J I2 E Dugan Pantoufle Bat Masterson Colloquy 75172 Gvcsend Ab34 1092 fast 5 115 3 6 6 6 6 J E Dugan Roslmiro King Cobalt Bouquet 75054 Belmont 7i f l31i fast 7 102 4 2 2 2 2 V E JDugan Restlgouche Rockstone Zienap DREAMER b g 6 by Hamburg Forgot H B Duryca ight today 112 733921 G vesend Ab34l09i slop 4J 115 3 G 3 3 22 D McCthy PoterQnince KingCobalt DeMund 753 ° 1 Gvesend Ab34 l09i fast 5 110 2 5 5 Si Ih D McCthy Bat Masterson Roseben Notasulga 75170 Gvesehd AIJ31 109 fast G 103 4 76 5 i 5 D McCthy Don Enrique Parkview Jacobite XING JAMES b c 3 by Plaudit Unsightly J E Madden Weight today 107 7 493 SheeDshd 114203 fast U 9S 3 1 3 5 2 2 = J G Burns Ballot Fair Plaj Master Robert 75368 Gvesend l lHa Ha 2 33 fast 3J 122 3 4 4 3 22 22J W Miller FalrPlay Chapultepec QuesMark 75103 Gvesend 1 14 2041 slow 15 93 4 1 2 2 3h 4 Shreve Celt Fair Play Master Robert RobertBABY BABY WOLF br e 4 by Hamburg Geisb H P Whitaey Weight today 122 75402 SheeDshd GJf 119 fast 8S 110 3 22 21 1J E Dugan Bouquet Notasulga Falcada Falcada752fi3GveIend 752fi3GveIend Ab34 109 fast r3 1242 22 2 13 E Dugan KCobalt BMasterson Rapid ater SiSnt aterSiSnt 7812 sloph 122 1 t I I 2l B Dug n WWc FetcrQulncc TTjpnpro Wr vTfi TIMBER b h B by Ogden Xola A H P Whitney Weight today 118 1187551G 7551G Sheepshd f 1202 fast 85 340 4 1 1 li 1 B Dugan Saracinesca FarWest EarlsCourt 75193 Gvesend Ab34 109J fast 3 118 3 3 3 3s 5 5s s U Dngan Roscbcn Pantoufle Gold Lady 63165 SheepBay J f 119 fast 45 112 2 3 2 2s 1 Radtke Roseben Handzarra Watergrasa KING COBALT br c 3 by Cesarion Estelle Whitney Brownleigh ParkStable Weight today 110 75119 Gvesend Ab34 1111 fast 2 12G 4 11 I2 1 U McDanI Alfred Noble Roslmiro Explosion 75392 Gvesend AttW 109J slop 75 119 G 22 2J 3 = K McDanMPetcr Quince Dreamer Do Muud 75205 Gravesend 34 109 fast 3 112 1 1 1 I3 I2 R McDanI BWolf BatMasterson RapIdWater BERRY MAID b f 3 by Oddfellow Rubns F A Fowytha Weight today 11G 75392 Gvesend Ab3l 1095 slop 24 119 7 45 5i G J J Lee Peter Quince Dreamer KingCobalt 75217 Gvesend Ab34 110 fast 4i 12G 4 11 I2 I1 J Leo Cressina Julia Powel Zienap 75100 Gvesend Al 34 110 slow 7 109 3 1 1 1 2nt J Lee Roseben King Cobalt Big Chief ChiefNOTASULGA NOTASULGA b f 3 by The Commoner Touch Not A Hamel Weight today 10G 75192 Sheepshd GJ f 119 fsfct 3J 100 2 11 1J 34A Garner Baby Wolf Bouquet Falcada 75321 Gvesend Ab3l 1092 fast Si 109 4 1 1 iu 4 i J Lee Dreamer Bat Masterson Roseben 71420 Belmont 34 113 fast 25 115 2 2 2 S20 Horner Uncle Falcada Jim Gaffney WESTBURY b g 4 by Meddler Urania H P Whitney Weight today 102 709G7 Gvesend 1 18 153J fast 15 105 1 2 1 1 15 3 Notler PinsNdlos Perseverce IarkUow 70901 Sheepsd GJ f l19g good 5 114 5 4 2 22 2i Notter Jack Atkin Don Enrique Prejulcio 70S32 Sheepsd 1 139 good G 113 6 6 3 3 Z 47 Nottcr Electioneer KcntkyBean Ampedo BAT MASTEPSON ch c 4 by Frankfort Vanessa H t Schwartz Weight today 95 75470 Gvesend Ab3l 109J fast 31 104 4 5 4 41 3s Musgrnvc Rialto Pantoufle Colloquy 75321 GveseniT Ab3l 1092 fast 7 97 5 3 2 21 2h B Dugan Dreamer Roseben Notasulga 752G5 Gravesend 34 109 fast 20 98 4 44 3s 3 I McCthy KingCobalt Baby Wolf RapIdWater ROSEBEN b g 7 by Ben Stromo Rosa Leaf D C Johnson Weight today 140 75470 Gvcsend Ab3 4 109J fast 45 112 S S 7 710 G 2lGarmT Rialto Pantoufle Bat Mnsterson 75321 Gvcsend Ab34 1032 fast 710 142 3 4 4 41 3J Notter Dreamer Bat Masterson Notasulgii 75193 Gvesend Ab3l l09i fast 1320 133 1 1 1 I1 1 Notter Pantoufle GoldLady Minnie Adams ROSIMIRO ch c 3 by Pontiac Nil Desperandum W T Ryan Weight today 09 75493 Sheepshd 1140 fast 8 107 3 2 2 2 Ih 2J W Doyle Monopolist TuliaPowel ShadGlanco 75419 Gvcsend Al 34 lllg fast 4 108 1 2 3 32 35 W Doyle KingCobalt AlfredNoble Explosion 75172 Gvcsend Ab3l 1092 fast G 101 1 1111 11 W Doyle King Cobalt Bouquet Cohort CohortDE DE MUND ch c 4 by Goldfinch Graciosity P J Raincy Weight today US 75392 Gvesend A1 31 l09i slop 4J lir 5 34 41 4 1 W Miller Peter Quince Dreamer KingCobalt 7521 Gvcsend Ab34 109 fast 4 124 1 2 3 5 56 W Miller Dreamer Bat Masterson Rosebon 75100 Gvcsend Ab34 110 slow 3 125 G 3 4 41 5 ° iAV Miller Roscbcn Berry Maid King Cobalt 1107ilir GOLD LADY b f 4 by Goldcrost Lady Hiinmel A L Aste Weight today 110 7ilir Sliepshd 1 11 203 fast 15 107 11 11 12 It 10 = It5 C Koerner Ballot King James Fair Play 75420 Gvcsend 1 11G 148 fast 85 100 3 4 3 3 11 I5 Garner HomeAgain RWatcr HSovcrelgd 7E321 Gvcsond Al 34 l09g fast 30 107 G 6 G G GT S Flynn Dreamer Bat Masterson Roseben 10G75SC7 DON ENRIQUE b g 4 by Hastings Bella Donna Patchoguo Stable AVcight today 10G 75SC7 Gvesend 1 18 152 fast 5 US 422 2 2h 21 Dclaby GretGreen Dandelion Jtontgomery 75251 Gvoseiid 1 1lfi IMGg fast 115 10 1554 4 3 J T Kocrncr Tileing Grapple Saracinesca 75170 Gvesend AI 31 109 fast 15 100 2 22 2 1 li Delaby Parkview Jacobite JamesBBrady ROYAL TOURIST b c 3 by Sandringham Leisure H P Whitney Weight today 113 752 S Gvesend 1 14 2052 fast 3 111 2 2 2 5 36 K Dugan Ballot Montgomery Old Honesty 75220 Gravesend 1 l39g fast 1120 118 4333 I1 E Dugan Chapullcpec QucgMark Transvaal 75121 Gvcsend 1 116 l4Cj fast 12 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 E Dugan Live Wire Kobert Cooper Creation RAMPAGE ch c 3 by Ramapo Mnsliana T L Watt Weight today 88 75316 Gvesend 1 11G 140 fast 2 112 S 4 5 r 71 10 li MeDaif IVorkvilleBeau Fascinator Montaui 71071 Gvesend fi f 1OS hvy 10 102 4 3 2 31 3 Notter Bellwether Big Chief Halket 709IS Gvesond 5J f 1OS fast 7 110 G 12 2 22 Horner Goldfmn Milford Bolando II P Whitney rntry Timber Baby AVolf and Royal Tourist