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FIFTH RACE 31 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Selling OOOO 1PJ a 100 HERRICK ch g 5 by Golden Garter Bianca J C Milam Weight todiy llli 75327 l itonia 1 111 fast 145 115 212 1 lh 2J Warren StoneStrect Phuilhinil B Itrninniel 7525 Latonia 31 l14g fast 75 113 2 11 1J I3 Warren Barru lale Timar Hazelthorpe 75150 Untonia 31 115J slow910 117 2 22 2l 3 3r r Pickens Joe Moser Deacon Lady Carol GENEVA S b f 3 by Sain Dorfargilla B Bchreiber Weight today 96 75521 1itonia 31 l13g fast 15 51 1 054 = 2 C Ross K M Fry Lady Carol Taniar 75373 Uitonia 31 111 fast G Sfi 4 3 4 2J 1i Ilnfnagel liasc Canopian K T Sliipp 75325 Ivitonia 7S 128 fast 70 22 2 1 3 4 4 4 Ilufnagel Rustle Hannibal Bey Hazelthorpe HOLLOW b c 3 by Holstein Follow T B Hayei Weight today 9D 75317 Lalonia 34 1148 fast 115 M 1 10 S 8 76i Franklin Margaret T Mattle Mack Oasis 75030 Louisville 31 1138 fast 225 95 2 22 3l E Martin TopRobinson Mannorean IdaMay 749W Louisville 55 f l07g fast 125 101 3 54 5 10 Pickens Petulant Belltoone Bitter Sir TCHORD ch g G by Gotham Addie Me E Alvey Weight today 109 5318 Uitonia 34 1144 fast 195 UK 1 S 7 9 7B5 T Taylor Tamar Beth Goodwin Tolin Ivouis 74101 S Anita 34 113 fast 7 109 3 1 2 2J 1 T Taylor Creston Boy Pal Toller 73707 S Anita 5S 1001 fast 25 110 3 1 2 15 21 T Taylor Wistaria La Ghata Anna May GEORGE YOUNG b c 4 by Ben Bramble Kinks J D Grant Weight today 109 75C2 10975C2 Latonia 7S l27g fast 12 111 411 1 1 = 2 Troxler Rustle ET Shipp Fnniculaire 75125 I atonin 7S l27r fast S 110 12 10 S 7 33 3 Blacklk MMack Dorasettc MvQoftlielCosca 154 Latonia 1 l4lg slow 150 111 422 4 4 4toiBhieklck Plantland Bottles Warner Griswell GriswellRALBERT RALBERT b g 6 by Albert Emily R E Corrigan Weight today 109 74SS3 10974SS3 Louisville 31 115 good 40 31112 11 11 12 = 12 W Ott SIIill Meadowbreeze DanDancer 71SGS Louisville 5J f 1 09J bvy 3 IOS 1 2 2 2 35 V Powers Minor ShirleyRossmoreKTShipp 74742 Louisville Bi f 107 good GO 116 1 455 G4J V Powers Barnsdalc Toplofty Bonebrake MERRIFIELD ch g 3 by Don de Oro Budget of Fun J P Ross Weight today 90 75372 Latonia 34 114 fast 12 91 7 75 5 = 56i T Sieele Miunehaha Demo Knlist 7529S Latonia 31 11G good2910 90 12 9 10 11 118S Franklin Doiialdo Alsatian Goldess 750S1 Louisville 31 113J fast 55 91 4 4 4 4 55i T Steele TKobinson Mlnot Mendowhrcezc BETH GOODWIN ch f 3 by Holstein Perversity Hughes Bros Weight today 94 75124 Latonia 31 l15i fast 17 105 5 4 4 41 5 = i Pickens Tamar Joe Moser Margaret T 75318 Latonia 34 114J fast 14 91 10 2 4 4J 2 = K Martin Tamar John Louis Bess Ward 75223 Latonia 31 ll4g fast 10 92 5 5 5 Gi 55 K Martin Lady Carol Meadowbreeze Rustle SORREL TOP ch m G by Hermence Sunny Locks I B Fitzgerald Weight today 107 71533 Latonia 31 114 J fast 15 107 4 4 4 5l 5 J 15 Riley Dainty Belle Fay Xoliua 70117 Latonia 31 1171 hvy 101 G 75 4l 5 Pickena Agnes Virginia Nelictte Tsara 70013 Latonia 34 1171 mud 111 3 2 3 4s 45 L WilllamsCaper Marmorean Viperinc ViperincROYAL 10775ir ROYAL ARTILLERY b g 4 by Royal Flush III Artilla G Hcndric Weight today 107 75ir Latonia 7S l27g fast S 107 077 30 11 11AT Taylor Muttie Mack Dorasette Geo Young 709GS Toronto 31 l14g fast 4 107 5 3 3 33 21 1 Lee Photographer Grifteii Mary Darby 623 19 Louisville 4i f 55 fast 100 101 7 88 8IBiPirm Warn Griswell 7 Marmorean MarmoreanHYPERBOLE HYPERBOLE b f 4 by Sandringham Hypatica Mm R A Anthony Weight today 107 71GS4 Iatonii 31 1204 hvy 25 100 S S 7 7ID 5T Pieratt Ilalbert Free Booter Javanese 71025 Javanese7159S Lalonia 1 l47g hvy 5 9G G 5 5 4 4 4 = J Keppler Little Lighter DogRose Javanese 7159S Latonia 34 119 hvy 25 105 S 7 0 3J 3 = Keppler Marvel P Refined Kleinwood KleinwoodINSPECT INSPECT ch c 3 by Inspector B Haste M Young Weight today 90 7rOf S Louisville 5J f 1 C J fast 12 105 9 7 13 13l 142S T Steele DanDancer BGoodwin BItlerSir BItlerSir7151G 7151G Latonia 5S l01fe fast 12 112 1 4 5 G1 S C H ShlllgMacias Stoneman Lady Martha 71225 Latonia 58 l01g fast 12 110 7 57 G = G PIcbens Hasty Agnes Divorcee Vasanta BROADWAY GIRL h m G by Aloha Broadway Belle Mrs R Bradley Weight today 107 5010 Kenning 1 143 good 100 112 5 5 G G 9 93AT CliandlerAgile Red Knight Sally K KGC1SG GC1SG Iinilieo 31117 i mid 20 105 4 22 3i 37 J Schaller Osslncke Akbar Pettie Bouncer BouncerFLOSS FLOSS S br m 5 by Handspring Mary Agnes J C Ellis Weight today 107 71528 Latonia 31 115 fast 40 IOS 4 14 14 Pull upMountn AVirginia FNuii MyQoctlieRoses 70123 Latonia 1 11G 143 hvy 100 S G 7 S 8 S35 V Powers PrincessOrna Envoy Blaze oLight 69941 Latonia 31 1141 fast 105 8 97 7l 9to V Powers MatMack AVirginia Marmorcan