Hamilton Racing Statistics., Daily Racing Form, 1908-06-21

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HAMILTON RACING STATISTICS JockeyOlnbs During the eleven days of the Hamilton Jockey Olnbs spring meeting ut Hamilton Out which came to a close yesterday seventyfour races nine of them steeplechases were decided The total dis ¬ tribution In stakes and purses was 020 TUis money went to seventyeight owners of whom the following thirtyseven won 400 or more each eachOwners Owners 1st 2d 3d Amt AmtJ J Dyment 2 1 2335 2335W W H Mosby 4 1 2 1800 1800W W Jennings 4 0 1 1700 1700J J W May 4 1 0 1500 1500Valley Valley Farm Stable 5 1 2 1400 1400J J E Seagram 0 5 1 0 0E E A Brennan 1 4 3 1343 1343Fairport Fairport Stable 3 0 1 1230 1230A A L Poole 2 1 0 1180 1180C C Meister Jr 2 1 1180 1180A A M Orpen 2 3 2 1120 1120E E F Miller 2 2 0 1050 1050Mf Mf Nicoll 2 1 3 05 05J J U Strode 211 835 835J J S Tyree 2 0 0 795 795A A Bailer 1 1 5 780 780M M Delorey 1 0 0 C70 C70A A G Weston 1 2 3 C15 C15M M A Rawllnson 1 3 0 CIO CIOA A W Maybee 1 2 1 550 550JJames JJames 1 3 0 540 540A A Turney 1 2 1 525 525A A Case 1 1 0 485 485L L V Bellew 120 480 480P P Gallagher Ill 475 475Mrs Mrs H I Miller 120 455 455C C A Crew 1 0 2 455 455J J A Sykes 111 450 450W W Gerst 102 430 430Mrs Mrs W Webb 1 0 0 425 425C C C Smithson 10 0 420 420Prospect Prospect Stable 1 O 1 415 415G G E Dudley 1 1 0 415 415R R S Davidson 0 1 2 410 410J J H Doaue 1 0 1 405 405T T F Coles 1 2 0 4GO 4GOT T G Molinelli 1 0 1 400 400The The moneyearning horses numbered 127 of which the following fortytwo won400 or more each Horses 1st 2d 3d Amt AmtUncle Uncle Toby 1 0 0 1450 1450Cave Cave Adsum 3 0 1 1400 1400Please Please 3 0 0 1000 1000Night Night Mist 2 2 0 1050 1050Marksman Marksman 2 1 0 910 910Hawkama Hawkama 2 0 0 820 820Cheek Cheek 2 0 0 705 705True True Boy 2 01 765 765Temmeraire Temmeraire 2 0 1 705 705Balbek Balbek 1 1 0 745 745Miss Miss Imogene 2 0 0 725 725Brown Brown Tony 2 0 0 G0 G0Braggadocio Braggadocio 1 0 0 G70 G70Petulant Petulant 1 0 0 C70 C70Bilberry Bilberry 1 0 0 070 070Sam Sam Parmer 1 1 2 G40 G40St St Jeanne 1 1 1 C35 C35Butter Butter Ladle 1 s 0 CIO CIOHerman Herman Johnson 1 2 1 550 550Terah Terah 0 3 1 535 535Redondo Redondo 1 2 0 480 480Lurid Lurid Ill 475 475Edgely Edgely 1 1 1 475 475Caunie Caunie Maid 1 2 0 475 475Millstone Millstone 120 455 455Caper Caper Sauce 1 0 2 45T Aralla 1 0 2 455 455Purslane Purslane 1 0 1 455 455St St Valentine 1 1 0 435 435Colonel Colonel Faverdalu 1 1 0 435 435Moongold Moongold 100 425 425Bound Bound Brook 1 0 0 420 420Trackless Trackless 11 O 415 415Jubilee Jubilee Juggins 1 O 0 415 415Ida Ida Reck t 0 1 415 415Ayr Ayr Water t 0 1 415 415Royal Royal Onyx 1 0 1 410 410Patriot Patriot 110 410 410Rridoon Rridoon 1 1 O 405 405Ilandniore Ilandniore 1 0 1 405 405Plcktlmw Plcktlmw 1 1 O 405 405Wilton Wilton Lackaye I 1 0 400 400The The stakes decided during the eleven days were as fellows Hamilton Derby June Uncle Toby 1450 1450Tnckett Tnckett Stakes June 13 Petulant 070 070Uarttm Uarttm Steeplechase June 1C Bilberry 070 070Grants Grants Spring Brewery Stakes June IS Bal Balbek bek C70 C70t t Went worth Plate June 20 Braggadocio C70 C70The The percentage of winning favorites was good for th eleven days of racing as the following record will show showNumber Number of days 11 11Number Number of races 74 74Winning Winning first choices 2C 2CWinning Winning second choices 15 15Winning Winning outsiders 33 33Winning Winning at oddson 4 4Defeated Defeated at oddson C CPercentage Percentage of winning first choices 35 35Fairbrother Fairbrother heads the list of jockeys for the eleven days of racing with twelve winners and a percentage of twentyone The total amount of money he won for 1he various owners he rode for was 5300 The record of the jockeys riding at tha meeting is as follows Jockeys Mts 1st 2d 3d Unp PC PCFairbrother Fairbrother 5G 12 C 0 29 21 21Harty Harty 4i f 4 7 23 21 21McCabe McCabe 34 7 3 2 22 21 21NIeol NIeol 28 C 8 4 10 21 21J J Foley 40 0 3 4 27 15 15Kennedy Kennedy 41 0 10 3 22 15 15Whittling Whittling 24 1 4 10 12 12Devericb Devericb 32 3 fi 1 22 01 01T T Rice 47 3 7 34 00 00J J Schaller 25 2 2 2 10 08 08A A Murray 7 1 0 0 0 14 14Shea Shea 12 1 0 2 OS OSJ J Baker 15 1 2 0 12 07 07J J A McFadden 15 1 O 1 13 07 07I I Armstrong 1C 1 0 0 15 00 00Quarrington Quarrington 22 1 4 2 15 05 05W W Ott 23 1 0 0 22 04 04The The following Jockeys had mounts to the number numberopposite opposite their names and linished third or better but did not ride a winner Jockeys JockeysBliimenthal Mts 1st 2d 3 lUnp Bliimenthal J Conlln Dubei Goedike J R McFadden Phair Abshire 12 0 0 E Griffin 15 0 0 Rosen 14 0 0 Watts r 4 0 0 1 3 3The The following jockeys had mounts to the number opposite their names but were never in the money W moneyW Allen 3 Corsey 1 Desmond 8 Diggins 4 IcDermott 1 Goines 1 Horter 1 Hatchett 3 Heaphy 1 Liebert 2 Malion 1 A Mitchell 1 R Powell 3 A Williams 2 The record of the steeplechase jockeys and gen ¬ tlemen riders during the meeting is as follows followsJockeys Jockeys Mts 1st 2d 3d Unp PC PCT T Rae 5 2 0 0 3 40 40Archibald Archibald 1 1000 100 100Mr Mr KHgour 1 1 0 0 0 100 100W W Allen 2 1 0 0 1 50 50Groves Groves 3 1 0 0 2 33 33Bowser Bowser 4 1 0 0 3 25 25Simpson Simpson 5 1 3 0 1 20 20Dayton Dayton G 1 2 1 2 17 17E E Stone 7 1 1 4 1 14 14The The following steeplechase riders and gentlemen riders had mounts to the number opposite their names and finished third or better but did not ride a winner winnerJockeys Jockeys Mts 1st 2d SdUnp SdUnpRay Ray 30111 30111Mr Mr Case 1 0100 0100Hayes Hayes 4 0103 0103Beamish Beamish 2 0 0 1 1 1Mr Mr Hammond 1 0 0 1 0 0Rosteck Rosteck 30021 30021G G Wilson 20101 20101The The following steeplechase jockeys and gentlemen riders had mounts to the number opposite their Jiaines but were never in the money Brazil moneyBrazil 1 Bernhardt 2 Fricker 1 Mr Hendrie 1 P Hagan 1 E Kelly 1 J Murphy 3 Mr McPhie 1 Mr Obsier 1 Pending 1 G Pierce 1 Pemberton 1 Renn 2 Vogt 1 1The The record of the trainers sending winners to the post during the meeting was as follows followsAustin Austin J J 1 Kluber G 1 1Bailer Bailer A 1 Llttlelleld B T 3 3Beal Beal N K 4 Luzader F 2 2Bellew Bellew L V 1 Mar J W 4 4Black Black G 1 McDonald E H 1 1Boyle 7Boyle Boyle R 1 Meagher J 1 Brazil I 1 Miller R F Cedar W 1 Molinelli A Cole B L 2 Mumford S Coles T F 3 Nicoll M Cook W 2 Nixon J 3 IMxou JC 4 OllTer W L 2 2Dudley Dudley G E 1 Phair C 2 Dyment J 4 Phillips P Frayling J K 1 Ray W Gallagher P 1 Sherrard W Graver J W 2 Strode J U Hatchctt W L 3 Sykes J A James J 1 Turney A Jennings W Jr 4 Weston A G Kee J M 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1908062101/drf1908062101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1908062101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800