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THE MONTANA FUTURITY OF 1910 1910Butte Butte Mont August 2l The following notifica ¬ tion regarding the f0K Futurity to be run here In IJIO has been sent out by Harry Stover secre ¬ tary ClubMontana of the Bntle Jockey Club Montana Futurity of lil 5 entrance at time of closing 10 forfeit if not declared by August 1 1001 20 forfeit 1C not declared by November 15 1000 100 additional to start Coltstp carry 118 pounds fillies 115 pounds Xonwiiincr 6f a stake allowed five pounds maidens ten pounds The Butte Jockey Club will guarantee the value of the stake to be S5000 of which 1000 to the sec ¬ ond and r00 to the third To be run at the sum mer meeting at IJutte Mont 1010 Entries to close December 15 11WS Four and onehalf fur ¬ longs