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DEPARTURES FOR CUBA YESTERDAY. New Orleans. La.. November 20. C. L. Jones, of the firm of Smith and Perry, who are financing the Havana meeting, arrived from Galveston. Texas, where he went to superintend the shipment of horses to Cuba, but found that the ships leaving Galveston were not prepared to handle that sort of business. The stalls .on the ships were very small and the accommodations- not nearly so good as could he obtained on the boats leaving New Orleans. He imme-ditely notified horsemen of thees conditions. A big consignment lot the horses quartered at City Park, besides those coming from Texas, will be shipped on the Excelsior, leaving port tonight. The Texas consignment wilt consist of Melange. Hand-me-down. Kingthorpe. Kitty Mason, Lady Mnritana. Elder. Miller Boy. Autumn Maid. Chief Hayes. Momentum. Moyea. Miss Topsy. John A. Munro, IConite. Bitter Man. Reside. Reticent. Fernando. Malta and several yearlings. Jack Baker, who shipped to Cuba from New York, cabled track that the outlook for a successful meeting looked very bright and that the plant, was first-class. Edward Garrison. W. C. Father Bill Daly. Jule Garson and W. O. Scully have asked for stable room at the Almaudares course and will send their horses down from New York some day this week. The following is a partial list of the jockeys who will take part in the Havana meeting: Kennedy. Troxler, A. IMartin. Ilanlon. Hinchcllffe, Warren. Walker, Pickens. Hogg. Ott. F. Burton. Brannon. Muleahey. Griffin, A. Burton. Glassner. Young. J. Fogg and Lawrence.