Oakland Entries and Past Performances for Friday, November 27, Daily Racing Form, 1908-11-27

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i ! , , , . , , , ! , Oakland Entries and Past Performances for friday, November 27. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK GOOD. OAKLAND ENTRIES. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A. Wt. Hdcp. 7S3023 Silver Sue 105 1:112 5..109..X705 Racing starts at 1:40 p. m. Chicago time, 3:40. 75187 Avona 107 1:132 4.. 104 705 X Runs well in mud. Superior mud runner. 7S310 Royal N 4.. 112 700 First Race Futurity Course. Fourth Race 7-8 Mile. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 2-year-olds. Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 7S261 1:24? 3111. Track record: 71S17 1:0S 2 99. 782S53 Sempronium ,.. 100 750 Ind. Horse. Wt Rec. A. Wt. Hdcp. 7S3112 Rubia Granda 10C..X745 78310 Yellowstone 110 1:142 9..107..X7O0 7S311 Madman 11S..X745 CS2SG Cheers 105 1:132 4..109..XC95 7S323 Schleswlg 95 1:2S 109..X745 72S05 Gage Taylor 3..104..X690 7S272 Gretcheni G 95 730 72375 Surety 4..109..XC9O Fifth Racandii Mile. 7S2713 Dovalta 112 1:122 3. .104. .. .090 AU ARes. Selling. 78273 Pasodella 4..109..XCS5 Track record: 69104 1:3S? 195. l83i fratricia R M1- 7S3153 Curriculum 97 1:44 4..11T..X725 .S2.3 Merry-go-round ... 5..109..X080 7S3012 Sempronl , 2.. 9S.....720 Second Race Futurity Course. 78323 Miss Highland .... 2. .90. .X715 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 78300 Be Thankful 1011:41 3..112..X713 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 78245 Rose Cherry 4..112. .X710 Track record: 71817 1:0S 2 99. 78300 Military- Man .....112 1:41 7. .115. .. .705 7S32C3 THE ENGLISHMN C..112..X725 7S302 Herodotus 110 1:402 5..120..X700 7S276 Distributor ....109 1:12 7..109..X720 73852 Byronerdale 8..117..X700 75S33 Big Store 110 1:142 4..104..X715 Sixth Race 3-4 Mile. 74S70 San Gil 97 1:13 3.. 104.. X 710 3-year-olds. Maidens Allowances. 7S335 Warden Yell 3..104..X710 Track record: 7S2S9 1:112 3 110. 7S315 Plausible 109 1:132 4..109..X705 7S2712 Burnell " 112.. ..700 7S259 Millie R 4.. 109 700 7S29D Francis Joseph 103.... 695 73740 Karenuina 3.. 99.... 700 78312 gan 0ak , 100.... 690 Third Race Futurity Course. 72394 Sexlaw 112 6S5 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 7S271 Yankeet 112 6S5 3-yearKlds and upward. Selling. 7S271 Gazolo.. 112.... 685 Track record: 71817 1:0S2 2 99. 78299 Alcibiades 112 080 782202 Priceless Jewel ... 3. .104. .725 78335 Mike Asheim ..... 112,.. .6S0 7S310 Kokomo 102 1:11 4..109..X720 The figures under "Rec." In above entries show 70015 Hal 103 1:112 3..104..X715 the best time made by the horse at the distance. 7S3103 Forerunner 10G 1:091 C..109..X715 with weight carried, since January 1. 1906. Thl3 7G999 Baboo 3.. 104 715 time is not necessarily made by a winner. It may 732G9 Derdom 91 1:131 4..109..X710 be the estimated time of a losing Derformance. LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED TODAY. FIRST RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 71817 1:0S2 2 99. Index Course BIstTimeTckOdds Wt St StrFin Jockey Best Company". YELLOWSTONE, ch. g. 9. bv Rey el Santa Anita Florilla V. H. Terry. Weight today 107. 78310 Oakland 3-4 l:15g mud 75 107 C 5 5 Fell. Coburh . Marion Rose. Magrane". Forerunner. 7C9S0 Seattle 1 l:40g fast 8 107 4 4 3 G 72 8,2lCoburn J. Simpson. Pot.Grande. VonTromp. 7C903 Seattle lm70y 1:45 fast, 12 103 G 4 3 3 23 25 Coburn Salable. Gracious Dame. Leg.Form. 76655 Seattle 3-4 l:13g fast 15 107 1 2 3 21 45 Coburn Haber. Azora. Ben TrovatOi CHEERS, b. g, 4, by Darebin Rose of the Glen Keene Bros.. Weight today 109. CS2S6 Oakland F C l:llg fast G 100 10 12 11 92 GS FJ Dugan O. Price. Galvestonian. Alta Spa. C8203 Oakland 51 f l:0Sg fast 25 113 5 8 5 21 42 T Rice M. Amelia, Sycamore. Pr. of Castile GAGE TAYLOR, b. g, 3, by Montana Felonia J. M. Crane. Weight today 104. 72S65 Oakland 3-4 1:17 slop 30 90 5 3 7 7J ll23 Kirsehm Lord Provost, Big Store. ShadyLad 72739 Oakland F C 1:13 hvy 15 102 7 3 G 8 8211R Davis Mansard, Big Store, Jockey Mounco 72483 Oakland 3-4 1:18 slop 7 104 4 3 2 2l 431 R Davis Vronsky, Last Go. Alta Spa 68141 Oakland 5-8 1:012 fast 40 103 4 2 G 82 818 G McLlln Raleigh; Heather Scott, Husky. SURETY, b. g, 4, by Rapallo Artiste T. W. Flynn. Weight today 109. 72375 Oakland 1 1:482 hvy 18-6 115 1 9 7 7 Ci 511 Jl Davis SamMcGibben. Col.Warwlck.AltaSpa 72320 Oakland 7-S 1:29 slop 25 107 9 9 S 8 S20 7" Scovilie Huerfano, Nappa, Captain Hale. DOVALTA, b. f, 3, by Altamax Dovey Montrose El Primero Stable. Weight today 104. 78271 Oakland F C 1:112 fast 30 112 9 4 2 31 31 Mentry Sonalto, Burnell. Trust. PASODELLA. ch. f. 4. by Del PasD II. Zepha L. Copening. Weight today 109. 7S273 Oakland 3-4 1:142 fast 100 113 5 5 5 C3 7i G McLhlinCalla. May L. N.. Kokomo. 7C242 Oakland 1 1-16 1:47 fast 30 102 2 4 5 9 91 8" Post Day Star. Bauble. Eckersall. . 7485G Oakland 1 1:44 mud 40 127 11 10 11 10 10lo109 Hherton Gateway. High Gun. Ten Oaks. 74681 Oakland lm70y l:43g fast 150 9S 5 7 8 8 72 7", A Harris Ocean Shore, Daruma, Cadlchon. PATRICIA R., b. f. 3. by Bathos Woven II. F. Farrington. Weight today 104. 7S271 Oakland F C 1:11 fast 60 112 4 3 6 10 11241G McLhlinSonalto, Burnell, Dovalta. 74924 Oakland 61 f 1:07 fast 100 95 7 9 11 12 1222lMorse Fern L.. Bannatyne. .Sir. Angus., 74306 Oakland 1 1:432 fast 150 117 10 5 10 12 12 1223!Gargah Onatassa Humeror Cayenne Cora; 7380S Oakland- 7-8 l:29: fast 100 107 12 llll 11 11 111G MclillnSteel Blue. Humero, ExipectanC MERRY-GO-ROUND, b. m. 5. by Ogdcn Merrily F. Lowno. Weight today 109. j 78273 Oakland 3-4 1:14J fast Co IK! 1 f 7 S S"iW Miller Calla. Mar L. N.. Kokoiuo. 1700 Oakland 1 1:423 fast 30 97 C 3 C G 7 Earnshw Im Joe. Royal Colors. Integrity. 1 C1C3S Oakland 1 l:42i fast 50 102 6 1! .1 6 5g 38i Kunz Tom Roberts. J. F. K.. RoyalColors SECOND RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 8-year-olds and upward. Selling. : 71S17 1:0SJ li 99. ; THE ENGLISHMAN. h. h. 6. by Sorcerer Porfumo A. Locwcnstcin. Weight today 112. 7andi26 Oakland lmSOy l:45g slop 3 110 C 1 1 1 1 33J V Powers Lady Alicia. Bellmence. Rotrou. ; 7S302 Oakland lm70y 1:17s slop 5 110 S 5 4 3 4-h 41 W MclnrcRhinock. Bellmence. Silver Sue. j 77013 Seattle 1 l:40g fast 6 108 11 10 10 11 9l 9" J Hayes Aftermath. Buster .Tones. LogalForm 7G0SID Seattle 1 1:40 fast 15 110 10 9 9 12 12 12 Rettig My Bouquet. Standover. Utholln. 76S55 Seattle 1 1:402 good 9 112 5 3 3 3 3 3s W MclnrcAlraa Boy. Redwood II.. Dr. White. : DISTRIBUTOR, ch. g. 7. by Crescendo Rcta F. J. Neil. Weight today 109. 7SJ7S Oakland lm70v 1:4.2 fast 4 107 3 3 3 3 3l 5,,AKirschm Metlakatla. .T. R. Laughrcy. Pleiad. 7S1S9 Oakland GJ f 1:214 fast 7 107 6 C C 4 2 2-1 King Amada. Royal N.. San Oak. 7C9S0 Seattle 1 l:40g fast 10 109 2 2 2 3 31 55J G Archibd.T.Simpson. PotreroGrande. V.TromD 7KS70 Seattle 3-4 1:13 fast 12 101 5 7 4 43 4 Coles Aftermath. Webber. El Chihuahua. 7G712 Seattle lm50y 1:4 lg fast 20 102 4 2 2 2 l1 35 Coles Sachet. Ripper. Rhinoek. BIG STORE, ch. g. 4. by George Kesslcr Drowsy H. G. Bedwell. Weight today 104. J 7..S33 Seattle 1 1:103 fast 13-5 104 5 1 2 2 2 C95 Lycurgus Altar Boy. Lustig, Confessor. , 7i-7.16 Seattle 3-1 l:13i fast 13 109 7 5 0 3l 34 Lycurgus Bannatyne. Rudabek. Beaut.andBest SAN GIL, b. g, 3. by Indie Zuleika C. Reed. Weight today 104. 71X70 Oakland F C 1:111 good 13 103 12 12 12 12 1210 ,T MclntyrcEmma G., Ttirnaway, Old Settler. 71817 Oakland F C 1:12 slop 12 97 3 1 1 l-l 3J A Walsh Emma G.p Old Settler, Turnaway. 74342 Oakland F C 1:11 fast 20 1 02 1 10 9 S1 711W Kelly Banonica, Lackfoot, Cuernavaca. 742S2 Oakland 65 f 1:07? fast 30 102 3 1 2 in 35J W Kelly Adena, Saint Modan, Walter Miller WARDEN YELL. br. c. 3. by St. Avonicus Jrlarcie A. Parker and Fields. Weight today 104. 7K333 Oakland 3-1 l:icg slow 12 110 7 0 4 4 47 Lycurgus M. Asheini. Elevation, Prestige. , 7Si2l Oakland ltn70y 1:462 fast 20 112 2 4 2 4 73 71J J Hayes Col. Bronston. Merrill. My Pal. 781V3 Oakland 1 1:41 fast 40 101 7 4 4 2 21 54 Lycurgus B.PulIman. Can.Kennedy. SirWesley 78107 Oakland lm70y l:45g fast 40 97 11 9 S 7 7 G"JRussell M.Jordan. Remember. County Clerk i 737G9 Oakland lm70y 1:4G fast 7 107 10 8 10 9 Si 78i J Hayes Henry O., Ten Oaks, Confederate. PLAUSIBLE, ch. g. 4. by Plaudit Ida Pickwick E. Dealy. Weight today 109. 7 .15 Oakland 3-1 l:lf.g mud 100 109 7 5 f Gl Gi3KG McLlin AnnaMay. Bellelvinney, Curriculum -7G937 Seattle 7-S 1:2S slow 11-5 107 6 4 3 4 4h 6and C SullivanMcl.tr. Sevorton. Taunt. 7li902 Seattle 3-4 1:13? fast 8 109 5 3 1 li 5J C Koerner WorkandPlar. VonTromp. Pep.andSalt. 7G.S23 Seattle 7-S 1:274 slow 7 9S 5 2 2 4 G2 G B Wilson VoxPopuli. Ed.T.Fryer. M.Mazzonl MILLIE R.. b. f. 4. by Reminder Rival S. P. Tate. Weight today 109. 7lo0 Oakland 3-4 l:13g fast 100 105 S 7 7 1- 7 Sweet TheMlst. SilverStoeking. Dol.Dolhirs . 7G995 Seattle 3-4 1:148 fast 25 109 G 7 7 2 2 W McInreKorosilany. Mondella. Bonheur. 7G9SI Seattle 1 1:41? fast G 109 3 3 2 2 2J 2 A Harris Red Ball. Buster Tones. .Tobn.T.Mohr 1 76903 Seattle lm70y 1:45 fast 15 105 10 10 10 11 10 S17 W MclnreSalable. Yellowstone. GraclousDame. ! KARENNINA. b. f. 3, by Sir Hercules Ellen G. P. McNeil. . Weight today 99. ;,w4G Oakland 51 f 1:0U fast 50 103 9 S 9 3 8UMcntry Boas. Dareington, Wap. 73321 Oakland F C l:l0g fast 40 10S 4 2 4 4nk 910JMentry Recne W., Galmoore, Billy Mycr. 720::fi Oakland 5-S 1:003 fast 10 102 2 1 3 4- 5s Mentry St. Bede. Kerry, Herlves. 71931 Oakland 3-4 1:142 fast 15 10G G 2 2 G3 6 Mentry Harvcl. Baboo. Coeytus. THIRD RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 71S17 , - 1:08 2 99. PRICELESS JEWEL, br. f. 3, bv Plaudit Par Exccllcnco R. L. Thomas. Weight today 104. 7S.-J0 Oakland 3-1 l:15g fast 7 109 1 1113 2 A Walsh R.Mycr. Uncle Sam. Cant. Kennedy 7G001 Windsor 3-1 l:13g fast GO 99112 11 11 10 10 G Swain Ida Reck, Refined, BelleoftheBay. 75.iOS Montreal 3-4 1:142 fast 10 102 G 4 G 6 5s C H ShirgMontbert, Adrian, Lajeunesse. 75259 Montreal 5-S 1:002 fast 3 10G G 3 3 4 GiC H ShilgTenakoe, Manhelmer, Lawless. 75134 Toronto 3-4 1:154 fast 7-10 117 6 3 5 6s 6"JFrancis Sandal, Jane Swift. Cruchc dOr. KOKOMO. b. ft, 4. by Dunois Maggie J. M. J. Hayes. Weight today 109. 7S310 Oakkml 3-1 l:15g mud 4 110 9 G fi 5- l7 J Hayes Marion Kos Magrane. Forerunner. 7Si7; Oakland 3-4 1:14 fast 6 113 3 1 2 2 3 J Hayes Calla. May I. N.. Bed Era. 7X19. Oakland fil f 1:184 fast 12 109 4 5 5 55 5,31J Hayes Astronomer. Smil.Mety.ner. V.Tromp 7G727 Seattle 3-4 1:132 fast 1S-5 114 2 G 4 Gi 7 J Hayes Duleitiea. Zclina. Korosllany. 7G593 Seattle 3-1 1:134 fast 11-5 107 9 4 3 33 31 J Hayes BelleKinney, St.Francis. LadyKitty HAL. ch. g. 3. bv Hastings Donna do Oro F. Regan. Weight today 104. 7;to Seattle 5-S 1:00 fast Hi 102 S i 7 71 7,G A Walsh Kerry. Galves. St. harles. 7j11 Seattle 1 1:402 good 25 105 1 5 5 5 7 7" A Walsh May Sutton. St. Kilda, Colbert. FORERUNNER, br. h. G, by St. Carlo Instigatrix J. Fitgzorald. Weight today 109. 7K31G Oakland 3-4 1 :15g mud 2. 109 5 2 2 ?,-S 3,;l. Keogli Marion Rose. Magrane. Kokonio. 7 !! Oakland 3-4 1:14 fast S" 119 4 2 3 5 54J G ArchibdS.Metzner. FreeK.theBear. Merrill. MM. Oakland 3-4 1:13 good 5 114 G 2 3 43 4s W Dugan Tocolaw. Mistys Pride. Ruby. idVGi Oakland 7-S 1:2G" good S-5 109 4 2 1 1 2 li L. Willms Pr. Titania. Soufricre. Haviland. BABOO, b. f. 3. bv St. Leonards II. Virginia. Rcol S. C. Nuckols. Weight today 104. 7GU99 Seattle 1 1:40 fast 13 09 4 3 5 7 S- SCoburn My Bommet. Standover. I.itholin. 7G903 Seattle lm70y 1:45 fast 4J 97 1 1 2 4 91 10 A Walsh Salable. Yellowstone. Gracus Dame DERDOM. b. g, 4. by Filigrane Belle of Butte A. White. Weight today 109. 7:;::3 Oakland 1 l-Ki l:li2-fast U-o 101 fi 7 6 5 5l G-JJuo CanollMon. Maid, Wolfville. Q. Alamo. 7X09 Oakland F C 1:14 slow G 119 12 9 7 fii 33 Leeds Kmma G., Prince Brutus, Balreed. 73152 Oakland 3-11:18 livy S 111 11 9 2 5-- l2 Leeds El Otros, Catherine F., Altair. 73117 Oakland lm20y 1:494 hvy 16 111 G fi G 4 If 3s Leeds The Captain, Wolfville, Celeres. SILVER SUE. ch. m, 5. bv Hawthorne Minnora W. M. Caino. Weight today 109. 7S302 Oakland lmVOv 1:47 slop 15 107 3 1 1 1 35 31.1. Russell Rhinoek. Bellinenee. T.Knglishman. 7R245 Oakland 3-1 1:1 lk fast 7 119 3 G 7 S2 S9 Russell Curriculum. Goldena. Royal N. 7f212 Oakland lm70y 1:15 fast 12 109. 3 4 4 4- l"c 23 Rettig Peggy ONeal. Cobleskill. Eekersail 75140 Oakland lm70y 1:154 fast 9 107 5 2 3 5 5i 451 Rettig Maxtress. Cobleskill. M.M.Bowdish. AVONA. b. f. 4. bv St. Avonicus Orollana F. Roso. Weight today 104. 7.1S7 Oakland F C 1:10? fast GO 103 9 9 9 9 103,.A Harris Berryessa. Mechlin. Webber. 7J30G Oakland 3 1 l:13g fast GO 102 7 7 7 S2 S21 Ar Kelly Marwood. Ytuhi. Ben Stone. ROYAL N.. br. c, 4. bv Royal Flush Naples Hamilton Stable. Weight today 112. 7X310 Oakland 3-1 1:159 mud 9 112 3 10 10 10 1032?.C Koerner Marion Rose. Magrane. Forerunner. 7;215 Oakland 3-1 1:1 M fast 7 122 1 3 3 2J 32 Rettig Curriculum. Goldena, Red Era. 7S1S3 Oakland Gi f 1:214 fast 15 110 3 4 3 3 3 33 Rettig Amada. Distributor. San Oak. 7Sini Oakland Pi f 1:07 fast 200 122 7 10 10 10 10lRettig Hereafter. Von Tromp. Merrill. 7.V19I Oakland 3-4 1:12 fast 200 105 7 7 7 72 717 Cboneau Nagazam. Progress. Bucolic. 7317S Oakland 3-1 1:15 slop 100 109 S 9 10 10 1018 Mentry Dick Wilson, Nappa, St. Edgar. FOURTH RACE 7-8 Mile. 2-yoar-olds. Handicap. 782011:21!- 111. BEMPRONIUM. br. c. 2. by Scmnronius Tody Smith W. E. Applegate. Weight today 100. 7X-- i Oakland 5.. f 1:00 fast 13 NO 3 fi 5 4l 30i A Wal.h Madman, Clvtto. Captain John. 7v,3 Oakland 5ifl:06 fast 31 9S 1 5 5 33 SJSA Walsh Corytto. Strike Out. Toll Box. 78193 Oakland 3-4 1:13 fast 2 105 7 G 4 13 A Walsh Toll Box. Aunt Kit. Jim Ilauna. 77722 Louisville 3-4 1:144 fast 7J 110 13 " 12 S 53 3i A Walsh Mrs.Sewall. Miss Crittenden. Procla 7TG51 Louisville 3-1 1:I4M fast 23 111 S 7 7 5 52 A Walsh Christmas. Aspirin. All Red. 77580 Louisville 3-4 1:13s fast 6 103 G 5 4 3i 48 A Walsh Dr. Holzberg. Alchemist. Aspirin. RUBIA GRANDA. b. f. 2. bv Grecnan Tho Great Ruby T. H. Williams. Weight today 106. 7S3H Oakland 5 S 1:01-; mud 12 102 fi 5 3 32i 22.1. Gilbert Madman, Little Jane. Strike Out. 7G500 Saratoga 6J f l:0Sft fast 5 10G 4 2 2 3h G75 Sweet The Gardener. Sandpiper. Fore. 7G1G7 Brighton 5J f 1:0S slop G 107 2 1 1 1 lJ W Miller S.Thistle. Royal Captive. Traveller. 7G01S Brighton 5-S 1:01R fast 2 109 1 1 1 l2 1 W Miller Lady Selina, Arionette. WiscMason 75SJ2 Brighton 5J f 1:08J good 3 9G 3 4 3 2 l2 Sweet Clef, Indomitable. Enlield. MADMAN, b. c, 2. bv Hastings La dv Madge J. Jones. Weight today 118. 7x311 Oakland 5-S 1:012 mud 7-20 101 4 2 1 l3 l-i C H ShilgR. Granda. Little Jane, Strike Out 7S285 Oakland 5i f 1:0G fast S 109 1 1 1 l3 P O H ShilgCotytto. Sempronium, Captain John. 7S2 17 Oakland F"C 1:091 fast 6 105 1 1 1 l5 I2 A Walsh Schleswlg. Moorish King. Rosamo. 7S152 Oakland 5-S l:01j fast 11-5 10G 7 11 11 11 H,siA Walsh Toll Box, Palo Alto, Micaela. 78101 Oakland 5-S 593 fast 13 100 3 3 3 3i 4i Upton RIghteasy. Listowel. Tom nayward SCHLESWIG. b. c. 2. bv Planudes Untcrock S. C. Hildreth. Weight today 109. 7S323 Oakland 5 f l:0Si slop 9-5 9S 3 2 2 23 ll Upton Righteasy. Apto Oro. Wamloro. 7S247 Oakland F C l:09g fast 9-10 105 4 2 2 2-1 2- Upton Madman. Moorish King. Rosamo. 7751G Belmont 3-1 1:124 fast 11-5 105 G 5 5 52 53 Upton Statesman. Footpad. Royal Captive. 77395 Aqueduct 7-8 1:27 fast 5 95 2 1 1 2 21 33 Upton Delirium. Live Wire. Footpad. 76f-57 Sheepshd 3-4 1:12S fast 10 112 5 5 5 5 523 J Leo Trance. Sea Cliff. Bobbin. 76540 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 15 87 5 1 5 6J 67 Rossi Delirium. Bouuuet. Dreamer. GRETCIIEN G., blk. f. 2, by Nasturtium Thanks W. Hawke. Weight today 95. 78272 Oakland F C l:10g fast 15 103 5 5 0 52 514 Post Force. Sempronl. Aks-Ar-Ben. 73051 Oakland 35 f 414 fast 100 93 6 5 S SI4iA Walsh Seattle, Mozart, Woodlander. 73306 Oakland 3-8 354 fast GO 9S 12 10 10"JW Kelly Modeua, Minnie Bright, Roulon. 73229 Oakland 3-8 352 slow 30 101 3 92 9,3JJ nayes LadyRensselaer, Madrileno. Erbert. FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. All Ages. Selling. C01O1 1:3S- 195. CURRICULUM, blk. g, 4, by Hastings Carlotta S. Judge. Weight today 117. 78315 Oakland 3-4 l:15g mud 12 109 1 4 3 3i 3 XV Miller AnnaMay, BelleKinnev. VonTromp. 7S245 Oakland 34 1:14K fast 2 119 2 11 lli 1J G ArchibdGoIdena. Royal N.. Rel Era. 74SSS Oakland F C 1:104 fast 40 10G 8 9 9 92 9lsJManilers Pal, Triumphant, J. W. ONeill. 74G7G Oakland 3-4 1:144 fast 10 1 20 6 5 S 71 7aJ Manders Talarand, Triumphant. RoyalRogue 74391 Oakland 3-4 1:15 slow 3-5 110 9 9 8 51 G13JManders Magrane, Dr. Crook, Wap. SEMPRONI. b. c. 2. bv Sempronius Armiel W. E. Anplegato. Weight today 98. 7K.S01 Oakland 5?. f 1:0S slop 4 110 4 2 2 33 2l A Walsh Ilazlet, Toll Box. Novgorod. . 7S272 Oakland F"C l:10i? fast 2 103 G G 4 32 2 A Walsh Force, Aks-Ar-Ben. Bold. 7S223 Oakland 5J f l:07g fast 11-5 110 1 5 3 33 1" A Walsh Mozart. Flgent. Prudent. 7S170 Oakland 6 f 1:074 fast 8 103 3 3 1 S3 3 A Walsh Force. Figent. The Drake. 77G1S Louisville 3-1 1:132 fast 1G 102 2 3 3 42 57i A Walsh AlicuBaird. Dr.Holzberg. Arionette. MISS HIGHLAND, b. f. 2. by Sain Highland E. Schreibcr. Weight today 90. 7S323 Oakland 51 f 1:0X4 slop 7 90 7 S 5 G fi12 Deverieh Schlcswig. Right easy. Apto Oro. 7X297 Oakland 5J f 1:104 slop 7-10 97 5 1 1 1 I3 Deverieh Beau Mau, Marchcsa, Cowen. 78219 Oakland 5 f 1:0S fast 3 109 2 2 2 11 34i V Powers Novgorod. Aunt Kit. HarryStanhope 74313 Belmont 5-8 1:01$ slop 10 9S 4 5 4 4i 43 S Flynn Taboo, Right Sort, Gliding Belle. 74823 Belmont 41 534 fair 15 9S 3 3 41 51 G Swain Royal Captive, Nasturtla. Taboo. 74789 Belmont 1-2 48 hvy 12 100 10 10 92 77 G Swain Personal, Lucille R., Lady Irnia. BE THANKFUL, ch. g". 3. by Handsome Crest O. Turck. Weight today 112. 78300 Oakland lm70y 1:474 slop 9 102 G 7 G 4 4l 41HlSweet B.PulImau. SirBrillar. Col.Bronston 78190 Oakland lm70y 1:454 fast 7-5 102 3 1 1 1 l3 I1! Kirschm Milshora. Rotroii. Rosy Light. 7C959 Seattle lrnSOy 1:43 fast 35 103 5 1 2 7 75 510 G ArchibdKing of Mist. Wap. Midmont. 7GGS9 Seattle 7-S 1:274 fast 8 108 S 9 8 9 71 3 D Boland Orillamb. Gracious Dame. Wap. 7G029 Seattle 1 1-4 2:05 fast 10 95 9 G 3 3 31 58 Page J. F. Donohue. My Pal. Arcourt ROSE CHERRY, ch. f. 4. by Rubicon Rio Honda F. J. Neil. Weight today 112. 7X245 Oakland 3-4 l:14g fast 71 119 5 6 5 5"fc 51 King Curriculum. Goldena. Royal N. 78116 Oakland 3-4 l:14g fast 4 112 5 3 2 22 381 E Lynch Aftermath. Cholk Hedrick. Melar. 7G977 Seattle 3-4 1:12S fast 100 9G 1 6 8 S S"iGIass Ida May. Bucolic. Fireball. 7GS99 Seattle 3-4 1:132 fast 13-5 109 5 1 1 Is 1 Coburn Birdie P.. Bonaventiire. Bogohama. 76745 Seattle 3-4 1:142 mud 30 103 2 2 4 4s 4" Mentry Abbey. Miss Fairbanks. Anna .May. MILITARY MAN. ch. h. 7. by St. George Fanfare Oakland Stable. Weight today 115. 7S300 Oakland lm70y 1:474 slop 7 105 S 4 8 7 8 714 Russell R.Pullman. SirBrillar. Col.Bronston 7S275 Oakland lm70y 1:464 fast 45 107 1 3 5 5 5i V.-h Russell Ed Rail. Cloverland. Soring Ban. 78236 Oakland 1 l:41jj fast 18-5 107 4 7 7 7 7 4S1 Russell Ed Ball. Phalanx. Kermit. 7S191 Oakland lm70y 1:45 fast 1S-5 100 3 3 4 5 5 in Russell Spring Ban. Orchan. Charley Paine. 78117 Oakland 11-8 1:55 fast 6-5 105 4 4 4 4 44 441 Russell Mlko Jordan. Lazell. Orchan. HERODOTUS, br. h, 5. by His Highness Alhada Kenil worth Stock Farm. Weight today 120. VS302 Oakland lm70y l:47g slop 21 110 5 G G G fil 58 Kirschm Rhinoek. Bellmeuce. Silver Sue. 78273 Oakland 3-4 1:142 fast 20 11G S S 8 7 67 Kirschm Calla. May L. N.. Kokomo. 7S120 Oakland 3-4 l:13j fa:;t GO 110 7 8 8 8 S17 Piper Anna May. Nagazam. Belle Kinney. 74151 Oakland 3-4 1:14 fast 10 115 7 G 5 10s 91" Stuart Boggs, Sycamore, Curriculum. BYRONERDAXE. b. g. 8. by Jim Gore Briganza J. M. Crane. Weight today 117. 73852 Oakland 1 3-16 2:01 fast 7 111 3 3 3 3 72 G71 W Miller Tonic. Blue Eye3, Arcourt. 73711 Oakland 4 7:1G fast 17 112 2 1 1 3 4 4" R Davis Big Bow, Livlus, BcnvoIIo. 73G53 Oakland 2 3:292 fast 8 108 3 3 5 5 521 4"iR Davis Big Bow, Miss Rlllie, Red Leaf. SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-ycar-olds. Maidens. Allowances. 7S2S9 1:11s 3 110. BURNELL. br. f. 3. bv Bannoekburn Mrs. Brunell P. Zimmer. Weight today 112. 78271 Oakland F C 1:114" fast 11-5 112 3 2 3 2l 27 King Sonalto, Dovalta, Trust. 78133 Oakland 3-1 1:142 fast 25 102 7 4 2 3"t 471 C Ross Nebulosus, CaptainKennedy. Adena. 72195 SantaAnlta 7-S 1:27 fast 12 105 G 4 4 4 52 7" Goldstein Wise Child. Velma C L. Cavanagh 72427 SantaAnita 5-S 1:01 fast 10 107 3 5 5 41 5 Goldstein Barbette. Velma C. Nellita. FRANCIS JOSEPH, b. g. 3, by Sain Thcresia B. Schreiber. Weight today 103. 78299 Oakland 3-4 1:15? slop 100 111 S 10 10 10 10231V Powers Nebulosus. Billy Bowlegs. Wap. 7S271 Oakland F C 1:114 fast 8-5 112 S 9 8 5nk 5 V Powers Sonalto, Burnell, Dovalta. 7S232 Oakland 3-4 1:13 fast 200 106 5 G 6 6 6" Keogh Anna May, St. Francis. Gosslpcr II. 78208 Oakland 3-1 l;12f fast 100 115 8 8 8 8 8 V Powers Bellwether, Anna May. Hereafter. SAN OAK, ch. c. 3. by Innsbruck Nonio C. Sanford. Weight today 106. 78312 Oakland F C 1:118 mud 500 10S 1 o 5 74 S28lRettig Bellwether, Deutschland. Col. Jessup 78189 Oakland 61 f 1:214 fast 15 109 1 5 5 G C2 4 E Lynch Amada. Distributor. Royal N. 78133 Oakland 3-1 1:142 fast GO 110 5 5 6 52 691 Et Lynch Nebulosus. CaptainKennedy. Adena. 76707 Seattle 3-4 1:14 fast 20 106 2 3 4 8l 11JE Lynch Magrane. S. McGibben. Bonaventure 76421 Seattle 3-4 1:13? fast CO 103 3 7 5 52 63 F White Bonton. St. Charles. Orillamb. 72G66 Oakland 5-S 1:03 slow 30 109 G 7 5 5a 6" J Uaye3 Smiley Corbett, Bardonia, Galves. SEXLAW. b. f. 3. by Bassetlaw Sextant Marin Stable. Weight today 112. 72394 Oakland 3-1 1:174 hvy 100 100 8 9 S 5s 531 A Walsh Marian Casey. Sophomore. Alice F. 7215S Oakland 5-8 l:02g hvy 15 112 9 8 3 S 71 Sandy Amada. Fern L.. Orchota. YANKEET. b. f. 3. by Yankee Doodle Tootsy R. Live Oak Stable. , Weight today 112. 78271 Oakland F C 1:114 fast 10 112 11 10 12 12 12 Kirschm Sonalto. Burnell, Dovalta. 750G9 Oakland F C 1:11 fast 60 106 2 10 10 10 919 Scovillo Bardolita. Bello Brady. Mrs.Nugent GAZOLO. b. g, 3, by What-or-Lou Loving Cup M. A. Waldon. Weight today 112. 7S271 Oakland F C 1:UJ fast 10 112 1 11 10 9l 8"JKcoch Sonalto, Burnell, Dovalta. j 1 : ; ; j : ALCIBIADES. ch. c. 3. by St. Avonicus Titina F. Wilson. Weight today 112. 7S299 Oakland 3-4 1:15?! slop 200 107 11 11 11 11 H24lBorel Nebulosus. Billy l?ovlegs. Wap. 75049 Oakland 1 1:404 fast GO 106 1 8 8 S S S4a Borcl HighGun. SnlntModun. BeThankful. 74032 Oakland 1 1-16 1:474 fast 1G 90 7 3 5 4 5s Buxton Rhinoek, Mary B. Clark. Huzzati. 73950 Oakland 7-S 1:2S4 fast 12 112 7 3 3 3 5 G01 J Mclnre Walter Miller Sanplper, Orchota. MIKE ASHEIM, b. g. 3, by Sir Hercules Amelia May W. P. Magrane. Woieht today 112. 78335 Oakland 3-1 1:162 slow 60 110 2 1 1 l3 l4 A Walsh Elevation, Prestige. Warden Yell. 7S271 Oakland F C 1:114 fast 1G 112 6 5 4 62 6iRussell Sonalto, Burnell, Dovalta. 7S183 Oakland 61 f 1:21ft fast 20 103 7 7 7 7 7 61 Russell Amada. Distributor. Royal N. 76574 Seattle 3-4 l:13jj fast 60 99 4 6 3 ll2 12 B Wilson St.Charles. Mondella. Su.Johnson. 7G1G4 Seattle 51 f 1:07 fast 30 103 S 0 3 9 9201W Kelly Galves. Colbert. Nebulosus. 73763 Oakland lm70y 1:46 fast 40 107 3 12 12 12 12 1242 Butwell Henry O., Ten Oaks, Confederate.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1908112701/drf1908112701_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1908112701_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800