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NOTTERS GERMAN CONTRACT CONFIRMED. Is To Receive High Salary and Fees for Mounts Marrone Moves to Washington. New York. December 1. George Walker, trainer for the stable of iM. Weinberg of Germany, verified Hie report of the engagement of .Toe Notter to ride for that stable next season. "Yes. the contract with Notter has been signed." said .Mr. Walker. "It is for two years and Notter is given a retainer of .5,000 a year. Of course, lie will have his regular fees for winninsr and losing mounts besides this. The contract calls for Notter to ride at 110 pounds, which is alxmt the lowest riding weight in Germany, as the majority of the races are at much heavier weights. "I have been looking fora boy to ride with Korb. i lightweight who has been in the employ of the Weinberg stable for several seasons. By the way, Korh is an American loy and comes from Newark. N. ... and I took him over there several years ago and put him to work. "I like Notter and think that he will be a valuable boy for us. He will go over im March, which is plenty early foi him to get accustomed to his new surroundings. 1 expect to remain in this country for some time and will make a trip to Tennessee, and also go to Canada, returning to Germany in February." Mr. Walker said that the American jockeys did well in Germany this ---ear. Iteiff finishing second. OConnor third. Shaw fourth and Korb fifth on the list. Mai-rone, who has been wintering his horses at Gravesend. has shipped his stable to Washington. Marrone has a suit against the Washington Jockey Club, which will .be called shortly, ami lie decided to be on the ground ready for the trial. George Kraus contemplated shipping to Hot Springs, but lie changed his niind1 and now says that lie will keep all his horses at Gravesend until spring. A majority of the trainers at Gravesend are keening tlwir horses on edge in anticipation of an early meeting at Hot Springs. Word comes from Lexington. Ky., that John E. Madden has- announced his intention of establishing a breeding farm in France. Mr. Madden has so- lected Ogden as the stallion to head his new stud and twenty-five mares from his namburg Place will make up a consignment to be shipped from here next Saturday. Mr. Madden has engaged Peter Whinner to take his- horses now quartered at Washington to ixis Angeles and race them the rest of the whiter. Notter has just finished the most successful season of his career, due in a measure to being connected witli tlie great racing establishment of James R. Keene. He liegan the year riding at New Orleans, where he was quite successful, having the mount on several stake winners, including the City Park Derby winner. 1 On January 29 Notter rode four winners ami one second out of five mounts, and on February C again rode four winners, including the winner of the Premier Stakes. When the eastern racing season opened, Notter went to New York to ride for James It. Keene. Having the mounts on some of the best horses In the country, it is not surprising that Notters name appears in connection witli most of the big turf events of the past season. He rode the winners of forty-eight stakes, among which the most important are: Withers Stakes. Belmont Stakes. Brooklyn Handicap. Suburban Handicap. Tidal Stakes. Coney Island Jockey Club Stakes. Advance Stakes, Hopeful Stakes. Century Stakes and the Futurity. The total value of all the stakes in which Notter rode the winners, represents the vast sum of 09,375. Added to tills sum the purses of overnight races, Notter earned for the various owners for whom he rode the sum of 52.147. , When the first announcement was made of L. tne negotiations for Notters services it wis thought that aie might be engaged by James K. Keene to ride for lilin iii England. If James Rowe had gone abroad to train Mr. Kecnos horses, ho would certainly have tried to take Notter witli him. for he considers him one of the best riders he ever had and has great confidence in him. It is also said that Notter was somewhat averse to going abroad, but as he is a shrewd lad he would certainly not overlook a chance, to secure a -well-paying lerth. Winnie OConnor, who has been riding for the Weinberg stable, returned to France at the end of the season in Germanv. where he intends to remain. This left the Weinberg stable without a first-class jockey, in coiwequence of which trainer Walker was instructed to secura a capahle rider in America. Walker evidently regarded Notter as good material for ills stable and immediately offered sufficient inducements to bring about tlie above mentioned results. Notters record for tha past year is as follows: Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P. C. S51 245 174 134 20S 28.78