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HORSES IN THE WILSON STABLE. R. T. Wilson. Jr.. the newly elected president of f the Saratoga Racing Association, will have eighteen j tl omughhrt d racers to carry his silks this season and they are at present ipiarlered at Belmont Park in charge of trainer T. J. Ilealey. Besides the older division, which include such good ! ones as Monfort and Aletheuo. there are eight two-year olds in his string, four ;if which were bred by ", Clarence II. htaekay. A bay colt named Candle berry is a half-brother to McCarter and deemed i promising. All the horses in the string have wintered well 1 and are in fine condition. Trainer Henley is con . flilent thai Moufort will rice as well as he did last , year and will be a hard one to beat. The coinpelte list of It. T. Wilson. .Tr.s horses with their nanus and pedigrees is here given: Aletheuo. ch. h. 5. by Ornament — Fndecided. Beaucoup. ch. c. 4. by Ornament — Ollie Belle. Chesasrtnc, eh. c. : . by Ornament — Chilpiipiin. Falcada. ch. C. 4. by Woolsthorpe — Falerna. G.iuleniotzin. ch. c. 3. by Mexican — Money Box. Mauviette. b. f. X by Mexican— LAlouette. May River, b. g. 3. by Watercress— Shaft. Monfort. ch. h. ." . by Ornament — Eleanor. Sanguine, ch. c. 4. by Ornament — Alarming. Yardstick, br. c. 3, by Woolsthorpe — Grenadine. », Candleberry. b. c. 2. by Ben Brush — Candle. Zacatecas. br. c. 2. by Mexican — Soncy Lass. BrushbriMiin. h. c. 2. by Broomstick — Senoritn. Responseful. b. f. 2. by Meddler -Schulaniite. M. voana. ch. f. 2. by Mexican -Hanoatia. Brown colt. 2. hv Meddler— Heartache. Bay colt. 2. bv Banastar — Brilliantiue. Bay filly, 2, by Meddler— Gunfire.