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JACKSONVILLE ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track good. Racing starts at 2:.i0 p. in. dlieago time. 2:30.1 X Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 3 year-olds and upward. Maidens. Allowances. Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A. Wt. Hdcp. SH7SI Rose Axkle 100 1:18* 3.. 95 723 sosos- Lillian Leigh 3. . 88 720 80888 Left Over 3.. 100 713 iSlx2 Kenuiare Queen 3.. 95..X7L". So::29 Dear Maria 4. .106 710 S0731 Lyehoriuda 4. .106 710 so7S4 I.adv Chilton 8.. 95. .X710 80841 Half Sight 3.. 17 70.". sosji Kttty Fisher .!.. H..XT8S M 2:i3 Dene 4.. 106 70n miTsi Hon Astur 99 1 :20J 3. .106 700 S071S p. j. McCarthy ... . 3 ..97 700 Second Race — 1 Mile. 3-vear olds and upward. Selling. 80843* Malediction 112 1:42* T..18S..XHB MistxiJ Auspicious 108*1:42* 4. .107 72 i siiscl-! Elysium 102 1:48] :;. . 8B..XTU sos-27 Gallileo 98 1:44* 4. .109 713 S07S7 .leanctte M MS 1:48 3. .100 713 sosoT- Belle of the Ball... S4 1:48,1 3. .100 710 80787" Bitter Hand 95 1:41 6. .111 . . X703 80728* Onaniosa 94 1:48? 3.. 93..X705 S08422 Enlist 4..107..X7O0 80750 Ora Sudduth 100 1:45* 4..102..X700 Third Rati. — 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 88888 Dr. Young 99 2:06 S..184..X7XB 80789 Judge Sauflev T..188..X728 80828 Separator 4. .107 715 sosih; Miss Yigilant 96 1:56? 4..M2..X715 ~ "-t- ointcnuand 110 2:88 4. .112 710 80843 Paul 107 l:57jf 7..109..X710 80803 Helen Virginia 5.. 102 710 im v2:;i Oroonoka 96 1:56 4..1O0 703 8078B H. art of Hyacinth. 6. .107. . X 703 80884* Goldspink 8. .104. . X 703 S07.-.O Hugh Fnrrell 4.. 104 700 MIS43 Besterlitig 102 1:53* 7. .104. . ©700 Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. S0S43 Youthful 92 1:07* 4. . 104. . X723 80827* Momentum 106 1:07 5.. 99..X720 SOS44- Don Hamilton 8..M4..®715 80805* No Quarter 98 1:07? 3.. 98..X715 SHS44 Anna Smith 94 1:06:1 6. .10.-,. . X715 siisj- Kiamesha II 106 1 :0S2 8..108..X7W S0S0I Hitdslaver 112 1:111 9..95..X710 ,S I76N Gordon Lee 4.. 98 70T H0822 May Jene 107 1:11 4.. 88 703 MI7V", Nioless ■ .. Sh . . . . 71 ■ 80431 Malta 99 1:081 3..1O9..X70O siisl2 Castlewood 102 1:06* 4..10O..X70O Fifth Race — 5-8 Mile. 4 year olds and upward. Selling. S07::l Ties Joli 95 1:04* 5.. 97..X72". 80453 Fancy Dress 118 1:01 7.. 97..X720 Hksot Fresh 102 1:01* 4..104..XT13 sos4i; Kingthorpe T..84..X7U SOS12 Tackle 105 1:031 4. . 97. .ffi7f. soil:; Donaldo 102 1:02* 4. . 97. . X703 80751 T S. MeAlister ... 4..107..X7O0 siiTL7 Griften 99 1:02* 5. . 88 700 88731 Imk Carnation ... 7.. 92 7-30 Sixth Race— 5-8 Mile. 4-vear-olds and upward. Selling. 80825 Halifax 110 1:01* 6. .101.. X 723 80863 Billie Hlbbs 114 1:01* 4.. 97..Y720 80846* Vendor 108U:14S 6..99..X715 SH469 Silvers-kin 7. .106. .0710 sosc, 1. 111 v Young 7.. 97..©71o 80783 Reside 103 1:01* 3. .102. . X703 7sii2 Earls Court 4.. 97..X705 ■ 77177 Dixie Gold 4.. 102 M 79376 Bonora 8..99..X700 Ralph W.. eh. li. hv Pe e p olay — Thought 5..100 Tlie figures under "Rec." in aliove entries show tlit- best time made by tlie horse at the distance. with weight carried, since January 1. 1906. This I time is not necessarilv made by a winner. It may j be the estimated time of u losing pt-rlurotapce, I