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BETTING ON NEW YORK TRACKS. System Will Be Radically DiiTerer.t from Former Free-for-All Bookmakinp. There will he i» beafensnUMC on rlie New York Irarka. bsM from areaml imlicaiions Hsera will in-little or SH inifi fen-ni ■ ■ with indh iilnal HSM I slla lion. Ylii-n seven] ini|ioii.:nt iioints bare been sot-lli-il by llic easjrta anil some fceMsjsM are looko«l in soasi H is Ulii-vid that the ewnsty untlioi-it i - ill be nnii-li better infornn-il as to the reajafaaaaeasa • ■• the Hart Asaea bear thaa they wen last year. Tin in i hi la ijiy i.f i-a imr. therefare, aeaMsaa almost !ioiiv upon ii»- ahOltj of Use pabHe to u-i aa the haraM uiiiumt fear of arreat. ami if nacre bj eaas i..!iaiiv -iy atala salaast it la ■reaUetesl that the saatratiamaa traeka srlll mo* be able to Ui-t aa tlieir feet ■ In siiili- of the way tin- m-w law snbl enfon-i il laiU year." said ■ race track lawyer yesterday, "there i- im-iv reaaaa ta hetieae thai mistaki-s arere ssaste wlin li i-aiinoi be repeated. 1 aa aat beileae that the foraser aerate at hat of raee traek reirahira will he at!.:i-ii aaaia. »r ail the askncl rlaiatata tt inlaw aha win- arreaseal. aearehea, iiuli-icil aad n-leased oa bail in tliis stale HUM si-ason. not esse lias beea i-oiivii-leil. anil I am leiiabi inlornn-l few will i-vii be braaxhl to trial, because of a ceacral laeh of erlaaawe. She fart thai rariaaa cacai inliiiKs have shown thai ii is leaal ta stake aval wagera, to aceea tbeas will;ont liniii. to dNplay add* aad -ill adaaarc information, aad thai Ear a man to niak.- a oiivati- ateaaaraadaas of his own •rajcer is aat an hifraetlaa of the law, cannot in-taaored bj the eoaaty aathorltlea aaleaa, in some i. is- . iin-v are praaspted by athet asarlrea, riw-Hart-Aaatw laa prahlb|ta bookasaklaa*. which has beea deflated as the aet of aeeecttiaa; aad leeordaas aattera aa a bhalaeaa. .Inst a- ham as asea who ac i ;ii waflera la aat laeard theca then- is no way in arhseb they can he coarieted of booksaakhaf. ami for thai reason there can be no farther troable. The law ilo. -s mil a|i|il lo the aciions of the hctloi- anil when it comes down to caaea vastO timl that the lietior can raeaad his own transactions anil in that wav business at the traek can he arettv safclv con trolled, shafaaeat team] aatbartttea si that a law lalllfailaiC with the rights af an individual would lie lincoustiliitional and that the legislature w..uhl never attempt to pass such a measure. "SuiuuiiuK it up, li.e business of race-track specu- tattea here will simpiv ban to aaderao ■ complete ehaajar. Baakasakhw is dead ami can acrer he revived. Bat individual betthajt. at present in iis bj fain v. will mk ii lH-conie so well niiihrstiod iiy the public that the spor! will regain all of iis old |m iiii-arity. II is just a tpiestiou of time. That is ail. It.H e raera will tie askisl to eaaearai with new i-ou-ditions which will be declared legal, and uii.ler them racism wOi be cleaner and better thaa ever before. BaaShea* crusade was directed airainst op.-n caatMhajl in which thousands of persons of all rlaaaea ladahnd from day to day. Ii was an evil which had i haw aa end. and now that it has beea abolished new asethada are in order which -ill n.: hriaa; back the aWectieaaaae features that eaaacd all the trouble." — New Vork Sun.