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THE TWO THOUSAND AND NEWMARKET. New Yolk. April 80. — In commenting on New market and the Two Thousand Galneas race of Wed-ni sday. American Race-Gcer in the Herald cables: "The great surprise of the race wa- the BOOT showing made by Mr. Fairies aabeatea Bayardo, Which w.i- ridden bv the American jockey. Danny Maher. The Manton -tt a in. d colt was so highly thought of that odds of 13 to s were laid on his winning, but it was soon seen thai they were not in the least hwtined, for tic cracked up after going six furlong-, and dropped away hopelessly beaten. ■The favorites defeat was due more to lack of condition than anything rise, for in the paddock prior to the lace, be struck me as being tat. but whatever was the cause of his downfall, there is no gainsaying the fact that Minora is a good colt and In- certainly won in the style of one. "It is to be hoped he will go on the rigid way liotwien now and Epsom, for after todays performance holies will ran high that the king will carry ott the Derby with bins, if this comes to t ass it will lie tin- first time tint the bine ribbon of the tint Ins fallen to his majesty since lie ascended the throne. As the Prince of Wales he won the popular race at Epsom twice, with Persimmon in 18B6 and Diamond Jubilee, the home which al-o won the Guineas in 1900. "The result of the Two Thousand race naturally earned a lug change to be made in the Derby bet ting, lor the kings colt advanced from 7 to 1 to 2 to 1. while Bayardo receded from 2 to 1 to 15 to l. "So far this season the king baa woa in round tiguies £15. INK! in stakes. This is a remarkably good beginning, especially when compared with his la-: veals winning-, which amounted to a little leas th.ii S27 500. His majestys records during hi- rood years as a race horse owner are 43,000 in 1900, 875.0CO in 1VI7. and 30,000 in 1986. "Sunshine and sovereigns were showered mi the Newmarket race track. It was a very Important meetinx, because iii one race there waa a paarae al 5.iki. That is almost as big iu England as .in invading army. "Whoever picked out sites for race tracks in Fug land did not consult LondoBera at all. They arc not handy, anil railroad- are real winners. "Newmarket is off in an easterly direction. To get to it you go through a lot of land that looks like a chunk of Illinois grafted on to the British Islands. It is nice, pretty and fertile. All it lack-to fill out its illusion of the middle west are com fields. "It is awav over near the east coast. I- New market, and if anybody gave it • hard pii-h it w mid lie off the map and into aooaehedys occam "Of course, there was not a very large crowd a! Ilic races when it comes to paying for railroad fare. Crowds are shy. even fougli the king .s haraea and American horses are attractions. "Americans were quite ill evidence ill the gratui-Staad and the betting ring. Joe Mallory of Memphis, Tctin. studied his card carefully and then insisted that on. a certain horse V and 11 were the betting odds. Subseipientlv it wa- explained to him that tile figures referred to the weight in stone- and |K unds. Charles Could of Toronto Can., was also there. Wl:i;e lie undoubtedly knows how to handle big financial affairs iu a citv he w i-a little massed up on aa English race track. He firmly bettered that a home he backed was No. ::. but It turned out that the numlier given indicated the horse- age. All the same he won. and Teddv Elliott, the bookmaker from whom the treed nionev c.nne. gave it up with grace. "It was around F.lliotts stand that Americans mos: did Hock, and the] Hocked a whole lot. "II was a sad day for the bookies, but Elliott handed out fivc-pouml notes with a pleasant word, as though they were po-tage -t.inips. F.. S . Wil lard, an F.ngli-h actor, was a busy man iiitlhe ring. Lady de Bathe was busy in the paddock and seemed to know horses from goafs."