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ANSWERS TO OUERIES. IConiuiiinieatioiis without nanus ami addresses of leaders will not be answered or noticed: nor will any answers lie sent by mail. I C. W. ST.. Detroit. Midi. Sum due was .75. A. S.. Benton Harbor. Mich. Sec reply SB A. H. 1 . Harry K.. Cincinnati. O. Then- was SM to show on tins Couniol. J. 1*. M.. Chicago. It was a draw. See reply to A. II. D. .las. S. M.. St. Lsats. Mo. Had Dainty Dame won. her straight price would have been about 4 to 5. T. H.. Chicago. He was not an added starter. Added starters only crop up in connection with slake races. .1. W. M.. Memphis. Tcmi. The last American Derby was run in MM and was won by Highball, with Woodson second and Rapid Water third. .1. Y.. Kalamazoo. Mich. You are badly mistaken. The place ticket on Dainty Dame cost and Hie return was .35. the sum won lieing thirtv-nve cents. The other ticket you mention won five scats. A. II. D.. Detroit. Mich., and others elsewhere. Bets on Mollie Montrose at Houston. April 28. were draws. All such bets were on her in the sixth race from which she was scratched to run in a substituted race and to which they did not follow her.