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Westchester Racing RACECOURSE: ft CCfk.P1 51 ■ 1 AH 0FRCE: BELMONT PARK, iliJijU VlU I lUll 57 FIFTH AYE IJlieenS, L ,, Under the auspices of The Jockey Club „ im-menR N6W York am* 10 National Steeplechase and Hunt ARPAliF " * Association mmmmmmm _____ To Be Run at the Spring Meeting, 1909— Thursday, May 1 3, to Wednesday, June 2. Entries Close Saturday, May I The Westchester Racing Association is guaranteed against loss by the Association of Owners and Breeders as regards the following races: The Juvenile, the Laureate, the Fashion, the Bouquet, the Focantico. the Metropolitan, the Spring Serial Handicaps, the Harlem and the Norwood. For Two-Year-Olds. THE JUVENILE. ,500 Guaranteed.— Thirty-fifth running of the Juvenile. For two year oh!-, llyi BSJs-scripllon of 5 each, starters to pav 0 additional. The Westcbsstsr Racing Association t«i guarantee the gross value of the race to be ,500. of which 50 to tLe second, 50 to the third. Five Furlongs Straight. THE LAUREATE. ,500 Guaranteed— Fourteenth running of the Laureate, lor two year olds. Bv subscription of 6 each, starters to pav $.10 additional. The Westchester Racing A aaoc lottos to I SSI snlw Hie cross value of the race to be ,500. of which 50 to the second. SIM to the third. Colts to carry 11.". lbs.; fillies and geldings. 112 lbs. Winners ef a race of the value of 00 to carry :: lbs. extra: of two of 00. or one of ,000. 5 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed B lbs. Five Furlongs Straight. THE FASHION. ,500 Guaranteed— Thirteenth running of the Fashion For fillies two years old. Bv subscription of 5 each, starters to pay 0 additional. The Westchester Racine Association to guar-antee the gross value of the race to be ,500. of which 50 to the second. 50 to the third. Four and a Half Furlongs Straight. THE BOUQUET Selling. ,500 Guaranteed. — Fourteenth running of the Bouquet.— -For two year-olds. Hv subscription of 5 each, starters to pav » additional. The Westchester Racine Association to guarantee the gross value of the race to be ,500. of which 50 to the second. 50 to the third. The winner to be sold for .OO0: if for $:j.50O. allowed 5 lbs.; if fur $::.000. allowed 10 lbs.; then 1 lb. to be allowed tor each 00 down to ,500. Selliug prices to be stated through the entry box by 2 p. in. the day before the race. Four and a Half Furlongs Straight. For Three-Year-Olds. THE P0CANTIC0. ,000 Added. — Seventeenth running of the Pocantico. — For three-voar-olds. Non-winners of ,000 in 190S. By subscription of 0 each, starters to pav 5 additional, with ,000 added. i.f which 08 to the second. 00 to the third. Non-winners of ,500 in 1008 or 1!»00 allowed y lbs.; of K2.000. 5 lbs.; of ,500. 7 lbs.: of ,000. 10 lbs. Maideus allowed 15 lbs. Six Furlongs Straight. For Three-Year-Olds and Upward. THE METROPOLITAN HANDICAP. ,000 Guaranteed.— For three vear olds and upward. P.v subscription of o each, starters to pav 00 additional. The Westchester Racing Association euarautees the gross value of the race to be .l 0O. of which 50 to the second. 50 to the third. Weights to be announced Monday. May 10. Winners of a race after the publication of the weights. 4 lbs. extra: two or more races, 7 lbs. extra. One Mile. THE SPRING SERIAL HANDICAPS. For three-year-olds and upward. By subscription of 5 each, which shall entitle the entry to start in all three handicaps, viz.: The Crotona. the t Iaiemout and the Van Cortlandt. without further cost, also to be handicapped free for all over-night handicaps. FIRST SERIAL — THE CR0T0NA HANDICAP.— For three-year olds and upward. With .oon added. of which 00 to the second. 00 to the third The winner to receive one-third of t lie subscripti: n money ind the balance of t tie added money. Weights to be announced three days before the race. Winners after tlie publication of the weights. 5 lbs. extra. Six Furlongs Straight. SECOND SERIAL— THE CLAREMONT HANDICAP.— For three-year -olds and upward. With .M0 added, of which »0 to the second. 00 to the third. The winner to receive one third of the sub.- linti-m money and the balance of the added money. Weights to be announced three days liefore the race. Win-■ers after the publication of the weights, 5 lbs. extra. Six and a Half Furlongs Straight. THIRD SERIAL— THE VAN CORTLANDT HANDICAP. -For Ihilll JIBS BBSS and upward. Willi ,000 added, of which 00 to the second. 00 to the third. The winner to receive one third of the subscription money and the balance of the added money. Weights to be announced three days before the race. Winners after the publication of the weights. 5 lbs. extra. Seven Furlcngs. THE TOBOGGAN HANDICAP. 00 Added. — Nineteenth running of the Toboggan Handicap.— For three-year olds and upward. Ry subscription of 0 each, half forfeit, with 0" added, of which 25 to the second. 5 to the third. Weights to be announced three days before the race. Winners after the publication of the weights. 5 lbs. extra. Six Furlongs Straight. THE HARLEM Selling. ,000 Added.— Twelfth running of the Harlem. -For three vear-olds and upward. At 10 lbs. above the seal-. Hv subscription of 0 each, starters to pav 5 additional, with ,000 added, of which 0O to the Btcoajd, 00 to the third. Morses entered to be sold for . XM to carry, threc- car-olds. 110 lbs.: four year-olds. 130 lbs ; five year -aids and upward. 130 lbs. If to be sold lor $::.5ih . allowed 5 lbs.: if for 5013.000, allowed 10 lbs.; if to be sold foi less. 1 lb. to bs allowed for each «l down to ,500. Selling prices to l e stated through the entry box by 2 p. m. the day before the race One Mile. THE NORWOOD Selling. ,500 Guaranteed— For three -year olds and upward. By subscription of 5 each, starters to pav 0 additional, the Westchester Racing Association to guarantee the areas value of the race to be ,500. of which 50 to the second. 50 to the third. The winner to lie sold for 1X900. If to t e sold for less. 2 lbs. allowed tor each K down to . "lO: then 1 lb. for each 00 down to ,000. telling prices to be stated through the entry box by 2 p. m. the day before the race. Six Furlongs Straight. THE AMATEUR CUP. 00 Including Plate Added.— A higliweight selling race. At 40 shs, above the scale. For three-vear-olds and upward. Bv subscription of 0 each, starters to pav 8 additional. the Westchester Racing Association to add 50 in cash and 0 in plate, of which 00 to the second. 0 to the third. The winner to receive plate to the value of 0. No limit to the nufnber of subscription-, which may be transferred, but not later than Monday. May 24. and must Ik- Hied in the office of the Racing ■Secretary at Belmont Park. All transferred entries must pay both the subscription and the starting fee. whether the nominator start or not. To be ridden by gentlemen approved hv the stewards. The winner to be sold for $:;.500: if entered to be sold for ,000, allowed 5 lbs.: if for RsaX M ll s. : if to be BBSs for less. 1 Hi. allowed for each 00 down to .50O. Selling price to be stated through the entry Imix by 2 p. m. the day before the race, and the name of the rider to be given U the clerk of the scales not later than the time set for the second race the day of the race. One Mile. STEEPLECHASES. For Four-Year-Olds and Upward. NEW YORK STEEPLECHASE. 00 Added.— Fifteenth running of the New York Steeplechase. -Fag four year olds and upward. At 10 lbs. under the scale Bv subscription of 0 each, starters to pav 5 additional, with 1909.sh00 added, of which 00 to the second. 0 to the third. About Two Mile3. INTERNATIONAL STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP. 00 Added.— Fifteenth running of the International Steeplechase Handicap. — For four -year-olds and upward. Bv subscription of 0 each, starters to pav 5 additional, with $«00 added, of which 00 to the second. 0 to the third. Weights to be announced five days liefore the race. Winners after the publication of the weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. About Two Miles. THE WHITNEY MEMORIAL STEEPLECHASE. 00 Added. For four-vear olds and upward. Bv subscription of 0 each, starters to pay 5 additional, witli added, of whilst 25 to the second. S75 to the third. About Two and a Half Miles. THE GRAND NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE HANDICAP. 00 Added.— Eleventh running of the Grand National Steeplechase Handicap. -For four-year-olds and upward. Bv subscription of 0 each, starters to pay 5 additional, with 00 added, of which 25 to the second. 5 to the third. Weights to be announced five days liefore the race. Winners after the publication of the weights. 5 lbs. extra. About Two and a Half Miles. THE MEADOW BROOK HUNTERS- STEEPLECHASE. 00 Including Plate Added. For hunters ipialitied under the rules of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association or the Canadian Hunt Association. For five year-olds and upward. P.v sobsertptiea of 0 each, with 0 additional for starters, the Westchester Racing Association to add 50 iu cash and 0 in plate, of which 00 to the second. 0 to the third. The plate to the winner. Weights, Penalties and Allowances. — To carry, five-year-olds. 150 lbs.; six year-olds and upward. Mi lbs. Professional riders. 7 lbs. extra. The winner of a steeplechase for hunters in 1008 or 10O0 of the v-ilue of more than 00 to the winner to carry I lbs. extra: of two such races. 7 lbs. extra: of three or more such races. 12 lbs. extra. But no horse shall through penalties carry more than 180 lbs. Horse3 that have never started in a steeplechase or hurdle race allowed 7 lbs. But no horse shall through allowances carry less than l.JO lbs. Allowances for horses that have never started nui-t be claimed at time of entry. Ten subscribers or the race may be declared off. About Two and a Half Miles. CLOSED EVENTS : THE FORTY-THIRD RUNNING OF THE BELMONT, OF 0,000. For three-year-olds. THE FORTY-FOURTH RUNNING OF THE WITHERS. 0,000 Added For three-year-olds. THE FORTIETH RUNNING OF THE LADIES. ,000 Added. For three-year-olds fillies. THE TWELFTH RUNNING OF THE NATIONAL STALLION, ,000 Added.— For two-year-oldg. The Westchester Racing Association reserves the right to cancel any or all of these events, without notice, at any time prior to the actual running thereof, without liability, except for the return of the entrance money. For Entry Blanks address GEO. W. GALL RACIN6 SECRETARY Westchester Racing Association, 571 fifth Avenue, New York City