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CONDENSED HISTORY OP THE KENTUCKY DERBY + + The Kentucky Derby, one of the longest -established fixtures of the American turf, will be run Monday atteriioon over the same track which was the scene of Aristldes triumph in its initial running. May 17. 1-7.V That tir-t Kent achy Derby had but an endowment of S1.IKHI added money, but the dav of rich stakes had mil then arrived and it was deemed a prize worth much striving for. lifteen three year old-lonested it and among those that failed lo rini-h in the tirst three were such subsequent -tar- of r.iring .1- Ten I.-, eck. Hob Waaler. Ascension. Dill Bruce and Searcher. Bluff old Price MeGrath was conliilent lc would win with his lach-lovcd counterfeit. Chesapeake, and put Aristides in to assist in the role of • ally pacemaker. Aristides did his part so well that the others liecaine leg-weary and breathless and lis wan from -tart to finish, two sons of Vandal — Volcano and Verdigris — finishing second and third. It is doubtful if any better race horse than Aristides ever won the Kentucky Derby, but. however that may be. it ha- fallen to some of the greate-t names that adorn turf annals. Hadcn Baden. Ioiiso. Hindoo, l.eonatus. Jee Cotton. Hen All. Spokane. Riley, Kingman. Halma. Ben Brush. Typhoon II.. llaudit. I, ion tenant GibsoB, Allan a Dale anil Sir Htion all having been wonders ot speed and endurance. The record of this nice of interesting history and state pride is: lcar. Tirst. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Wt. Third. Wt. Val. Time. 1S7." Aristides Lewis. .100 Volcano 100 Verdizris 100 ,850 2:37f 1870 Vagrant Swim .. 97 Creedmoor 100 Harry Hill 100 2,o:K 2:38J 1877 Baden Baden Walker. .100 Leonard 100 King William. .104 3.300 2:38 1878 Day Star Carter. .100 Hiniyar 100 Leveler 100 4,050 2:37J 1879 Lord Murphy Shaiier.,100 Falsetto 100 Strathmore 100 3.530 2:37 1880 Fonso G. Lewis. .105 Kimball 105 Bancroft 105 3.S00 2:37j 1881 Hindoo J. McLaughlin .. 105 Lelex 102 Alfambra 105 4,410 2:40 1SS2 Apollo Hurd..l02 Runnyniede 105 Bengal 105 4.5G0 2:404. 1883 Leonatus W. Donohue..l05 Drake Carter 104J Lord Raglan ...105 3.760 2:43 1S84 Buchanan I. Murphy. .110 Loftin 110 Audrain 110 3.990 2:404. 1885 Joe Cotton Henderson . .110 Bersan 110 Ten Booker 107 4.630 2:371 1886 Ben All P. Duffy. .118 Blue Win? 118 Free Knight ...118 4.890 2:36 1557 Montrose Lewis. .118 Jim Core 118 Jacobin 118 4.200 2:391 1558 Macbeth II Covington . .115 Galifet 118 White 118 4.740 2:38 18.N9 Spokane Kllev..llS Proctor Knott 115 Once Again 118 4.970 2:34 1890 Rilev I. Murphv ..118 Bill Letcher 118 Robespierre 118 5,460 2:45 1891 Kingman I. Murphy . .122 Balgowan 122 High Tariff 122 4.680 2:52 1892 Azra Clavton . .122 Huron 122 Phil Dwyer 122 4,230 2:411 1893 Lookout Kunze..l22 Plutus 122 Boundless 122 4,090 2:38 1894 Chant Goodale..l22 Pearl Song 122 Sigurd 122 4.020 2:41 1895 Halma Perkins. .122 Basso 122 Laureate 122 2.970 2:37 1890»Heii Brush Simms..H7 Ben Eder 117 Semper Ego ...117 4.850 2:07 1897 Typhoon II O.trner.,117 Ornament 117 Dr. Catlett 117 4,a50 2:12 1898 riandit Siinms..ll7 Lieber Karl 122 Isabey 117 4.S50 2:0» 18! 9 Manuel Taral..ll7 Corsini 122 Mazo 117 4.850 2:12 1900 Lieutenant Gibson Boland.,117 Florizar 122 Thrive 122 4.S50 2:084 1901 His Eminence Wlnkfleld . .117 Sannazarro 117 Driscoll 110 4.850 2:07J 1902 Allan a-Dale Winkneld . .117 Inventor 117 The Rival 117 4.850 2:08 1903 Judge Himes H. Booker . .117 Early 117 Bourbon 110 4,850 2:09 1904 EI wood Prior. .117 Ed Tlerney 117 Brancas 117 4.850 2:08 1905 Agile J. Martin. .122 Rams Horn 117 I.avson 117 4.850 2:10 1900 Sir Huon Troxler..ll7 Lady Navarre 117 James Reddlck.117 4.850 2:08$ 1907 Pink Star Minder. .117 117 Ovelando 117 4.S50 2:12j 190S Stone Street Pickens. .117 Sir Clegcs 117 Dunvcgan 114 4.S50 2:15 •Distance reduced from 1 1-2 miles.