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DAILY RACING FORM PPBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 69 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILL. A Dally Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor and Proprietor, F. H. Brunell. Associate Editor, Clinton C. Riley. Secretary, Mrs. K. H. Brunell. 1ntcrcd as second-class matter, April 2. 1886. at tlie nost-oasee at Chicago. Illluols, under tbe Act of Murcli 3. 1879. COPYRIGHTED. Entered accord I :ik to Act of Congress. In tbe year ■MB, liv Frank II. Brunell. in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. D. C, U. S. A. Exchange editors are at liberty to quota front thee* pages by giving the proper credit. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS. TERMS: Per Month I 1.50 Half Year 9.00 One Year 17.00 The above rates are for single copies ai sealed letter* — first -class mail. Daily Baling Form Publishing Co. prefers to send ► !; giY copies as llrst class mail in all cases. Loral subscriptions — outside the down-town district — will he declined at other than first class mall matter rates. Subscriptions must be paid In advance. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business and circulation purposes only. This telephone lias no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot be used to communicate with them. To lie considered and answered, all queries to Daily Bacing Font must be sent over the full name and with address of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory * test. 6T. I.OITS. MO.. OFFICE. M NORTH BROADWAY. M. T. Muvpiiv. General Agent. Local and Long Distance Olive 11S8. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. CINCINNATI. O.. OFFICE. 721 MAIN STREET. W. S. Manns. General Agent. Telephoue Canal 1877. Back numbers and monthlies supplied. BAN FRANCISCO. CAL.: Foster a Drear. Market Street Ferry News-Btand. Johnson News Co.. 1451 Fillmore Street. LOS ANGELES. CAL.: _ . _ , Alfred Wimbush. News Cart. 132J South Spring Street. BUFFALO. N. Y.: R. .1. Soidenberg. Elllcott Square. Loitsville. KY.: Clias. T. Dialing, 350 Fourth Avenue. PITTSP.l EC. PA.: Hotel Newell Newsstand. MKEESPORT. PA.: F. W. Iorrevson. Newsdealer. BEADDOCK. PA.: F. W. Torrevson. Newsdealer. LEXINGTON. KY.: E T. Graves. 100 North Limestone Street. ToLEIHX OHIO: J. H. Swift. Southern Hotel News stand. ; JACKSONVILLE. FLA.: 11. ft V. B. Drew Co.. Newsdealers. DAYTON. OHIO: Algonquin Hotel News-stand. II. E. Gitbena. 14 South Main Street. TOEONTO. ONT.: Joseph McLachlati. Iroquois Hotel. « R. Palmer. Palmer House. B. McKniee. 2S yueen Street. East. F. .1. Bar, M Queen Street. West. F. 1.. VYaldock. Imperial Hotel. A C. Smith. Co* King Street. East. Mrs. V. F.llis. 05 1-2 King Street. East. WEST BADEN. IND.: II. L., Colonial Hotel. BVTTR. MONT.: Keefe Pros.. Post-office News stand. IrvMLToN. ONT : Lou;-. I.irk. Newsdealer. McArtliiir News Agency. Thorn we French. 90 James Street. North. DENVER. COLO.: Keadrick Rook Co.. 906-912 Seventeentli StreeL DETROIT. MICH.: _ , , L. Grosscup. GS Larned Street. West. „ Tel. „ Main 3252 Coiiies delivered within mile circle. ]i.N ILLS. ILL.: Leseore Bros.. 44 North Vermilion. GALFSEIBG. ILL.: Q. A. rflilWWi. ."ill East Main Street. EVAN8TON, II. L.: r Schulrgs. »! Church Street. PLiRIA. ILL : George A. Green, 500 Main Street. KENosHA. WIS.: W. 11. IT sill—on 2CS Main Street. ELGIN". ILL.: C C. Ahlridge. 100 Chicago Street. T.MnM . WASH.: Central News Co.. 1121 Pacific Avenue. KALAMAZOO. MICH.: Phil Glass. 4O0 North Burdick Street. NEW ORLEANS. LA.: o. E. Hill. 108 St. Charles Street. c. i: Stauli. Exchange Place. John Canity. St. Charles News stand. CLEVELAND. O.: N. Baxter, ::«:! Bond Street. NEW YORK CITY: Astor House. 220 Broadway. KANSAS CITY. MO.: Blckaeekef Cigar and News Company. Ninth and W: luut Streets. HOT SPRINGS. ARK.: II C. Weaver and Co.. opp. Arlington Hotel. T. B. Watt. 710 Central Avenue. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.: J. I. Steinberg. Terminal Station. Fred S. F..wler. IS South Illinois Street. I CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. MAY 13. 1909.