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NEW YORK HORSES MOVE FASTER. Hew York. Mav 12. — Ike most important works of the morning si Befanonl Park were: John E. Madams Metropolitan candidate. Fayette s mil in 1:1-" luindily. The work throughout iccomplisbed with something In reserve. Horse men who witnessed the move were Impressed. lor Ok colts condition Indicates be has receive, a tlH rongh preparation for Ike big event of Pbursdas and several trainers expressed the opinion that he Frederick A. Fomytfces throe-year old eatt, llitrli 1 Privati another candidate, stepped a mile in 1:1-. He acted a- if sore. The trouble appears to ,*• ill 1 ,,. ,-, i A muddj track WODid add to his chance-. i, ut his ebaneea of facing the barrier in tlie big ev, nt .ire noi iny too l.riglit. i: Maddens l.adv Bedford and Miss Keamej ... --.1 up a mile In 1 : 154. II . | .i.jdi-n twn-year-ohts worked a half mile . Mraiglitaway. The Ms sets contain many at prom ludglng by work and conformation. Trainer Kiiiilmll Patterson moved Medallion and ! OBrien ■ half in Io That the latter, a coll b Meddlei Siii-nn. will make good on tlie metro , ■ i believed bj those who saw him 1 tlie I -iti.- coast. tndirew Malahj was one of the Inisv trainer* B the Ray Cowen was one of the lirst he brought out This three-year-old raced with ■ fair measure • ,,l . a ... in c.ilitoi nia. and as aeei not seem to be . sn; Mm- worse for his campaign. Be cantered ■ 1 i«ilf in V4 Desirous was asij galloped a mile In ! I |- This liili la going along in .Tent style. Red IUiIh-H 111- III lidcll three year old that. W«H Hot trained I ■ -1 -.-, m showed s handy three eighths In -i Ill s and Calien li-w went together, and their ■ . ., , ii i. r of three eighths In 49. ■ - , t ■ i Gill v-iitlv from Kentucky was on the ,,., i ,; rjrsvi -end Tralaet Smlili uatl asked I l« , to ..ork slang lor seu-u eighths, and he galloped , |ka dlataixe In 1:40. Though be had been gal loped some lwfore leaving the farm he still appears a hit high in flesh, and it is doubtful if lie is Intended for am racing nt the BHinoiit Park meeting Spellbound, tbe three vear old that came with Frank Gill, went six furlongs in 1 :2: . He is much further advanced than lie son of Collar and will probably be seen under colors nt Belmont Park. Tom Welsh sent WapSBOCS along for a smart three quarters in 1:17. This one has keen training in a erv satisfactory fashion for some time and ouuht to lie heard from early in tlie season. Welsh also had seme of the Whitney two year olds out. and tkej were schooled nt the barrier. In this lot be lias some ..nngstcrs that promise to train Into good ones, and 1 1 icy have Ih-cii doing all that has In en asked of them. Matthew All.n sent District Attorney along for a mile iu 1:47. The work was by no means impivs sive. for at one stage of the journey the exercise Ihiv was plainly urging his mount. Oriick Match was seat over the same route, and showed to milch ketter advantage. W. C. Daly has Imm-ii speeding Grace Cameron since early In tbe spring and she has stood up under tke drilling in remarkable fashion. Yesterday her. task was five furlongs in 1:02 L and she had something left at the linish. Killiecrankie. from the same stable, worked her five furlongs in 1:02 tint, but BBS was palpably sore when pulled up. Golcomla went a slow seven furlongs in 1:34 for George Coruiiell. He is very close to racing condition and is evidently intended for a selling race at Belmont Park. A. J. Goldsboroitgh sent Sandpiper, the Whitney cast-on, n mile in 1:47. He showed a disposition to sulk all through tke work, and It was far from being an impressive move. Sclioolmarm galloped a half in ..ti. She is a grand looking filly and has a way of going that attracts attention. His German Silver showed a goad half in ."si*. Con Leightoa broankt «ut his two year-olds Ciitli-licrt. Aston Key. Hildas Sister and Lnngenbeck, and gave them some useful schooling at the barrier. Each of these youngsters has gone along well and arc far enough advanced to warrant the prediction that tke will lie raced at Belmont Park. lew horsemen Pmk advantage of schooling their rTOSS country performers over the regular steeplechase field at Belmont Park. The weather aud track conditions were most favorable for trials of this character. Harry S. Page sciiooled Oaklawu a turn of the field. Mr. Page was in the saddle and handled the good-looking son of Faratuole to advantage over the various stilf fences. Tranter BOas Feeteh was out with his Star Ruby horse. Kufus. and Pompons. Both schooled well, especially the former. Considerable work has been done with Kufi.s. P.artlett Mci.ennans steeplechasers, in charge of trainer William llogan. made no mistakes when put through their paces. The Champion winner of laM seaaBBi Agent, moved in his usual brilliant manner. Denier. Spy and Florence II. . of the same string, schooled perfectly.