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TURLEY MAY TAKE WINTERGREENS PLACE. Louisville. Ky.. Mtiv 21. - Thill is general ro-grel in local racing circles over the elimination of .1. B. Respess" crack colt. Wiut.tgreen. from the l.atonia Dt rbv in eonse men f the mishap which befell him in the Derby Preliminary here AV.dnes day. Everylsidy was anxious to see whether Win lergiven is really as good a horse as Respess cs teemed him to be. Respess was very sweet on the son of Dick W.lles and declared him to be tin- best horse he ever owned. Respess may eoiiclmle to Tnrl.-v in inlergreens stead. He has beat the maiden son of Dick Welles in the race. Others still eligible Include The Peer. I.uis Oreenherg. OlamlKila. Sir Cateatar. lien Howe. Warlield. Ifiaae ORrien and Plate ;iass. With Wlatergreea out of the way. aptat of the lesser lights Cat other Wine would have remained in their stalls will be given a chatl.e. and Hie mishap will doubtless increase Hie siz.- of the field. Probably aeaae of those owners who declared out last week now regret having done so. Plate Class, one of the likely starters, worked a mile and a quarter in impressive fashion a dav Of two ago in 2: sl. The mile was covered in 1:12 ami the mile ami an eighth in 1:55. The colt had his weight up.