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GOVERNOR GENERAL KEENLY INTERESTED. Toronto, out.. May 81.— Earl Grey, the governor-gcnciiil of Canada, i- taking a keen interest In the racing at Toronto, and has been in alino-t dally attendance at Woodbine since the opening. Ipon tie occasion « ; the winning of the Liverpool Cup br Direct for R. J. Mackenzie of Winnipeg. His Ex eeilencv made the formal presentation of tie- piece of plate. The Liverpool is for horses owned in Can adii. nad there is keen rivalry for the porse- ion ol tin- handsome tronaar, which has to be won two yean in succession In-fore passing into permanent owner ship. This yearf outcome of the fixture afforded a tine demonstration of the progress of the Canadian turf, iu that the card slowed owners from point- :, widely separated as Montreal and Vancouver striving in eager and frieadly loatiui, As stilled, victory eventually rested with the conquering northwest, an I the cup will be located in Winnipeg for the next year. _______________