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WINDSOR STAKES WELL PATRONIZED. Liberal Nominations Made Indicate Successful Summer Meeting at Canadian Track. Detroit. Mich.. July 17. The stake book for the summer meeting of the Windsor Fair Ground and Driving Association, scheduled for the nineteen days beginning Julv 31 and ending August 21. has made Its appearance. The book provides for six races daily, with no purse of less value than 00 and the following stakes: Saturday. July 31 Frontier Handicap. ,000, for three-vear-olds and upward: 1 1-8 miles. Wednesday. August 4 Ontario Handicap, ,200, for two-year-old tlllles: 5-S mile. Saturday, August 7 Windsor Selling Stakes, .MX. for three-year-olds and upward; 1 1-4 miles. Wednesday. August 11 Detroit Stakes. ,200, for two-vear-olds; Ii 1-2 furlongs. Saturday, August 14 Pontchartraiu Handicap, S2.000. for three-year-olds and upward: 3-4 mile. Wednesday. August IS Essex, Handicap. ,500, for two-year-olds: 5-S mile. Saturday. August 21 D. B. I. and Windsor Ferry Company Handicap, ,500, for three-year-olds and upward: 1 mile. The officials of the meeting will Include Charles F. Price and Francis Nelson, Judges; secretary, Walter O. Parmer: starter. A. B. Dade; handicap-pers. Charles F. Price. Walter O. Parmer, and F. W. Gerhardy: paddock and patrol judge. S. E. Parmer: clerk of the scales. F. W. Gerhardy. The racing will be participated in by much the same owners, horses and jockeys as are now In action at Fort Erie. The nominations for the Frontier Handicap, the Ontario Handicap and the Detroit Stakes give a good line upon the material that will ligure in the racing. The conditions and nominations for these events are as follows: The Frontier Handicap of ,000. For three-year-olds and upward. 5 to accompany the nomination, and 0 additional to start. Value ,000. of which ,600 to the -winner. 00 to second and 00 to third. Weights to appear three days prior to the race: acceptances through entry box at usual time of closing of entries -day before race. Winners after publication of weights, 3 lbs. extra. One and one-eighth miles. Baker. W. H. First Peep, ch. m, 5, by DIeudonne Dawning. " . , Bass. J. Siskin, b. c. 3, by Goldfinch Duchess of Towers. Brennan, E. A. Terah, b. c, i, by Abe Frank Charm. Burttschell, John La Salle, b. g. 3. by Ben Howard Satinet. Bedwell. H. fl. Tony Faust. - br. h. 5. by Sain St. Rose; Don Enrique, b. g. 5, b.v Hastings Bella Donna. Beal, X. K. Superstition, b. g. 4. by Aldine Evangeline CIsneros. Oliiun. P. T. Klllenian. b. h, 5. by Pessara Fanny Bikes: Piute, ch. g. 3, by Ethelbert Yaaui: Donald Xlacdonald, ch. g. 3. by Sombrero Berrlc-dale: Descomnets. eh. e. 3. by Ingoldsbv Radiance. Cella. L. A. iMarse Abe. ch. c. 3. by Yankee Halo; Console, h. or br. g. 3. by Sir Dixon Fair Penitent: All Red, ch. g. 3, by Star Ruby Allan-ette. Colt. J. W. Ironsides, b. g. C. by Meddler Han nana. Dunlop, David Pearl Point, br. or b. c. 3. by Jack Point Dentifrice. Dyment. John Stromeland. b. c. 3. by Ben Stroine Roseland; Uncle Toby. ch. c. 4. by Toddington Sadness. Ellison. C. R. Royal Tourist, h. c. 4. by Leisure. Evennan. J. Ordono. b. c. 4, by Orlando Nettie Dutchman. Kizer, W. II. Floreal. b. f. 3. by Alloway Any-day: Homo Run. b. c, 3. by Garry Hermann Buu of Luck. Ford, W. and Berliner. S. Orbicular, ch. h. 0. by Smile Orbed Maiden. . Gorey. A. J. Old Honesty, b. h. 5. by Previous Mamie Doyle. Grant. J. D. Transform, b. c. 3. by Chilton Met enipsychoslK. Griffin, James Czar. b. c, 4. by Uncommon Liradla. Greener. John G. Olambaia. ch. c. 3. by Ornus Bine and White. Hendrle, George Michael Angelo. ch. c. 3. by Oraus--May Angelo: Desperado, b. c. 3, by Loyalist Amerigo. Hildretlj. S. C King Jameft. h. c. 4. by Plaudit Unsightly: Restlgouehe. blk. g. 4. by Commando Dancing Water: FItz Herbert, br. c. 3. by Ethel-, bert Morganatic: Joe Madden, ch. c. 3. by Yankeu Tarantella: Meellek ch. c. -I. by Planudes Illth-yia; .Montgomery, ch. h. 5, by Pessara Montgomery .Vxper: Firestone, ch. c. 4. by Royal Flush III. Modreda. HirKch. Max Spooner. ch. c. 4, by Peep oDuy Fllrtlneer. Hoile. George H. Hanbrldge. ch. c. 4. by Ban-nslar Debacle. . . . Jdlebrook Stable Gny Fisher, h. c. 3. by Sain Apixillonla. , I-PIiert. Fred Lawrence P. Daley, blk. g. 4. by I.ISHiik Eva Dlnmnoro. . Madigau. John H Slmeoe. ch. g. 3. by Toddington LuckleKx: Elllcott. b. h. by ToddlngtonDiicli-k of Tower. Moore, M. 0. Richard Reed. br. c. 3. by Marta Santa Alary. Mackenzie, R. J. Tonrennc. b. h. 5. by Oddfellow Ethel Thomas: Direct, ch. c. 3. by Don de Oro Iroken. Prewltt. I. N. The Mlnlrt. blk. b. 0. by Top Gallant- Itiablnda: T. M. Green, b. or br. g. 3. by G. W. Johnson Evergreen. ReKlK-KX, J. B. Wlntergreen. b. c. 3. b.v Dick Welle -Winter: Marathon, b. h. 5. by Martagon Otiduh-e: Rockcastle, b. :, 3. by Dick Welles Het-tl Green. lltthH. V. B. Norhit Ilyties. ch. c. 3. by Onnl-caiit---carf Pint . Kciirelber. B. Jack Atkln. b. h. n. by Sain El Salado; Anlmini. br. g, r, by Xjrd Iterlliig Anl-moKO, K.grni. JoKeph H. lioufjuct, b. f. 4, by Klnli-y ilai-k -Briar Htveet; Throckmorloii, li. , 4. by Sal-vator Stlua, , .Smitlttwn. O. C Juggler, b K, 3. by Hamburg ww ElUKlve. Scliorr. John W. Gretna Green, br. g, 5. b.v Ben Brush Hunawav Girl. Sclmlte. W. F. Gliding Belle, b. f. 3. by Belles Commoner Gliding Bv. Shields. William Ueidmoore. ch. h. 0, b.v Ornament Desayuno. Small. A. J. W. I. HInch. br. c. 3. by Royal Flusl III. iLAmazone. St. James Stable Green Steal, b. h. 5. bv Greenan Goldseal; Miss Sain. b. f. 4.. by Salu Miss Baker. Thomas. R. L. Light Wool. ch. h. 5. .V Wools-thorie Aluminum; Great Heavens, ch. c, 3. by Star Shoot Chapter. Turney. Amos Martin Doyle, b. h. 7. by Captain Slgsbee La Wanda; Theo Cook. b. c. 3. by Ben Brush Climax. Valley Farm Stable Ceremonlus, b. c. 3. bv Seni-pronlus Cereta: Charlie Gilbert, ch. h. 5. b.v Masetto Frogmore; Glimmer, cli. li. 5. by Martimas Flicker. Walker. William Stanley Fay. b. c. 4. b.v Can-opus Mamio B. Weber. A. Zlpango, b. h. 5. by Admonition Miss C. Woodstock Stable Detective, ch. c. 3. by Meddler Admiration. Wainwright. J. B. Polly Prim. br. m. 0. by Pirate of Penzance Kosmo: John E. McMillan, ch. g. 5. by John Bright Battle Bell. Ontario Handicap of .200. For two-year-old fillies. 0 to accompany the nomination. 0 additional to start. Value ,200. of which 0O to winner. 00 to second and 00 to third. Weights to be announced three days iirior to race: acceptances through entry lox at usual time of closing entries. Winners after publication of weights to carry 3 lbs. extra. . Brennan. E. A. Margaret Brennan, b. f. 2. by Orlando Winsome III. Brown. A. Patsalaga, ch. f, 2. by The Commoner Touch Not Bisscll. George W. J. Mettle Bereaud. ch. f. 2. by Jean Bereaud Mettie O. : Amerique. b. f, 2, by Ingoldsby The Governess: Mona. Beresford, b. or br. f. 2. by St. Lawrence II. Odalisehe. Chinn, P. T. Lady Frederick, ch. f. 2. by Ort Wells Alta Loma; The Golden Butterlly. ch. f. 2. by Golden Maxim Balzane. Civill. P. M. Front Row. b. f. 2. by Alloway In Front. Gallagher. Patrick Miss Baffaello, b. or br. f. 2. by Raffaello Edgely Queen. Crtirth. William Offensive, b. or br. f. 2, by Yankee Unsightly; Autumn Girl, ch. f. 2, by Yankee Partridge. Hirsch. MaxLivonia, ch. f. 2. by Star Shoot Woodray. Hendrie. George Jasione, ch. f. 2. by King Hanover Noblesse. Idlebrook Stable Placide, ch. f, 2, by Ben Strome Epidemic. Ishlster. James R. Miss Ralley. b. f, 2. by Rus-kin II. Top All. Ireland. J. T. Sona, b. f. 2, by Orlando Vassari: Chanticlor. br. f. 2. by Tanzmeister Mercurial: Starport. ch. f. 2. b.v Star Shoot Amy Davenport. Lamb, air. Lady Bass, b. f, 2, by Bassetlaw Lady LIghtfoot Milam, J. C. Eva Tanguay. ch. f. 2. by Contestor Grotesque: Eleanor Robson, ch. f. 2. by Contestor The Laundress. May. J. W. Thrf Star. ch. f. 2. by Nasturtium More than Queen; Scruples, b. or br. f, 2, by Lissak Anna Hastings. IRcspess, J. li. Bay filly. 2, by Dick Welles-Flora Louise: chestnut filly, 2, by Dick Welles Passe. Respess. F. B. Chestnut filly. 2. by Dick Weile3 Lunette. Seagram. Joseph E. Shepherds Song. b. f. 2. by Lactantius Rose Madrigal. Streett S. W. Fulfill, b. f. 2. by PlauditTactful: Oievia. ch. f. 2. by Ornus Balsam Fir. Smith. T. C. Lady Etna. ch. f. 2, by Allan-a Dale Twitter. Sykes, J. A. Wild Fire. ch. f. 2. by Ogden Drama. Schulte. W. F. Flora Diana, b. f. 2. by Admonition or Olympian Flora Willoughby. Valley Farm Stable English Esther, ch. f. 2. bv Lord Esterling Lizzie English; Lady Sybil, ch. f. 2. by The Commoner Loyal Marie. Van Meter. C. C Prim Polly, br. f. 2. by Nasturtium Kosmo; Alaxie. b. f. 2, by Cesariou The Empresu. Woodford and Fizer Grace Dixon, b. f. 2. by Sir Dixon Queen Regent: My Gal. b. f. 2, by St. Evox Babble. West. Ed. Miss Sly. b. f. 2. by Ben Strome Sly Nun. Well. K. I. Princess Thorpe, br. f, 2. by Wools-thorpe Princess Bowling. Walker. P. M. Polly Lee, b. f. 2. by Martn .Santa. Splice. The Detroit Stakes of ,200. A selling stake for I wo-year-olds. 0 o accompany nomination, 0 additional to start. Value .210. of which KHI to he winner. 00 to second and 00 to third: .XX weight for age: 2 lbs. allowed for each 0. Ickh to ,000: then 1 lb. allowed for each 00 less to 00. Winners of three stakes not lo lx entered fur less than ,000. Starters with selling price to le named through entry lxX day preceding the race. Five and one-half furlongs. Brockmlller. O. J. Dave Nicholson, b. c. 2. by Cornwall -Evening News. Ilenzlnger, 1 1.--Master Eugene, b. c. 2. by Allan a-Dale Faunette. Brown. A. Shorty Harris, eh. c. 2, by Lord Esterling Mrs. Sliced; Tom Blgbee, ch. c. 2. b.v The Omimoner Miss Chapman; Hob Co, ch. c. 2. by Inl Eslerllng Brief. Bowman, Charles -Lumen, blk. c, 2. by Orslnl Lux. Chlnn, P. T. Oille James, br. c. 2. by Sorcerer Mis LtHtlltla: Ijidy Frederick, ch. f, .2. by Ort WelU -Alia limt. Civill, P. M. IrsuH. ch. c. 2. by Ornus Lassie Wllllanw. Cook. G. W. Coming Forward, ch. c. 2. by The Commoner Nellie Vim: Puritan Lad, b. c. 2. by Tim Commoner Boho SlandlKh, Gallagher, Patrick Raffaello Jr., br. or blk, c. 2. by ItnfTaello -Orange and Bhick. Gnrlh, J. W. Iimpcolloii, b. f, 2. by Galore-Pry. Gnrlh. William - Busy. b. c, 2, by Galore Busy Maid: OffciiHlve, b. or br. f, 2. by Viiukee Uu-nightly. Gerst. William Sureget ;ch. c. 2. by Woolsthorpe d.uzcllc; Tyras. b. c. 2. by Nasturtium Florence Colvlllc; Shoemaker, b. or br. c, 2. by Monsieur dc LOnne Shoes. Hirsch, Max Livonia, ch. f, 2, by Star Shoot Woodray, Howlaiul, Charles Detroit, br. c, 2. by Mazagan Agnes. lllldrctb. S. 0. Dalmatian, b. or br. c. 2. bv Ethelbert lonls: Sporting Life. ch. c, 2. by Meddler Vacation; Eddlo Dugati. ch. c. 2. by Mazagan Lady Hope. Hollc. George II. Lowry. h. g. 2. b.v Monsieur de LOrme Corranella; Spincvlew. b. g. 2. by Spinel Glenview. Idlebrook Stable Captain Morris, b. g. 2. by Ben Strome Loot: Henderson b. c. 2. by Griffon Daisy Clialn: Frank G. llogan, b, c, 2, by Hawkswick Wedding Day. Ishlster. James R. Miss Railey. b. f, 2, by Rus-kin II. Top All. Ireland. J. T. Sir Neddam, ch. c. 2, by Star Shoot Silver Blaze; Sona, b. f, 2, by Orlando Vnssarl. Jennings, William, Jr. Kyrat, br. g. 2, by Faraday Miss Lillian. Kirkman. S. J. Johnny Wise, blk. c. 2. by Macy Deer Bird. Marklein, John Prince Imperial, br. c, 2, by Or lando Dixoletta. .Mackenzie. R. J. The General Armstrong, h. g, 2, by Ben Strome Privateer. Mllani, J. C. Eva Tanguay, ch. f, 2. bv Conlestor Grotesque; Belle Clem. ch. f, 2. by Contestor Hide and Seek; Markle M.. br. c. 2. by Gerolsteln Lady Cushmau. Nlcoll. Mode Clem Beachcy. 1. c. 2, by Frankfort My Sunnv South. Respess, .L B. Republic, h. c. 2. by Dick Welles Marcatta; bay colt, 2, by Dick Welles Barbara Stuevo, William Captain Giore. h. c. 2. by Frank-forU-HI Wind. Seagram. Joseph E. Commonalty, b. c. 2. by The Commoner Valeriana: Shepherds Song, b. f. 2. by Lactantius Rose Madrigal. Sykes. J. A. Hickory Stick, b. g. 2T by Ben Brush Nlsbat Schorr. John W. Jno Reardon,- ch. c. 2, by Silver-dale Ethcllne. Stevenson, David The Monk, blk. g, 2, by Fatherless Eliza Russell. Schulte. Wu F. Gllpian. ch. c. 2, by Olympian-Gliding By. St James Stable Alfred the Great, b. c. 2. by Cesariou Anecdote. Thomas, R. L. Sir Ashtort. b. c. 2, bv Ccsarlon Queen Isabella: Kid, ch. c. 2. bv Cesariou Design. Turney. AmosCharJey Bali. b. g. 2. by Orlando Reel and Jig. Valley Farm Stable English Esther, ch. f. 2. by Lord Esterling Lizzie English: Ladv Sybil, cli. f. 2. by The Commoner l,o.val Marie; Broadsword, ch. g. 2. by King Hanover Bradawl. Van Meter. C. C. Lord Clinton, b. c. 2. by HandselEmily O; Prim Polly, br. f. 2. bv Nasturtium Kosmo; Alan Bain, eh. g, 2. by Allan-a-Dale Anna Baiir. Woodford and Fizer Hallack, b. g. 2. by Ben Brash Peterville; My Gal, b. f, 2. by St Evox Babble. Wainwright. J. R. Short Order, blk. c. 2. by Sir Dixon Lady Alberta.