Suggests Wider Control in Canada, Daily Racing Form, 1909-07-27


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SUGGESTS WIDER CONTROL IN CANADA. "It tbey have a mind for the work, there is plentv for the directors of the Canadian Racing Associations to do." remarks the Canadian Sportsman. "Up-to-date running meetings at all but the principal centers In Canada have been run in a happy-go-lucky style. Anybody can ride, anybody train, anvbodv own and everybody can do pretty well as he likes start or no start, try to win or not try to win. try to get away or not to get away, weigh out at leisure and weigh in. at pleasure: in short, do all sorts and kinds of things that are prohibited on a well-regulated race course. Even at so important a meeting as that at Winnipeg, where 1,000 was given away iu six days, the names of the dams of the starters were hot given In the days program. While in many cases the. names of the sires were misprinted, no numbers of the starters or names of the jockevs were posted, and. in short, several sins of omission and commission were committed. At Calgarv it was pretty much the same and in each place the starting in the running races was by no means good, although exceptional in harness races. The meetings were held under the running rules printed along with the harness regulations of the American Trotting Association, and, as a consequence, there Is no allillatioii with any recognized central race-governing body. In such circumstances, it is uncertain if any notice would be taken of suspensions for fraud, or of the non-payment of tines and, therefore," punishment inflicted by the judges Is of doubtful quality. Again, unlicensed boys can. without anv difficulty, get mounts and. briefly, as we have said, if the Canadian Racing Associations care to extend their sphere beyond their own membership theV can accomplish a good work and at the Si me time elevate and purify the thoroughbred sport lii various parts of Canada. They could nominate stewards anil give licenses for meetings. All that is required is. we have reason to know, an Invitation to both Calgary and Winnipeg to Join with the lib eastern magnates."

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