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1 : RUNNING OF THE FLASH STAKES Few American stake races are of longer establishment than the Flash Stakes, it having lirst been run so far back as in 1809, when it fell to Francis .Morris famous filly. Remorseless. The Flash has not been run continuously, having been dropped from the Saratoga program under the Walbaum regime. When It was revived in 1901 it was at a value greater than any In its previous history. It was a dash of a half mile down to 1S97 and it was this that enabled the extremely speedy Leamington filly, Olitipa. to set a half-mile record as far back as 1S74 that stands as the track record at the distance to this day and probably will for a long time to come. The Flash is a race that revives recollections of many of the most ruinous racers of our turf history from such long-gone celebrities of old days as Remorseless and Tom Rowling down to such recent stars as Hamburg, Sysonby, Burgomaster and Peter Pan. The record of the race Is as follows: Year First. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Wt. Third. Wt. Val. Time. 18G9 Remorseless Lay ton.. 97 Nellie James 97 Lady Petry ... 97 ,450 491 1S70 Ratan Emile.-lOO Cyclone filly 97 McKinney 100 1,450 54 1871 Nema W. Miller.. 97 Victoria 97 Mallta 97 1,500 53 Pern Rowling Harper. .100 Silk Stockings 100 Cora Linn 97 1,900 50 1S73 Regardless ..Sparling.. 97 Vandalite 97 King Amadeus.100 1.900 50 1874 Olitipa Milligan.. 97 Willie Burke 100 Australlno 97 1,050 47 1875 Faithless Sparling.. 97 Sister of Mercy 97 Pastor 100 1,950 49 1870 Zoo Zoo Sparling. .107 Leonard 110 Palmetto 107 1,650 51 1877 Duke of Magenta . .. .Barbee. .110 Perfection 107 Fawn 107 2,200 49 1878 Harold Hughes.. 110 Idler 110 Lulu 107 2,350 49 1S79 Sensation Hughes.. 110 Grenada 110 Rosalie 107 1,950 49 18S0 By the Way Costello.,110 Banter 110 Mldgcly 110 1.900 50 1S81 Memento Costello. .107 Flight 107 Nightcap 107 3,500 49 1SS2 George Kinney J. McLanghlin. .110 Empress 107 Miss Woodford. 107 2,700 53 1883 Burton J. McLaughlin . .110 Greystone 110 Loftin 110 2.500 49 1854 Volante Holloway. .110 Florio 107 Harrlgan 110 2,150 49 1855 Primero Holloway .. 110 Waddell Bryant 110 Colera 107 2,050 49 1SSC Agnes J. McLaughlin. .107 Lizzie Krepps 107 Prodigal 110 2,350 50 1S87 King Fish Garrison. .110 Badge 110 Van Leland ...110 2,800 50 188S Princess Bowling Barnes.. 107 Servia ..102 Diablo 115 3,575 50 1889 Protection .. ."Allen .. 100 Prince Howard Ill Sam Doxey ....100 3,565 50 1890 Monterey Taral.-llO Sallie McClelland US Palestine 118 3;025 49 1S91 Zorling Bergen.. 108 Promenade 110 Tom Tough Ill 3,545 49 1892 Nick Snedeker..l06 One 106 Postmnster 100 2,450 49 1S93 Galilee F. Doanc.lOG William T 106 Miss Lilly 100 2.425 49 1894 Liza Griffin.. 95 Cesarion US Philomena 115 2,325 48 1S95 Onaretto A. Clayton.. 99 Axiom .t 118 Mussulman 100 1,125 4S 1897 Hamburg Wilhlte..l20 Handball 129 Loiterer 122 1,425 50 liiol Goldsmith N. Turner.. 115 Lux Casta 112 Chilton ...115 4,500 1:01 1902 Judith Campbell Eullman . .112 Charles Elwood 122 Sergeant 112 C.300 1:08 1903 Tippecanoe .Hicks. .117 Ormondes Right 125 Montreson 117 3.S75 1:08 190t Svsonby Redfern..l25 Glorifier 125 Trapper 117 4,875 1:0G 1905 Burgomaster Hlldebrand. .125 Gallavant 122 Vendor 125 4,850 1:08 190C Peter Pan Radtke..l25 Electioneer 117 Arclte 117 4.S50 l:06j! 1907 Fair Play Mountain. .122 Jim Gaffney 117 Sir Cleges ....117 4.850 1:06 190S Edward C. H. Shilling.. 115 Torbellino 122 Practical 115 4.S50 1:07 Discontinued in 1S9C. 1S9S, 1S99 and 1900.