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GOLDSMITH BID UP BY E. CORRIGAN. J-. n-acola. Fla.. Marcli ::i. — Ladies" day ang-mcitJed tta attendance greatly today and specula t ;"ii -.:s alaa Increased in volume. The usual two liooks tad I" mrst pr.dital.le taaiaeaa of the meeting. The racial araa spirited and «as enjoyed. es|ieciallv I j- the women, many of whom were first-time visi kara k» ■ aaea track. A SLtM* run nil. i-oming after the fourth race, enlivened proceedings. GoidaaaittL. a oae-thae star in iIm- Viiitnc stablea, ara* tta object of the Ik«.s1 and Bdarard ttalicaa aaa hi- purchaser. Mr. Corrigans Baainn oraaa landed aeeaad alaee. Oalaaaattli was entered fur WOO Country Cirl. whose entry is barred tiending |h -~i-fcrre identiticat on of her ownership and nedijrree. akrarad in I match race after tta closing dasli uilh ■ymik.-e Paak and was beaten nearly a sixteenth of a jnib- in a four and a half fartaaaaj sprint.