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WELSH STRING AN IMPORTANT ONE. New York. Marcli U. — Thomas Welsh, one of Hie foremost trainers on the American turf, will have a greater aaaaher of thoroughbreds in his care on the New York tracks this year than ever before, and as a result he will probably cat an important figure in the calculations of the racing public. S. C. Hil-dretli and James Kowe have aawarfBl stables in training, the former training for himself and the latter for James IS. Keene. but Welsh, handling racers liolonging ta various turfmen, is expected to make Hildreth and Kowe extend themselves in the straggle for winning honors. Welsh will t niiti more than forty horses for the eastern campaign. He will keep his old engagements as trainer for the Newcastle Stable. Robert lorsythe Little and Thomas Motiahaii. but ta will also train manv two year-olds bebmgiini to August Iblmont and Barry Fayne Whltnev. Welsh was asked last fall to take hold of Mr. Rclnioits young horses and lie readily consented. He has them well in hand just now at Oravesend Bad expects some of them to show sensational form. Rut within a few las Welsh will receive a dozen of the Whitney two-year-olds from Frookdale Farm — the liest In Hie young millionaires string — and will try to have i few of them ready for Aqueduct. Welsh has a band of bbyh class two year-olds the property of the Newcastle gtabh*, including several bv the Pleach stallion. Adam, and is also training Mr. Littles thn-c ■ car old. Prince Imperial. Mr. Moiiahans Pretend and tin- Newcastle Stable1* handicap candidates. Wise Mason and Clucose. The Squire, which will wear tin- Little silks. Is also working well under the veteran trainers superv lata*. With so many horses under Ids wing Welsh will le kept extremely busy every dav strapping on sad dies and giving instructions to Jockey Ony Carnei-. who is under i-ontract to the Newcastle Stable ami will Is- managed by the trainer.