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CINCINNATI RAILROAD MAN LEASES ORDER. l.-ington. Ky . March SL Thornton Lewi-, a Cincinnati laUrwad ■ tli-ial. leased the haported stalli Mi. «irder. from James B. Ilaggiu of Elmeudoi f Farm for the season, and he will be sbhwed taaaor-row to Mr. I -wi-" MeadOWfi Farm at White Sulphur. W. Va. Order, now twenh -two. was ored in lainl by the Duke of WY-tniinster. and he baa -ind in t liis couutrt many cootl race horws. among them cirnaiii-iit. Bos. Jolly Boper. High Order and Ed Parrel. Mr. I.ewi- hi- arrea thomaichbred aiarea Dial he boimlit at the MeGrati iaua di-Oeisal sale ia October i:nis. The are BHaabeth Amb-r- a. More. Hebrew Maid. Hue Lady. Holt nod. Rbeta aul Roll Call.