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STAKE EVENTS OF PIMLICO MEETING. Tin- oiilv stake of the Mar!.nid Jockey Club that "ha I closing before the racing begins at Fiinlic.. Aiuil -. la tta Piaakawaa. ■ ttaee-yrar-aU taadl ai thai is to he run • u the last daj af tta meeting. ThH Is a revival of a famous old stake, but its aaaadttiaaa have l»i n changed, making it a handicap. F.nfiicv for tta Prcakaraa •lose tad ay. ttaagh Hie ■weights are not to lie aimi d until Aliril 2* . II ■ Preakaeaa la at I mile, and the Mar.vland Jockey dab ha« added ■ putse of .*2.o iii besides plate to tta v ii f tsaa. The dahaaah Memorial, for Maryland. Virginia end I-nn-yhania bred t arm year olds, bail an early daaaajC and rxeieed thirty four nominations, while the liinlico Narnery. lh only other future that is 1 tie vim. also for two year olds, closed with a total of sixty aix nominations.