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RACING GOSSIP FROM THE EAST. New York. April 2. —Captain E. B. Cassatt has registered the famous red. while and blue silks used bv his father, the late A. I. Cassatt. as his life colors. When Captain Casaatl fame into raeiirg. the colors were in use by .lames Buchanan Brady, but were surrendered last season. The registration of the colors lor life, with bath the .lockey Club and the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association, assures them for Captain Cassatt as long as lie cares in continue in the sport, and if that may Ik- measured by his e.ithiisiasni the rod. white and blue arc-destined for a long stay on the turf. J. L. MeGinnis has received a letter from trainer J. Smith, who is fitting some of the MeGinnis horses at the Idle Hour Farm in Kentucky. Smith announced that the horses were all doing exceedingly well and thai he would leave for Gravesond Monday. Tin- five Stares that went to the court of Frank Gill hav foaled at Idle Hour, and Coy Maid is the mother i.f a particularly handsome colt. Walter leaataca will be "ii from the west with a string of three Caraei that lie will stable at Graves-end. This is the -uiallest stable that Jennings lias bronchi to the races in several seasons. An evidence of the increased ami increasing interest in sti cpleobasing this season is had in the tact thai there are an Iran than 2M qualified boaters registered v. itli tin National Steeplechase sad Hunt Asm, -iatioii. Tin- most recent registrations ate "f Mis- fVrhracd. li,]] Mall. Ontario. Alice annul. Duke of Boanoke. Jin Jitsu and Lady Aim. Ra mond Belmont has bo n appointed authorised aajaatt for August Betassat, his father in matters sertalatag to racing. The jaaiig»r Belmont is alan a gentleman rider of some experience and he will take a livelier interest in racing this season th.i.i ever ssSsre.