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CANADAS NEW RACING LAW. Text of Measure Advocated by Canadian Racing Associations and Passed by House of Commons. Ottawa. On!.. April Is. The full tet af the rating law recently passed in the House of Commons under an amicable agiceimnt of the opponents and advocates at the defeated Miller bill is as follows: 1. Section 2J7 of the Criminal Code is repealed and the following is substituted therefor: J7. A common betting house is a house, office. mm. in or place — lai Opened, kept or used for the purpose of liet ting artsreea persons resorting thereto, and li the owner, occupier or keeper hereof: lil any person using the same. 31 any person procured "• employed by. or aellng for or on behalf of any such peraaa; 4i any person having the care or manage mein. or in any manner conducting the business tkereof; or. In opened, kept or used for the purpose of any money or valuable thing being received by or on be half of any such person as aforesaid, as or for the consideration, il. for any assurance or undertaking, expressed or implied, to pay or give thereafter an.i money or valuable thing on any event or eoatltl gein-y. of. or relating to. any horse race, or ollnr race, fight, game of sport: or. c for securing th: paying or giving by some other person of any money or valuable tiling on any such event or cou-lingeiicy: or. lei Opened, kept or used for the purpose of re-. ..riling or registering bets upon any contingency or event, horse race, or other race, light, game or sport, or for the porpoae of receiving money or other tilings of value to be transmitted for the purpose of being wagered upon any such contingency or event, horse race, or other race, right, game or sporl. whether any such bet is recorded or registered thire. or any money or other thing of value is there received to be so transmitted or not: or, idi Opened, kept or used for tin- purpose of facilitating or encouraging or assisting in the making of liets upon any contingency or event, horse race, or other race, light, game or sport, by announcing the betting upon, or announcing or displaying the results of horse rices, or other races, tights, ganns or sports, or in any other manlier, whether such contingency or event, horse race, or other race, fight, game or sport occurs or takes plaic in Canada or elsewhere. hl The word "place." as used in this section and in the preceding section, includes any place, whether enclosed or not. and whether it is used permanently or temporarily, and whether there is or is not exclusive right of user. 2. Section 230 of the said CttCa is amended by adding thereto the following paragraph: lil Being the owner or other person in control of premises occupied or used as a disorderly house, knowingly allows any contrivance whatsoever upon the said premises for the pornoae of preventing, abstracting or delaying the entry of tny constable or otiici r authorized as aforesaid into any such disorderly house, or any part thereof. Section 2-"..". of the said code is repealed and the following is substituted therefor: BB. Kvcryonc is guilty of an indictable offense, and liable to one years imprisonment, and to a line not exceeding one thousand dollars, who a I I sos or knowingly allows any part of any premises under his control to be used for the pur-IHisc of recording or registering any bet or wager, or selling any pool, or hi Keeps, exhibits, employs or knowingly allows to be kept, exhibited or employed, in any part of any premises under his control any device" or nppa ratus for the purpose of recording any bet or wager or sidling any pool. or. ci Becomes the custodian or deiKisitory of anv money, property or valuable thing staked." wagered or pledged in anv case or transaction in which such staking, wagering or pledging is itself contrary to the provisions of this Act. or. id I Beeords or regislers any bet or «vager. ar sells any pool kassj the results, ill of any political or municipal election: dl.of any race: .". of any contest or trial of skill or endurance of man or lieast: el Kngages in poolselling or bookmaking. or in the business or occupation of betting or wagering, or makes anv agreement for the purchase or sale of Letting or gaining privileges, or for the purchase or sale of information Intended to assist in bookmaking. poolselling. betting or wagering: or. fi Advertises, prints, publishes, exhibits, posts up. sells, or supplies, or offers to sell or supply, any information intended to assist in. or intended for use in connection with, bookmaking. poolselling. betting or wagering upon any horse race or other race, fight, game or sport, whether at the time of advertising, printing, publishing, exhibiting, posting up or supplying such news or information such horse race or other race, light, game or sport has or ha-uot taken place: or. gi Advertises, prints, publishes, exhibits or pacta up any offer, invitation or inducement to l«-t: or. hi Wilfully and knowingly sends, transmits, delivers or receives any message by telegraph, telephone, mail or express conveying any information relating to bookmaking. poolselling. betting or wager ing. or intended to assist in bookmaking. poolselling;. betting or wag.ring: or. i» Aids or assists in any manner in anv of the -aid act- which are by this section forbidden. The provisions of this section and of sections 227 and l!_s shall not extend to any person by reason of his bei ling the custodian or depository of any money, property or valuable thing staked or to be paid to the winner of anj lawful race, sport, game or exercise, or to be paid to n anser of mmj horse engaged in any lawful nee, or to a private bet between individual t engaged in anv wav in a business of betting, or to bets made or records of bets in nle. upon the race course of any Incorporated association during the actual progress of a race meeting conducted by such association upon races being run thereon, or to he sale by such association of information or privileges to as-ist in or enable the conducting of bookmaking. noniselllng. betting •r wagering upon the race course of such association during the aciiial progress of a race meeting con dii-led by such association upon races being run th. leon. or to bookinakiug. poolselling. betting or wagering upon such a race course during the actual prog-e-s of a race meeting conducted by such association upon races being run thereon. Providing that as to race i tings at which there are running races no such race i ting con tiinios for more than seven days ,,f continuous racing on days on which racing may be lawfullv i allied on. and provided that no such association h. .loin any .me year More than two ran- meetings at which there an- running races, and that there j- an interval of at least twenty day- liotwoen the meet ing-. and provided that such race i ting is held irpon the race eoarae af a racing aaaoctatl tarn in co|-|m, rated, or upon a c se located in or within three miles of a Canadian town or cilv having a population of not less than 15.000 people bv a rac ing association hereafter Incorporated: provided, also, that as to race meetings al which there are trotting or pacing laces no acch race meeting continues for more than three da.-. which racing niav be eat ried on. in any one week, ami that no race meeting at which there is Hotting or pacing is held an the same grounds for more than rtnirteen days in all in any one jear.