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NAMES OF 1910 TWO-YEAR-OLDS. Following is the se.on.l installment of the names of the registered two-year ohls of l.ilo: D P IT anient. l. h. c. In Bannoekburn— II«»ffnung. !» U.-iTakeii. br. c, hy lie Chief— Florhain. Pacia. ch. 1. by the Fog -La Sina.oa. l»ad. eh. •. by Lieber Karl La Mascot*, lariats Maid. ch. I. hi l»ieti. tonne Momnda. Daisy River, hr. f. hy Sir Veie .!«• en — bsM IBauYj DUahli rh. f. by Milos -Mountain Queen. Dilh-e br. f, bv Martinet — Loreta Phailaa I h. lias K . b. c. by Mhftdors- Bare Shot. Ham..!., cb. f. by Orontas— .Mda. Din Carroll, b. •-. by •Gaivestoa— Baa Shower. Das Uattagber. eh. r, by King ttcgent— Bea V. Das Kerfort. b. c, bj Steer L.— lorsoni Han M K;inness, h. e. by Pleasant Day— Daughter McOiimoss. ,., , ,. Dauecawsy. eh. c. l.v •Alloway— Shadow Dan.-.-. Dun-in;., Qam, b. f. by St. Lawrence IL— Haivnt. b. C, by -lit" Kelly Elize V.gcl. Hanger Mail., b. c by Semproiiius 1 hit nicer. Pangt ■roii- b. r. by Allam.i -Dangerous Maid. iiain.l UGrady. a, e, i y Maaagaa Ba-wtt Mar- Daniel Picrson. ch. c. by The Hero— The Old Daniel Rovall. Idk. c. by BI:i k Satlon— Down Dcss. Dsalsh Girl, b. t. b *GoMen Radge ■ -Dama. Danville i g. Itv -Ruskin 11. -Lily Trayne. Darbvdu ch c. by HMaey Uses* Sister Mamie. Darling, br. f. bj ".Martinet -•Hester W. Darling 1.. hr. c. by Mohartb— Florence Darling. Darwin ch -. b* •Dnbllu Base Washington. Dartworth. eh. c by stalwart -Domino Nssce. Have r"ergus iu. I . c. Kil «ram— Arioss. l ivi.l C, h. e, hy laim Leader— MassatTe. I»avid torn.ll. h. c. by Jowaiius-Mamie Clark V.awn oMtav. b. . by "Itcp oDay— Belle Nutter. Dawte, ch. !. bj lontiae— Anna 1aly. Day Bell ch. •. by 1 araday -Aunt Belle. Day Star II., b. t. by Merryday — Visma. » Daycrest. cb. f. by *t5oldcrest— Anyday. Besdwmd, cb. ■. by *Hes»dule IL— Sister Juliet. Deeeirable. b. •. by •MarOset— «■»»«. DeeemCT, hlk. f. by Martinet— Memories. ineriieid. eh. f. by Mai lilts- -Agnes 1 . Helicr h c l v •MsrttnH -Blessed Uannzel. Definite c. by -Martin. t Agaea Biennau. Dei lTiar.h. c, by "The Friar--Del-Hart . in 1 Vi. in. n. -. by Yankee llo.idle — Keina del llelhw h. • by *81sgleton — Abbey Deft. IK-lpliie. b. f. by Delhi— Bh Brent , _. IMcassr b f. 1 • Handsome— ImU-pendence Day. IMeua. b. I", by »Mariiuet — Ksiraza. Bella, b. f, by II"I-hii; liolbain ltclle. H.larue. ch. -. bj Naslurtuiai -Pass. Kell. b. f. by John 1". .iane Holly. Belthorpe. b. . by •Wonbtiuorp s« mper 1 • idele. l.inaiil eb. f. by Mai lint Strife. li.moiie-s. br. f. by Liiiihslihii Pfssilns lh-nipsler. br. •. by Overgrowth— Ida IL Dearer Boy. b. e, by The Hero— Osa Key. Ilerwoud eb c. Palm Beader -Mosette. Detect ch. •. by Inspector B.— BUJtb Belmont. Dewberry, b. f. by Oddfellow •— Unbiis. Diadem. b. f. by Oetsgoo — DnldbelU. Dial Pbrae. ch. f ay 1... oliateliee sundial. Dialect, b. f. by Kings Cooaael— Uago. Diaasoad r. --. ch. r, by M aUory— *Haa»ad Lva. l iamon.l Maid. b. !. by Di.-.mond .lot — Mautlie K. Diana Vetaaa, b. f. l.v Jetin Bereaud — Delusion. Di -e, br. -. by •Galere — Laodlee. Diek Bake . h. sr hr. e, by Half Heels— sanctis- Diek Bnimble. b. c. bv Bea Bramble— May Forbes. Dick Decker, b. t-. by Csaas fratt IMek Edwards -b. ■■ by Harry l.dw.irtls Optic. IHek Wiggs. b. e. by Di.-k WeUra Mrs. WiggS. IHgesI b r b Prin ■•• Pi.nty Tbsra Lee. Diligent, br. f." bv Flatlands -Activity. Di-U. b. f. b;. Migraine Di-scuier cb. e. by Klambeas Blast at. Di-:iu-tio;i br. l. by *oi-lanlt. Renown. Ditto Siipic b. f. by 1. V. T. Sally Saple. Dixit- P.lm . It. 1. bv Sir Dixon Blue Mass. Dixiana Hette, b. f. hi * Str..nie -Heiiiielta. Dixt.n. br. e. by Sir Pixon -Diagie. Doe Malfilm. b. e. by Paul Kauar Lillian Beihel. Psealre, eh. ■-. hy Monsieur lteamaire Darsssade. D.. i..r Lamar, hr. c, by Plutus Haluiis. Doll Baby, cb. f. b Heywood Bsitbnon Bene, Dail 1v b. e. by Marebinont II. Dolly. Doll Bags, eh. f. by si. BeJeaa IL -Lady Clomen- D.liar Print i - . ch. f. by Or! Well- Middy Mor- gaa. __ . Dolly Herrmann, ch. f. by Dairy EliraiHa ¥ i Ptupc. . Itoiiv V. B.. hr. f. by OraM Coasaaalta. Dollv West. b. f. by I.t.lH.s Laura Maxoy. |h,!,,n. cb. c. by Bosaergea -May Goodirssa. Botphin. b. sr hr. t by BTaterbay Mi—, tin eh. c. bt nsadsnrias gnodtce. Hon IL, b. l. by Bslvado Magseloaf. Boaa I.ila. eh. f. bv First Pa-I P..iroinsa. I- M II L.-tiir. ncc. br. c. by Ccsirioi Nytlia. DoiiMtihsnc. b. e. bv Hinil-el Aimless. Baaeaster, br. e, by "Torkahlre Lad — Minnie Al- itonnvbrook. dk. br. -. bv Battecaaai Pluiniiia. Dont, b. f. by Oetaaaa Donna lia. Dora Hosg. br. f. by Nbarod Kste Beader. 1 . I a |c. Idk. I. bv Oiniciack l.lllll KbSg. Dora Peel, hr. f. by Oesarloa— cicely. 1 . .- , -i ;. ,. .-li. c. b. l/tlri-tt. Shiinna. Dorchester, b. c by Yankee Las Aagelrs. ii..rnl. . ti:. r, by Cuaard P rts. Bvrlads, br. f. by Plaudit 4 orothy Cray. Doriuin. ch. : by Nlairad Duchess of Highlands. Ditrla Ward. rh. i. !• Mm -■■• Sweel Sii.-t r. .,, -v i . ],.- eb. f hi St. D iv Pet • tsitj . Das Bias k sr hr. ■. bv Histabiader Mac Miller. Dottle 1!.. b. f. by Six Banter , ., ,,. i . cii. g. ..-. Kahrado Wgnsooth. Ih.nble Five. b. c. In Boebsaiptoa Jtoahle Six. IWnbli Maiden, b. f. b Milbr Silver Reft Doaghty. b. e. by AnfirriballoB Doubtful. Boyles Craaaiaa. b. e. bj BeOes Casaassaer— s b r --. " s. I swat ast. b. r. by Blaes l-n. 1. Bed rli. c hv The Conn ur Salnrc. Br. P. illne. ch. e. by •Braun Lady Laagstreel II. Dr. ass. •. r. b. Ca- P-- lie Dr. Pnnnlnsbara. ch. c. bv BaloVsaero Mary Bite. Dr. Div n. b. ■-. by The Un-b Ark.niilia. Br. linens r. ch. r, by print- of MiUisaaai Ban- i , m • c c. b i I i ■ i-i-t-l Aatnhsrp. If i: |. blk. c. bv lutii-ivi -Mabel Gaode. Br 11 1, b. •■. bv Gfasrraeh KerrvUle Apx. I . m - i . |». .-. I.-. Ornament Omen Carnival. Dr Miller, b. c. b Sidney Laeaa Sbshaax II . lining, l.r. f. by Ben Brush ;lair Vi-ioti. |i . aiy, blk. f. b Six Rhaater liboli Love. Diimi- b. .-. b Lowaa Walker Tipael lApxi. re Hal b. •■ by •Bala SQafi, Doeh -s Philippe, b. f. by Sain Phillips— Wran-gUag Baeheas. Dm he-- of Palatine, b. f. by Henry . oiin — Vic-l.e la . Minstrel, ch. c. bv Rial wart Badteaee. Daekover. h. ■. by lasnretar B. Uagerie. Due Gaard. cb. c. by Advsnee Baard Vobo. Hi kt ••! the Di-t-ict. b. c, bj Si. Dary Anna «7 a sard. Dun- Campbell, b. or br. c. by Hsndsnriag Paad I.iv. Dunbar, h. g, hi L.uia-lai --Last Love. baaanaa Holow. b. c by Adah Painona F.ellc. Dust. h. c. bv Yankee S:i oke. Dasty, b. c, by Sander- -Orletta. Batch b. .. by Bocktoa Amstel. Datefa, br. c. by •Orteado — Nettie Dutchman. Patch Niht . eh. j;. bv Bsalaihlaad MHalghl Chinics. Dwiflht Slatlc. b. c. by Cherry Leaf — Expensive. K. L. Kri]ip. b. t. bv Beau Ormonde— Little dim Apx.. tiagle Bird, br. f. by Mscy — Deer Bird. Carl .-.. eh. c, by Mailtlalo Bain witch. Carl Scuff. CB. L". by Back Ma-sie -Lady Miles. I -a fly Dew. eh. I. by Joe Terry Mountain lb w. Baal St. Louis, ill. c, by Nasturtium — Inly Matcliless. Eastern Star. ch. f. by ornament -Bssterlteg. Bssy Life. b. f. bv sialwarl -Essi Imlia. LI; Davis, b. e. by Kilkorran Miss Bass. 1-M I.essc. eb. e. bv Prince Kslier — Mae Krwin. Bd. Halery, h. e. by lllowsbs Mrs. i-rankic New-bnrgb. ■I Kister. b. or hr. c. by •Brldgewsbft — Tnio Verdict. Kd Le Van. b. e. by Bowling Green — Idtebridge. I.d Morgan, cb. c, by Sir Dixon — My Qaeea. Bd Withers, b. e. by Withers— Jensde Dalton. Libia, b. i. by Purytar D. — Break oPay. Ivldic Dale. b. C, bv I-Mtlie Jones— Sweet Paver-dale. Kdtlic Matt, b. c. by Eddie Jones— Motto. Eddie Koweaa, br. e, by BdsUe .lone- -Bavreaa. i.tlee Bee, hr. f. bv Peter McCue Nona P. L.len Hall. ch. f, bv Anmath IL— Eden II. Ktiith a., ch. f. by Nbarod- Hattie W. Bssth Ann, b. f. hv *Sir Hercules— Kcnnesaw Queen. Bdtth ".. br. f. by *Katebl of the Thistle— Karma. Edmond Adams, b. z. by Baaseil "Memorial. Baas has-, b. f. by Captain Bigsbee Haw Bh i. Bdaa Collins, b. f. by The Commoner Ma Belle. Bdna Perry, eh. f. by ornament Star Dreamer. Bdward s.. br. e. by *8iagleton I air Day. Lile.-ii Arooa, blk. f. by Dellii AMaid of F.rin. F.l Bart. eh. c. by Patberiess Network. LI Monle. b. . bv Asafays Fame. LI ISO, ch. c. by Itearcaiehi r Model II. El Paso Latl, hr. c. by * Yorkshire I ad — *Slian-tlrona. El Puciitc ch. i:. l.v Key el Santa Anita— Lady Diamond. LI Trllo, b. C, by *Sir» Hercules — Yantic. Flair, b. f. bv Ton Ixet nc Allic Duke. nesaor Striblteg, blk. f. by Stalwart— Two Heart. Blinors. b. f. by •Golden Garter- My BaeJa. Llis-a. br. f. by *rataerJess— Sallie Washtegton. Klisabetb Betts, b. I. by Cherry Leaf— Solace. KIbtabeth c.. ilk. b. sr br, f. by Aryan — Base B. Elisabeth Daly. b. f, by Ormieant— Proclaim. BBsabeth Load, br. f. by •Orlaado— Coate Quick. Ell So... b. f. by apt. Bhjshee — Dahlia. Bite P.fvson. ch. f. hv *.luvenal- -Craziosa. BBa Passer, b. f. hy Bt n Howard— -Belle Cooper. Llla Maxnic. b. f. bv Maxnie— Ella Boisad. Bllaaette, cb. 1. bv Allan-a-Dalc -roandUag. KID n Bacliatd. br. f. bv Cioninell RepeatSBCe. Elmer l.. ch. c, bv Bhaer L.— Tsrgetbs. Llnar. b. c. hv *Solitaire II.— luida. Elsie B.. b. 1. by Sitbiara -Lita Lee. Flva IL. far. f. by Pigeon Post — ainille C. Flvira. b. f. by Stanhope 1 1.— Llla Kaphaclle. Fhira K.. br. t. by Sam Phillips Art. Fmbellish. ch. f. bv iAlve-eot — Bsshford Belle. laid la. ilk. br. f by •Solitaire II. *Candiil. Raibrrsat, b. e, t:y Mbrrsba — rkiiai; Venus. Fmilv Lee. hr. f, bv Bannockburn Ladv Churchill. i: uilv of Vallev View. eb. f, by Sir Malcolm-Stsltbe. Lmma I... b. f. by Nasturtium — Columbia. Kami Stuart, b. f. bv FBigrsne — Annie Clark. Enmiy K.. br. e. by tlrsini Saintolat. Bnrpyresn. br. c, by •Glgaateam -Knuitional. English Al. b. c. by •ABowajr— English Latly. Rataagie, cb. f. by •Glgnntenm— Klf Iicks. Liimii. el . i . by •Atveseat — Bimla. Eoivn. blk. f. bv Minaor a — Argeatiae. Bosue, ch. f. by •Alreaeot— MrtDeae. Bpanlette, ch. e, by •Ahreacot — Himera. Fpiciirean. ch. e. by •Islington — Daintv. Liana, b. f. by *Bsssetlaw- -My Homy. EnaSBB, cb. c. by Hurst Park — Livatlia. Fiath Queen, br. f. by Nlgget Toney — Ida V. Brlaager, b. . by Toddlngton -Bainsway. Bsherlight, b. e. by Prince Kaber— Bridge Light. I sn a. b. f. by Difk Welles— Ueincmber Me II. Fssie Bee. b. f. bv Capl. rnold Pearl Sayre. F-trclIa. h. f. hv Lithos — ■March Past. Ft In 1 P.. ch. f. by McLbrht- -Aterys Carter. BtOWSb, b. f. bv •Alvesctit— Uczia. Brrarte, b, f. by Toddlngton — Florentia. Etta Me. ch. f, by tteuSbiug Flsthtl Bear. Ittiwantla. b. f, by BnateBo — Kmpress Belle l Apx l. Bcesat, eh. e. by *Ormir-ant — Fuelire. Fuclid. b. e. by Hastings— *8L Baaora. Banaae, h. e. by Bsasbarg or Hiiey — Bagteaia ■ageate Scott, h. f, by *Alvearot — Bageaia Wiekes. Luuice, b. f. hv *Iotentatt — Mary .MeetOU. B«S P.. i . f. by Peiitsclilaiul Bavelue. Lva Curtis, b. i". bv Garret D. — Dclsehosa. F.velyn Doris, b. f. by Ben Brush— Witt h Hazel. Batch. Lvclyn L K.. br. f. by Trapsetter— Ctmimida. Bn n Break, eh. f. by Baataarg- abaaUity. I.veiititte. b. f. by tean Be res ad -Pamela. Bver Thus. b. e, by *st. Bras -Annie Hamlv. Kvia. eh. f. hy •Alvescot— Levis. Bvil Soirit. br. c. bv rnicorn — Little Witch. Fvonia. b. f. bv *Me»iee— Dap|it r. Exactly, br. f. by Lithos — I.t.u Hazel. BsceBeace. eh. f. by Plaudit -Par Kxcellonce. Fxcello. cb. f. by *Alveseot — Ilus. Lxemplar. b. e, by Alvescot — Azueena. Bxpare. eh. e, by Omaha Kxlex. ffiaills. b. g, by Emperor of Norfolk — Muchaclia. Fxplicit. blk. c. by Sir Dixon — Bxareastag. Extravagance, eh. f. bv *Isiiagtaa -»A«aeaee. Lybilt. tlk. br. f. by •SolUaJre EL — Adelfa. F F. Jeff. b. e. bv Sea Kover — Anna Irifiht. Fair Atalanta. ch. f. by TalgM of the Thistle-Mis- Hanover. Fair Lillian, ch. f. hv Bosaerges — Ilira Villa. Fair Miss. b. f. bv Sir Dixon -Cremtirne. Fair Kebel. ch. f. by Ornament Mary M. Fair Star. b. c. by *Star Sliot.t Fair Penitent. Fairy Story, b. or br. f. by *otcr — Idle Fancy. Faith MeAlister, ch. f, by Prince Fsher — Alice Voang. Fallon, b. c. by Fddie Jones— Twin. Fsmlsnnnei s eh. f. hy Oaagar — Winona. Fanny KeinbTe. b. f. by *8earproalas — Janet Bray. Pannj Me. eh. f. by Laxeatboarg -Beaatify. Fanny Reber. b. f. by The Cliemist -Mollie ltcber. PSatsaaae. b. or br. f. by Dtegnise — •BUtha. Fantasy, b. f. by Uot ti-nlain Mary Worth. Pareene, b. f. by Flotow — Favena. Pnaaaae, eh. f. by Octagon Fairv Gobi. Paraser, eh. e, hy Dr. MscBride — Obttsgb Maitl. Fa-t. br. e. by Simon W. iAhx.i Brown Boots. Fast Bert, b. f. by Henry Bert -Fast Mate. Fast White, ch. c. bv White- Niiii Sims. Fatlallitle. b. c. by *Fatlcrle-s Lolitlc. Faius. br. c. bv Santello -Artlieiite. Pay Faxon, ch. f. hv Wax Taper Ladv Lucas. FaM-lla. eh. f. hv His Grace I.Ltoile. Featlier Duster, b. c. by P.r omstick -Ascot Belle. Pehrera. eh. g. hv Lev cl Santa Anita -Florilla. Felice Jones, br. f. by Fddie Jones— -Felice. Felicitos. hr. c. by *St. Las trace II. — Mainsail. Fclicitv Murrat twin, ch. I. hv Dlsgalsi ~Hjl rabelte. Penrir, b. f. by Heary Yonng — Miss *. Fio Gay. in. f. by Bedford Nettie Gay. Fern Grist, ch. f. by •Hermence -Myosotte. F z. b. c. by Wsdawortb Mndjesks. IHassn. hr. f. by Bosaerges Africa. Fice. b. c. by Dr. MacBritle Miss Hohson. Piddle, ch. e, by Omaha— Mary Banjo. Field Master, eh. u. b Mssteraaui — Surprise Parly. Fireman, eh. e, hv Sir Dixon Ashes. Pan, a nil, h. c. by Scintillant II. —Jessie WihmI Fir-i Brigade, hr. . by Brigade Oneen Hardy. Iir-t Fruit, br. c. by Sir Appleby- Couric. Fiscal, eh. f. by Meddler •Chiakars. Plve Ait-, b. f. bv Bbnmiae Aaosssly. Flat Lizzie, b. f. b] Flat land- Usste M. Ptetfish, eh. c. by Msrgrsvtete Lillie Flat. Flairnn. b. c. by Pink Coal Sister Mgabee. Flit re. b. c. by St. Maxim -Cotton Queen. Fleetwing. b. f. bv Prince of Melbonme — Lacona. Kligbl LHa. h. f. by Senella BrideadHtht. Flint Bock. br. e, by *Boek Sand Pbnrig. Flo Pol mar. b. f. by •Bain sistn- tt Im-le I.ob. FN. Travlor. b. f. l.v Wax Taper Libbie. Flora, b. f. by The Si ribe Flora Pomona. Floral Princess, b. f. by Floral Ktag — CVmntaxus. I;..|. amour, eh. f. bv Stale, art -Flower. Flora-cat. b. f. by Alvesrol -Flora WBloaghby. Floreare D.. br. f. by Ttthoaaa -Miss Crip. Florence Ba.lnor. cb. f. by LI Bishop Lad] Had nor Florence V.. blk. f, by Morellito— Clarinet te. Fbtrenss, ch. f. bj Ye-uvi-in — Floreathm. Fl.-rio i.i. b. f. by S-niproiiiiis - Froken. Floriiii-. .-li. f, by Monsieur de LOran — Lniina I! .lb-. Fb.-ric Bryan, eh. f. br •Albert — Monastery. Iou.i- Maid. b. i. by Floral King Bliaawr F. I •. p I.atMc b. f. bv Bniael sins Sister. Pino, b. f. l.v Omaha Fluorine. F!v. it. ch. f. b •Ligaterassa Ladv Teazle. Plyiag Fetd. b. c. l.v Woototborpe— Winged San ante. Plviasj Wolf. b. e. bv Lack and Charity OUJe I". Folk. b. c. by The Sharp, r -BeBa Knight Fontell... br. f. by Sint.-llo Directa. Fonteany, eh. e, by Nnstartiaai nesttereaah. Fool fall", cb. I. by Hastings Fioetia. FootUghts, .-li. e. l.v Hastings Flittermouse. Footprint, eh. e, by Bock Sand -fetish. Poppa, b. i . bv Fl ix Splnn i Grace Forhiudcu Fruit, eh. f, by *Adam — *Citruuella. Ford Bank. h. c. by Knight of Pearl— Onaw ay. Ft n head. ch. c. by Goldcresl Forelock. Forest Queen, b. I. l.v Floral Kteg -ih.reace Stanley. Forester, h. c. by Wild Mint— Flickainaroo. - Forseti. l.r. c. by *Solilaire II. — Breineriiafeu. Forsvth. h. c. bv Sun Dream — IVrrillos. Fart Carrol, b. e. by *GriBoa — Larth. Fort Wtirih. ch. e. bv Plaudit — Mamie Worth. Foundtichl. b. f, hy Major DalBgeraeid— Foiiu.l. Fraction, eh. f. by •Pirate of Penzance -Decimal. Frank Ferris, b. c. by Bannochburn or »tis — Humming Bee. Frank II. . b. e, l.v Norwood— Mira III. Frank H. McKlaate, b. e. bj •MiaUe- Orsage Leaf. Frank Mullens, b. e. bv Btrptat — Darn Wood Apxi. Hank Maria, b. e. hy Ben Brash Revelation. Frank Buhstalhr. blk. c, by Bearcatcher — Lavetia C. Freckle, ch, f. by Stalwart — Frankie. Fred Basin, b. c. by •Sais — Miss Marion. Fn-il Herbert, b. C, by Nasturtium — Keep Still. Fred Keene. eb. c. hy *s .litaire II. - Cattle Kate. French Brier, It. br. c. hv Harry Brady — Little Geare. Preach Class, b. f. by •BaheaMan Glass — Pteissaee. Preach Khag, b. e, hv Fthelbert — Navarres Hope. Fritz Fnnnett. b. c. by Maty— Sweet Voice. Prog, b. c, by •Monsieur de LOrme — Volma. Frondoss. h.f. by Peraandino— Oaoss. Prontteo, b. e. bv *l*ei shore Bosnde ban. Fruitful, h. f. hy •Woatstaorai — Fertile. Furious, l.r. c l.v Weraberg -Parte. Pariaag. b. e, by Ben Howard lieotwJe M. Fu-s. b. f. by ort Wells— Lyunette. G .. L. Shunrt. b. c. bv Zonm — Martha B.. Jr. ti. L. Doyle, ch. e, by Stalwart Mary Cal.iliau. Callant and Gay, b. c, bv Semper BgO -Lomiy. Galluaiag Ban seat to Bagtead, ch. f, hy *Oraas Carter Ban. Gsagway, b. e, US *Peep oDsy -Doreon. Ganogae, en. i. by llol.-iem -Aaat Kaiberine. Uaraean, b. c. bv *star shM.i -Aavergae. Oairiih.iis, b. i. l.v *st. Dory— Prattle. Garwood, cb. e, by Gold Herts— Lookteg Class. C.iutitlet. b. c. bv Na-Iiirtium — Clove. C.-.vartiie. eh. c. l.v —Peggy B. Cehtniiht. h. e. bv Maey — Grief. Gender, eh. f. by "Fatherless— ieiierine. General KUpatriek, eh. e, by Flambeau — Countess. General Rejes, ch. c. by Allan-a -Dab — Aareoba. Genfrsl, h. e. bv Cov. Sheehan — Minerva P. c-ii. Hsdley, b. c. by Don Orslno— Hortease Bbea Cenl lhillilis, b. e. by The Commoner -Annie Laifetta. Geatbj Jane, h. f. hy lrince Plenty — Mildred Juhl. Geo. Witt. eh. e. bv Matehh— .— Athleta. George Backler. h. e, by Backler— Grisey Day. George Meddler, ch. e, bv Medtlbr. Jr.— Miss A. Basse! L Ccrinan Jew. b. or br. c, bv *St. Sinioiiian II.--Lilly B. b-rtie. b. f. hy Dr. MacBri.h — Hattie. Gertrndi t;.. b. f. hv *stasagsa Bealta Brash. i.ertrude Hill, I, f. hy Monsieur Beaueain — La Dt sirous. Gilbert, b. J?- hy Sir Dixon -.-Alpena. Ginger Snap, h." e. by Matchless -Oueen Belle. tJlade IL. eb. f. by Bed Bagte -Pirate Maid. t;iadvs Larl, eh. f. by Carry Hermann — Wayward Lass. Glen Bay. h. e, hy *Mv Boy II. — Aahansa. Olcnna P.. h. f. by W. II. Ashland Ai x— Sa-ininthv. U Basra Twilight, eh. f. hy Watchman — Lucy Ward. Glehgarry, dk. I . c. by "Phaeton — Maid of Barry. Chun S.. b. e. by -Sir Hercules — Simple Interest. Glvn Greek, hr. c, by Bowlteg Green Alma Glya. toaebl, ch. f. by Matchless -Fteaette. Goteg Home, eb. f. by Krutsch — Homeward Bound III. Goiag Snnie. ch. f. hv Handspring— Nellie J. odd Butr. h. e. by Gold Heels— Justicia. Cold Cap. ch. . by •GohJea Garter — La Priinera. Gob Crown, b. e, by Gold Heels - -Syd Ayres. Cold Dollar II. , ch. f. bv Flax Spinner— Free Silver III. Gold Blk, ch. c. bv Elkhorn — •Golasa Bush. Geld Be*, eh. f. by •GoWcrest— • Royal Ceiu. Cold Oak. b. c. bv Cobl Heels— Jane Oaker. Cold of Gphlr, h. f, bv Bea Btash BwasBag. Cold Pitcher, h. c. by •GoMea Garter— Measure. Gold Spring, ch. f. by Brass -Paradise thnrhag. GObhtB, ch. j:. by *GoMeresl — Ttiken. Col.len Allies, ch. f. by Coltleu Maxim — *Crey Allies. liolden Fi.K. h. or l.r. f. by Cesarion — Bi Qaaae. Golden Grove, h. f. hy *Si. Liwrenee II. — Vir-gteJH I-ifavt tte. Golden Kuby, b. f. by Waterboy — Mono. Coldeii Sand. hr. of h. f. by *BX-k Santl — Coltlen Dream. Coltlen Treasure, hr. or hlk. c. by Coltlen Link — I.lah. Golden Wedding, br. f. hy GoMea Maxim— Wed-drMi; Da v. C.hli.. iter. dk. h. c. l.v "Adam -Roman Cold. Goldfish, eh. f. by •GoMfiach — Jinny Carvel. Cohlbaf. b. g, l.v *ioblcrest— Helen OC. Coldwiek. ch. e. by "GoMea Garter — Bradwick. Good Form. ch. c. by *Ogdea — Shapely. Good News. ch. f. by Masterniau Glad Tidings. Co dacre. ch. e. l.v Ch.-ircol -My Fairy. Coodway Lass. h. f. by Buckvidere — FaiTar. Ganaatly. b. s. by •Psnopaa or Bedeck — Temblor. Gsrge, b. f. by Politiac -Cohlen Valley. Cov. Gosdfeng, blk. e, by 1Ieasant Day — Kate Mc-Cinness. Cov. Sheldon, hr. or h. c, hy Bill Cramer — Miss llimyar. Cove.nor Jray. b. . by Carry Herniaim — Balaam. Oowla. h. c. by tiWMlh — Sun Flame. Grace Marvel, ch. f. bv GoMea Maxim— Alice Far If. . Grace Vivndte. eh. f. by The Dan — Aunt Amy. Graces, b. f. by ailgrntoe — Graeeaway. Gmcefnl Gbrl, eh. f. by Tempo — Yule. Gracey, a. f. hy •Ahbtrt Ortel Blk. Crand Canyon, eh. e. hy First Past— Miss Teen. Grand Peggy, eh. f. by Cesarion — Nellie Grsafi. Cf.indma-ter, ell. e, by *Kajfjht of Iearl or Btd mar — Marinee. Granger Twist, dk. b. e, by Btiaaget — Cimeroue. Qraafie. b. .-. by Bocktoa -Adriatha. Grastasar, br. Of blk. c. by Ilalma— Pronoun. Grant Park. b. c, l.v Hurst Park Helen Con-nelv. t:i-atis twin, b. f. hy •Ialtogtoa— •Smlrr. Craves, ch. c. by Box — 1 lowxrilale. Croat Caesar, b. c. by Cc-afioii GranatelS II. Great Garry, a. sr hr. c, by Carry llenii.-nin —Long Lost. Greai West. ilk. h. c. by BackJeya -Athy. Greea dor. eh. f. by Bowliag Gut a Bite dor. Crecn Isle. l.r. f. by *St. Avonieiis— OfiaM of Fer lllt.V. Greew Wick. br. f. by Cubit — Greea Witth. Orenida. h. g, by Canopu- Chrysalis. Cretchen 1., ch. f, hy The Sharper — Farraijut Maid Apxi. Grey Dawn. Kgi f. l.v Cayuga Pywax-ee. Grey Nell, m. or gr. f. bv Maey Bspuella. Griostead. I., or l.r. .-. by *o.Iilteib.w May Mack. Crovcr llnghes, eh. •. by Handsel Stamen. Cuns Hill. eh. g, by Ah-ha Mrs. Stuart. Cunstick. b. c, by •Ogden -Gaarod. Gay Rpenser. cb. c. bv Leonid Begone. Cyptis. eh. f. hy BearcatclM-r— I»uesa. H II. M. Sabntl. ch. g, by De. -ring— The Beak. II. R. Brandt, br. e, bv Bannockburn — Gertrude Elliott. 11. W. Blckenbacber, blk. c, by MoreUito— Acoasa. Hair Trigger II. . eh. f. by Hastings Trigger. Hal Worth, hr. c. by KenBworth Halnsetta. Half tluinea, hr. f. by Lamplighter — English Moaey. Ilaitb man. b. c. by *McCee — Long Chnu. Halfway, eh. e, by •Onae Shore — Versa K. llalkys Comet, h. c. hv *Star JRsool -Cold Wave. Hand Satelu I. b. f. by fiiu Payne Satcliel. Ilamlcar. ch. g. by Handspring artottn C. n.-.iitlfunniiig. br. c. by Handspring Penan. Brown, b. c. l.v Covernor Forsker -Ameiia P. Handy Winner, b. e. by Gslteway — Mary laiier-oii. il.ippv Fath-r. sent to England ch. c, bv *Patn-. riess Belle Fleur. Harkstone, h. g. by Yankee Myrtle Harkness. Ilannaiiii-. ea. c. by Mexican -Herbrie. Iteratswtet. ch. c hv Locoantehee Hsrasssies II. Ilirri.-t Smith, eh. f. by Clovis Dolittle. Hnrrj Boas, eh. e. hy Cattaraugus -Kansas Queen. Harrv Van. b. e. hv Colon. I Malhtt Btete June. Harvest Fly. br. g. by •Marehssoal II. Locust. Harvest Moon. b. I". by Orl Wells Katie Havlin. Hasty Bert. b. f. by Heary Bert -Grit. Hat Brush, b. e. bv Ben Brash Hteshat. Hate. ch. f. by Stalwart laiiola Msssa. Hat terns, b. g. by •Potentate Ponaterbreese. Haute Bocae, b. sr l.r. f. by Rock Bund -*Haa-t.-s- II. Hava-upi. b. .-. by Lscohatrhee Hon. Hiuklke. hlk. .-. by •Hswkswbrll -Ladv Di-daiii. Daw bv. eh, e, by •Hswkswiek -Hoasewife. II... i Bnrkv, br. f. by *Bempronins Betaiaed II. Hazel Heath. ... f. by The Po«nn»oaev Boantta. Hazel Ross. ell. f. by Heather Jock Strange De Vice. Headmaster, eh. g. by GoMen Maxim -Masthead. II eat I ■•rhro-im. b. I. by Ben Brnali Bltnrien. HeatberbkMsa. l . f. by •GoMcresI Heatberdnwn. Heetsgon. eh. c, by Octagon Donna Henrietta. Hecnba. .li. f. by Hem. -Farfalla. Uerdfal. b. f. l.v *Pnrberiess Vigile. lb im r. b. e. l.v Gorman I.issa I.. R. la. ch. c. bv Poatise -Hebe. Helen Adore, hr. f. hr Inspector p..— *Haate. Helen r.arhee. eh. t. bv Peep ..Day Ladv Bill hie. Helen Bell. eh. f. by St. Leonards -Mary Kelly. Helen Burin-It. ch. I, by Allan a Dab- Goad Manner-. Helen Cow, ch. f, by Woo.slhorpe— Fluid. Helen Hawkins, ch. f. by Cunard — Katie Wal.-ott. Helen Me, eh. f. by Boanerges -Meddlesome she. Helen Scott, rh. f. by Contest. .r— 111 Tarco. Helen Shannon, br. f. by Intiexibb Spinach. Helen Stevens, hlk. f. hy Vorl.-hire Latl — Lady Uolyrood. Helen Winn. b. f, by Islington— Clipper. Helen Winter, ch. f. by Stalwart — HrttepoUs. Helene. b. f. by lb tab BeBane. Ilelianthiis. ch. f, by Admonition— Fad and I "• -M v-Heiiintite. Hi. f. bv Boys -Fond Msessry. Henry BaacT. b c. by Blues Reception. Henry Craven, b. C, hv Contract — Caslila. Henry- Walhaiik. hr. e. by Faian.ioli- -*|. i.abi-|iin. Herbert Light, ch. g, bv Herbert — Everh right. Herbert I urner. b. .-. bv LlDDard Banaanl 11. Heretic, ch. g. hy Hasting-- Hoopstlck. Bans, dk. hr. e, by Herman Doyle Edith Baas. Hermetic, ch. c. l.v *Henaeaci — Georgia Kinney. Ilerodaa, ch. f. by Adam Wil.l Tbyate. Heraaw, rh. r. by •Sir Hercules Kcnnesaw p.elle. Hesitate, b. c, hy f.lon-ieur tie LOnm — Lady in Waiting. Hiccough, b. f. hv Bean — Cupa. Htekej . ch. e, by Box ;.«. c... . Hikliag. br. or b. c, by The Commoner— Sewing CM. Hickman, hr. c. hy •Masotto— Maltese Crass. Iii_n Diver, ch. c. bv Brya Mawr. Lady Thsanaa, High Lass. b. f. bv .Maxnic Higb-IIor. Higbfiown, ch. f. by Pee,! oDai Rain Drop. Htebtead Chief, ch. c, hy *Mortlake — Lin-rezia Borgia. lllghtead Maid. b. or br. f. hv •WMowet Si. Ida I .allow. Hightoned, b. f. by Horapipi — High C. Ilili. b. f. by David Teaay- Bertha Me Apx . Hill King. eh. c, by baroad Otga B. Hlngham. br. g, by Yaakee -H. unbent. His Kevereaee, eh. e, i v His Grace Bona daisy. Hoang-llo. eh. c. bv BbapfeH Anglte. Holcomb. i.r. .-. by Dteeas -Mab.-l D. Apx. Honey Bug. b. r, by Haddington Nnna Apx. Donga, b. f, l.v Cold Herts -Divide. H.n. pa h. r, by KenilwortB Trialtj B.ll. llopatia. ch. f, by BeiMital — All Hope. Hopkins, eh. e. bv Future Mi.-. Maloney. Horace Jon -. b. e, by Hi- I dshln— Milly G. Horace Wilson, br. e, by Col. Prestaa — Clincher. Horteon, cb. f, by llsstlnga -#*ond Hope-. Horartk. l.r. c. by KBtbora— •Careaaet II. Hose Shiehls. b. e. l.v Biiekbr -Lthel Scott. Hotefa Potch. eh. t". by Cgaiiteuui Hot P.ird. HoasenMbL b. f, bj Broatnstlck BtbeJ Pace. Houston StilT. ch. C, by Scotch Dam e Sinipli. ity. Howard Better, ch. e, by •GoMea Gartef Bel nardina. Baappaage, l.r. f, hy lrince of Mrihaaran — The Brown Coaateas. Iluetaino. ch. c by Mexican — HoaMoaafay. Hotamy, !.. f, by Henry Young --1 in v Jaaes. Haaeh, rh. g. by -Knight of the Thlstb — ! Iliriurs Port. b. e. m Pataamar Koefe Rose. Ilui.tty. h. c. by *SeiU! ronius Lady Loyal. Husky Lad. eb. g. bv Berans l.iaw Lass. Hussite, b. e. by Parting Shot. Hutch, ch. e, by Old Hutch— Cerita. lltixter. l.r. c. hy Sorcerer — Irony. , I Iceman, b. c. by Herbert — Misery II. Ida Elisabeth, eh. f. hy Nnstartiaai — Saaeear, Ida llartison. hr. f, by *IngoMsby — Mela. Ml Ix.. b. f. bv J. an Ibieaud Metlica. Ida Lackford. eh. f. bv •Laekrord -Ma III. Ida Order, l.r. f. by Harder — Ma lord. Ms b. 1". by Morellito Lovalista. ldell S.. hr. f. by Sir Appleby Sis Hopkins. Idle Day. b. f. by •Peep ..Day -MeaBty. Idle Micliacl. cb. g. by •Potentate -Beanie Lizzie II. I.lleweiss. b. -. by Meltonian— Villa V. Itliina. cb. f. by *Widower — Leonora W. Ike Cohen, br. e. l.v HngoluKbj «liukl.-. II Terror, eh, c. by Borgb Tr. inbl.-. 11 Trovatore, b. e, hy Allow iv hteeeasla. illmo Girl, dk. hr. f. by St. Boqae— PbBter. Dlaora. b. f. by Illowaho Nor a Ri.hai.l-. lima. br. f. by Hasting- Moanrkn. Ilzic. b. f, by Luck sad Charitv— Brown Thrash. Im There, br. e, by Mscy— Mai AaasL Immortal, b. e, by ihoenix .Morality. Imprint, b. or hr. f. by Knight of the ll.istlc — Afleet. Improvement, ch. f. bv Dr. MaeBri.le— My It— ie. tea, ch. f. by Leonid Bose Of Red. liia Lee, ch. f, by Ornament — La Flanense. Incision, hlk. c. by Ossrioa Belle Swift. Ineitatus. br. c. by * — Boinauv Kawny. Indian Cirl. eb. f. by •Wortsthorpe Savage. Indian Sharp, b. c. by Msddsb The Black Saaaar. Indian Sturm, br. f. bv rormsitfr Mansooa indicator, ch. c. hv CritToii — Last Ban. Indora. blk. f. bv Solitaire II. Arisbe. Indns, b. f. by Illowaio — Cahuilte. laexoraMe, b. e. by laaexJble— UreUaaa. Inez Cterksoa. b. f. hy Arvan — May rate. Inlantila! .-. cb. C. bv Allan-a Pale .My Baby. Initiatec. b. i. by Borgia — Initiation. Inspector General, eh. c. by tespectec IL — Prtoeeai Fowling. Insthorpe, b. e, by •WoobMboroe — Insinuate. Insulting, b. f. bv Proposer St. Mary. Interfering, hr. f. l.v Galore Meddlesome. talrasoaet, i . .-. by intrusive Caaasaaette. Irama. tlk. b. f. by ParyeSI 1 . — Pit teptress. Irish P.elle. b. f. by The irishman bells 1-. Irish Cardia. eh. f, hy The Iriahasaa Alma Oat tiia. Irish Cent!. -mail. b. c. bv •McGee -The Lady. Irish Kill. It. b. c. by Irish Lad -Census. Irish land, eh. e, hy Ceaarioa — *Fir-t I sad Irish Nora. eh. f. by *teUagtoa -Nancy D. Iran V... eh, f. ay Craseeaaa -Daascaaneat II. Iran Clad. eh. c. bv Cast Iron —Mislaid. Iron Man. b. c. by Cast Iron Teaaj Belle. Iron .Mask. b. or br. e. by Diagutse •Boys I Base. Iron t.ueen. b. f, by Cast Ii":i t.iiiecn Fbs tilt inc. Ironniasler. eh. c. hv Armeath II. — Invcrg.hl. Iras, b. f. by Solitaire IL— Norinne. Irving Coin n. eh. e. l.v Ort Wtdls — Ovozpa. Ivalxl. br. f. by Ogden -Ivt.rv IVIls. Is.-ib.l Cas.-e. b. !. by Herbert— Fairyland. ICantvle. rh. e. by Cigauteitm — Zanita. Ivorydale. b. f. by Dick WeMes DsaceUs. Ivy Climber, dk. b. f. bv Thicket — McCue. Ivy Greea, b. f. by fWoolstborpe 1 hanks. Iv.v ton. eb. g. by Blitzen -Kniinence II. Iwalani. b. f. by Sain — *CHcaaat. J .1. C. blk. e, by Bearoe -EstrrtUds. J. C. Bwnlt. eh. c. hy Pink toat — Minev Po. J. E. M. Taylor, br. c. l.v Basset l.-iu Marcel- Baa. .1. R. Jolinson. b. e, bv Si !l».w Silver Fi-li. J. S. lLcklt.w, ch. c. by Chop Su.v — Her Sist. r Apx. .!. W. McCull nigh. It. b. C. bv Svkeston-Mondaee. Jabot, b. e. bv Ornament "Tartlet. Ja.-k P... b. c. bv •Pteaades tallie Dozi.-r. .la. k Boardette, br. e, by •BeUtaire II. Centre Tip. Ja.-k CasteBo, b. e, by David Teaay Mitford iAiri. Jack Dennian. eh. c. kg Ornaneiil — Excellent. Ja.k Dary, a. e, hy *st. Dun Caaarry Fraud. Jack C.. b. e. hy K! Bio Rev Dotty M. Jack Gamble. l . e, by Nihilist Leptaasa. Jack Herrmann, eh. c. by tlaxry Hermann — Marconi. J:nk M.-Cawlev. b. c. bv Roval— lloe.t . Jack Noi-in. b. c by Mr. Jack Baa Filly. Jack of Diamonds, gr. e, bv Ken taees -Flag Tail. Jack Bieger, b. e. by •hteasgan Mary Agnes. lack Lva. i. b. c. by Orlamlo -Mettles Deceiver. Jack Senliousc. ch. e. bv His Cract — Flash-in-the- Pan. Jack Startle, b. e, by •Boreerer startle. Jack Rtryker, b, g. by Ja.-k P.-int -Bell.- Graham. Jack Weaver, hr. e, by *TUboana -Msraeste. Jack Wall. b. c. by Chuctani ntla Oriska. Janu- F. Atexander, ch. by Hiiniuion Stella Walker. Jan. -s J., ih. C. bv Simon W. fAi.y i — Hard Luck. James Me. blk. e, by Ceaarioa — Edith Me. laiiies Richard, br. c, by Bacaasavsa -Lilwrty I.ell. Jane Co-kriil. b. f, bv The Oaasananet Base Si an di-h. .line Thorpe, b. f. by Woolstborpe — Jane Grey. .1 ineltla. ill. f. b lcC.e Levis. .1: I. b. I". by Ib.w Balzane. tear! W.. b. f. by Nharsd Base Tree. .T.-ismiiii . b. f, by Dtegalst *Jesasat. j.aii Wagaer. eh. e. hy Jeaa BetaaaaV— Dairy Wig- ii r. Jeaaette F., eh. f. by Northern Star Biwklyn Belie. Jennie Lynn, b f. by Woolwich S|«.ii Sntsrt, Jennie Park. eh. f. bv Dade Abb -Eva Park. .1. rieia. b. I. by Kitchener Mountain Mai.! .leisev Blue. l.r. .-. bv Bliu-- Lillian.--. Jer-eyman. h. c. by Elkhorn Lillie Hempstead. lease Heaver, 1-. ••. by Petes MeCas Patti reaas/. Jessie Illgobl-bv. ch. f. bv Ingohlshv— Jes-ic Lee B. .est. hr. f. by Bea Brush lap and Bells. Jewel P.. b f. bv ■• - Nb-ht Shade. | Jim Rsser. rh. c by Salvation — Dora I. Jim Darling, blk. c. bv Jjn Kelly Evas Darling. Jha Delay, it hr. r, by Chcny Leaf— hate Pen -I Z.-lllce. J Jim Hslpin. eh. c, by McGre California. I Jim llan.-ou. b. e. by Woolstborpe Baongh. 1 ™ Jim Kane. b. e. bv Tit.i. nils Jennie Wren. Jim 1.. eb. e. by »Ben Stnuue Blae Jacket. Jim Mc. b. e. bv Coil!ian Miss /.emanskv. Jim MarrehBI. blk. e, l.v •Peep oDnv -Mny Bee. Jim St..u. ch. .-. l.v Yellow Tall Tinkle Tinkle. .Liniiiie P... ill. e, by Palm Reader K. Reni. .In... Pendergsst. ch. e, l. Draameal -Hlenins. Jocko, b. c. bv Herbert Li Diva. J.e xd. b. or br. c l.v Kteg Gold -Polly Bixby. Joe Puller, b. .-. by Modred Ethel Cox. Joe Gardarr, rh. e, bv Car s.-a! Pieavaae, Jo,- Dig. br. e. by •Orteadn Marguerite Doyte. J...- K.-nyon, hr. c. by Orlaii 1 i Sister to llindoo-crat:. Joe Levin, b. c. l y Joe Terry Murcill. Joe Mason. t . or br. e, by Duke of Kendal — Belle Sum age. Joe Mcintosh, b. or br. e. by Sidney Lueas — Ladv Walker. Joe Xepper. eli. •. by David Tenny — Zylpha. Joe Keiile. br. or hlk. e. by Clovis — Pickup. J«tc Rice, b. e. by *Alloway Brush By. Joe Stein, b. e. by The Commoner — Alpaea. Joe Terry II.. eti. c. by Joe Terry — DeWine. Joe Venaltle. eh. g. by *Star Shoot — Mcrrywlse. Joe Wells. lk. eh. g. by Joe Terry — Maiwells. Joe Wright, eh. e. by Jaek De Mund — Fairness. Joey, eh. e. by *Star Shoot— Quaver. John Bacon, eh. e. by Hurst Iark — Olinda. John Bailey, b. or br. e. by Fernandino — Corada. John ! .. ilk. b. c. by Tusciilum — Rose Stilton. John Fields, b. e. by Sam Lueas — .Mis. John Griffin, b. e. by Fernandino -Mrs. Columbia. John Kilgore. eh. g. by Russell — Option. John Ragan. It. b. e. by Stranger— Fate. John Schuyler, eli. c. by Raunockhurn — Kavolette. John Strong, eh. c, by Cactus II. — Alice Dough ertv. John Tobin. b. e. by Glmorack Nun Nicer. Johnny Me. b. e. by Simon W. Ap — Ida Q. Joker Boy. eli. c. by Nattianson — Susan Ann. Julias, b. c. by Handsel — Joanna. Jos. Hull. b. e. by Yorkshire Lad Stars. tmm S.. It. b. f. by The Hero Lady Lyon II. iMfl D.. dk. b. e. by The kOW — May. Joseph M.. b. e. by *Sir Hercules — Winyah. Joshua l.. eh. c. by *St. Dory — Stolen Kisses. Joy Mire. b. f. by Admonition — Frances I. Juarez, br. c. by Serpent — Sand Storm. Judd lie*-, br. c. by *Monslcur de LOrmc — Lady 1j « reiiee. Judge Crain. b. c. by •Scinlillant II. — Mary Keith. Judge Monck. b. c. by Bon Brush — Esulv and Often. Judge Sciumes. eh. c, by Prince of Melbourne — The Lady RoN-eca. Judge Sutton, b. e. by Sam Phillips- Bonaea. Judge Tom Suiith.. ch. c. by Futurt — Stella Berkley. Judge Webb. b. e, by *Kilkcrran — JanT Monroe. Judy Gooding, ch. f. by Magistrate — Slvrtle M. Julia, dk. b. or br. f. by Magistral — Maceadie. Juiia BWMfe, ch. f. by Hurst Iark — Ollie. Julia H. Faulkner, b. f. bv Autolight — Mrs. Frank l R. .Hie. Juverence. br. c, by Juvenal — Inference. K Kalsotmne. b. f. by Prince Plenty — Tootie Nichols. Kansas Friend, eh. e, by Alliula — *Agnes Iegler. Knptin Kiddo. eh. c. bv *Mazagan--Fleda B. Kathleen M.. br. f. by Yorkshire Lad Bad Luck. Kathleen Rice. b. f. by Dr. Bice — Miss Kathleen. Kalhryne Gardner, ch. f. by Roanerges — Patroness. Katie, b. f. by Broomstick*— La Calcra. Katonah. eh. c. by Hamburg — Spindrift. Kaufnnn. eh. g, by Potentate — Cremona. Kawatii. dk. b. c. by Kelston — liauola II. Kel d"Or. by Kelston — Drowsy. Kelsetta. ch.. e. by Jim Kelly — Santa. Kelsing. b. c, by Jim Kelly — Warble. Kelso Lassie, eh. f. by Woolsthorpe— The Henrietta. Kennet. eh. c. by Adab — Belle Stuart. Kenneth G., dk. b. c. by John F. — Lucille Lawrence. Kenora. eh. f. by Morpheus — Pink Marsh. Keiituekv. red b." or eh. f. by St. Lawrence II. — Nydia II. Kentucky Colonel, eh. e, by Holstein — Utilitas. Kentucky Rose, b. f. by Ornament — St. Ursula. Kerry BMT, br. e. by Carry Hermann — Scnorita. Keswick, b. c. by Fatherless — Sanci. Kiefer. br. c. bv Illowalm — Knergia. KillH.urne. b. c, by Peter MeCue— Patti Billet. Kil.ooley. b. f, by *Contraet— Vestalia. Killarney Uose. eh. f. by Nasturtium — Pink Rose. Klnderhook, ch. e. by Rensselaer — Siiniter. by De Totee. Kinfolks. b. f. by Major Daingerfleld — Goorgie R. King Copper, dk. b. or br. c, by Copper King— Cassandra. King Dere. ch. c. by Buckvidere — Lily Maid II. King Klk. b. c. by Blues — Jural. King Klk in. br. e. by Gorman — Miss Ruth E. King Ponso. b. or br. c. by Upward — I liana Fonso. Kiug Gowanda, b. c, by Cormorant — The Bronze Demon. King Lt. b. or br. c. by Lissak — Enview. King Lucas, br. c. by Sam Lucas — Queen Annie. King March, h. c. bv Marchmont II. — Three Per Cent. King Taurus, br. e. by Taurus — Fast Queen Apx. King Ti Juan.-i. hlk. e. by Benroe— Josefita. Kingpin, eh. c. by Box — Elise. Kinnelon. b. g. by *Sempronius— Luzelle. Kiloin. b. or lir. g. by Kilogram — Ouieo. Kissing, b. f. by Kingston — Rapture. Kissing Cup. br. f. by Migraine — nasher. Kitty Carr. b. f, by •Woolsthorpe — Ohum. Kitty Grey, b. f. by Heno — Blue Queen. Kitty Hampton, b. f. by Sir Hamilton — Kitten. Kitty Kat. eh. f. l«y Algol — Keturah. Kitty OShay. sent to England b. f. by *Ornus— •Beria. Knabe. b. e. by Howard — Ada A. Knight of Uncas. blk. or lir. c, by Knight of Pearl — Prudence. Knight Tiiought. b. r. by Knight Errant— Mindful. Knockabout, ch. «•. by lllowalio — Beatrice S. Kootenay. ch. c. by Ben Strome — My Beauty. Kormak. b. e. by Inryear D.— Ubiffie." KoronL b. c. by Ben Strome — *Cheeseeloth. Krevwitz. li. e. by Dr. Bob — iMaghoni. Krudor. b. c, by Bassetlaw — Krudane. L L. M. StanJIey. eh. c. by Buckvidere — Essayor. LAp|M-le, b. f. by •Potenlatt — False Alalia. La Azora. It. f. by Madstone — Susie B. La Casa, ch. c. by Giganteum — Levant. I-i Cnmargue. ch. f. by Onnicant — I elta. l-i Chance, b. e. by Ben Howard— Satinet. La Cross, b. f. by Omaha — De La Croix. La Reine Empress, h. f, by Emperor of Norfolk — El Astro. La Traviata. ch. f. by Tristan — Sweet Violet. La U Mexican, b. c. by Mexican — LAlouette. Ibentem. ch. f. bv Hatts — Gliding By. LaN.M. b. e. by Gold Heels— Wings. Lackrose. b. c. bv Lackford — Sararose. Laele.le. el,. -. by Holstein— Speedmast. Ladasr-tte. b. f. bv Disguise— *Ladasine. Lady Abbess II. , b. f, by St. Lawrence II.— Lady Abbess. I.ady Alma, b. f. by Hampshir — Alma Girl. Lady Apple, b. f. by McOee — La Pomona. Lady Borgia, b. f. by Borgia —Lady Rowell. Lady Danger, li. f. by Marchmont II. — Sweet Danger. Ladv Edith, ch. f. bv Ben Strome — SIv Nun. ba# El-a. b. f. by Seahorse II.— Lady Keith. Lady Em. ch. f. by Magistrate — Lady Aintree. Lady Emilia, b. f. by Fernandino — Prairie Witch. Ladv Fairfield, b. or br. f. bv Lobengula— Our Lida. Lady Flobert. b. f. by Perblaze — Idyle. Lady Glenmerc. br. or b. f. by Contract — Margery Long. Lady Hera. ch. f. by Tenny— Ordelle. Lady Heriuis. ch. f. by Hermis — Sekanet. Ladv " Hess. b. or br. f. bv St. Heleue II. — Star Vail. Ladv Hines. b. f. by Woolsthorpe — Showers. Lady Knoles. ch. f. by Left Bower — Ruby Knoles. Ijidy Loutwe. ch. f. by Masterman — Cherry Wild. I.ady Lewis, br. or blk. f. by Sorcerer — Marv Ross. Lady Lnrne. I . f. bv Stalwart — Ladv Ilslev. I.pdy M. M.. ch. f. by Rev el Santa Anita— Belle damn. Lady Macv. b. f. by Maoy — Dollv Haviuan. Lady Maxim, ch. f. by St. Maxim— High Tea. Lady Melbourne, eta. f. by Prince of Mciltourne— •Mareianrsi. Lady Orruieant. b. f. by Onnicant — Lady Hor-tense. Lady Packard, b. f. by Mazagan — Ethel Collins. Lad- Rosalie, br. f. bv Handspring -Ladv Slavey. Lady Rose. b. f. by ri Rev- Miss Ml— tfisi. I-ady Slipper, b. f. bv Griffon I«idv Moccasin. Iady Stalwart, ch. f. by Stalwart — Lady Bab go wan. Lade Tendi. b. f. bv Sir Hercules Tendi. Lady Willie. ,. f. by Marchmont II —Miss Willie. Laf- urche. eh. e. by Justice — Low rut. La.. ore. ch. e. bv Delhi Hon reina. Lampblack, br. c. by La in pi i;; In or I.luotle. Laai H Promise, ch. f. by Alloway — Helen Thoni a« anoslioro. b. e. bv Jim Dunn Peaehum. Lange. eh. f. by Flamls-an — Madame Du Barry. La.iiedon. b c. by Titlionus — Musical Slipper. Last Primrose, b. c. by Chuctauunda — Lady Primrose. Later Lass. b. f. by Yorkshire Lad — Later. I.afiu Phrase, br. f. by Resolute II. — Semper Vive nt Laughing Elsie, ch. f. by Voter -Harpsichord. Laura Martin, ch. f. by Fernandino — Picavune III. IA|il. Laurotto. b. f. bv St. Simonian II. — Santa Rosa II Ijturier. br c. by Orsini — Plumeria. Laadura. b. or br. o. by The Commoner— Left-wing. Lavender I„ad. b. c. by Ben RtfWW — Irvana. I.ivinia. b f. bv Sir DtaDM -Roman Belle I.Ea-i ilor. ch. f. bv Ailes dOr Logan Water. I.ealbt. I. f. by Planudes tak Leaf. baafc, eh. f. bv Adam — fereta. I »ap. ch. f. by Dick Welles Somersault. Learned Brother, b. c. by Sempronius — Bon Voy-aife Iyeather Bov. b. c. by Lillis II. — Emmanidd. L.-ather Girl. br. f. bv Sam Lucas— Cundo. jA-ylare. eh. f. bv Whwkv KlM! Suavita. I *e Ellis, b. c. bv Herbert -Mamie Ellis. !*•«■ Kniglit. Ji. •. by 1-kniuhteil -Olga II. Lees Friar, ch. e. bv The Friar— The Queens Gambit. Legislator, ch. g. by The Commoner — Mary Cowan. Leila C. ch. f. by Kenilworth -Haggard. Lellius Sum", b. c, by Luck and Charity — May Do. Lemonade Dan, br. c, by Pleasant Day — Lady Mc-; inness. Lena Cooloy. ch. f, by Prince Esher — Mattie Cae-leno. Lena Holland, b. f. by Bob Carter— Fay M. Lena Ross. b. f, by LoImis — Spectre. Lenna Long. b. f. by Phclan Dorian — Gltitk. Leo Witliers. ch. c. liy Withers — Leonora J. Leon B.. b. c. by Mazagan — South Sea. Leonard Barry, b. c. by Inspector B. — Frances Booker. lioojiold. b. c, by Woolsthorpe — Leopoldina. Lescar. It. c. by Filigram — Short Cake. Lesh, b. c. by *Wools1horp — Dusk. Letist. ch. c. by Druggist — Scoritolette. Lets Sing. It. f. by Proposer — Alto. Ixvina. br. f. by Ins-| ector B. — *l evina. Levity, ch. f. by Gigautcum — Lizzie Elliott Lew Hill. blk. or dk. br. c. by Major Daingerfleld Buddhist. Light Express, b. c. by Mallory — Miss Foxy. Lighter, ch. g. by Igniter — Veracious. Like Ella. ch. 1. bv Senolla— My Ladylike. Lil Apple, blk. or br. f. by Sir Appleby— Lolilla. Lillian Hall. b. f, by Sempronius — Marmora. Lillian May. b. f. by Ben Chance — Tuckapaw. Lily Paxton. b. 1". bv Blues — Falomacita. Lily Plant, ch. f. by Simon W. Apxt— Lofty. Lily Sal. ch. f. by Salvado — Lily Dale. Limpet, br. or blk. c. by Migraine — Set Fast. I.indo. ch. i. by Rapid Transit — Morena. Linelle E.. eli. f. liy Onnicant — Puzzolana. Linganore. b. f. by Ingoldsby -Admittance. Linn Conley. b. c, by Plutus — Dwarf. Linnie S., ch. f, by Bonnie Joe — Lady of Melbourne. Lite Howard, ch. c. by Elmer L. — -Martha Lynn. br. Lit bos S. Lithogene. f. by — -Eugenia Little Bloom, br. f. by I.ithos — Apple Bloom. Little Brook, b. c, bv Flying IBrook — Wing Door. Little Dick. ch. c. bv Brigade — Lou Beach. Little Dixie, b. f. bv Aloha— Dixie Lee. Little Dodo. ch. f. by Cazadero — Bellibone. Little Earl. ch. c. by Nasturtium — Ethel R. Little Ef. br. f. by Bonnie Joe— Stella Canipltell. Little Fan. b. f. by Lighterman — Ijidy Fan. Little Friar, b. c, by The Friar — Ballentra. Little Oirl. br. f. by Bassetlaw — Incandescent. Little Horn, br. f. by Migraine — Mattcrborn. Little Julia, b. f. by San Lucas — Mestiza. Little Long. b. f, by Ailyar — Lucy Long II. Little Maggie, ch. f. by Nasturtium — Devotee. Little Maid. b. f, by Modred — Daisy Green. Little Na|Kiioc. br. or blk. f. by Chant — Budora F. Little Oasis, br. f, by Belvidere — Lucasta. Little Peak. ch. c. by Ort Wells— *Aita Loma. Little Rajah, ch. c, by Hurst Park — Marsara. Little Revenue, b. g. by Marchmont II. — Tariff. Little Spray, ch. f. by Mallory — Oak Spray. Little Traveler, b. f, bv Commercial Traveler — Little Ella. Lizard, ch. c. by Joe Terry — J.a Amiga. Lizzie E., b. f. by Campus — Loka. Lizzie Pat ton. br. f. by Loiterer — Allie Henry. Lizzie Young, b. f. bv Bearcatcher — Captivate. Llorona, ch. f, bv Higldaiwier — -Willow. Lochiel. b. c. by Hastings— Lady of the Valley. Lodcstono. br. c. by Lithos — Paschal. Loire Star. b. f. bv Star Shoot — Loire. Lois T.. b. f. by Ornament — Lillian Lee. Loma Alta. b. f, liy Highlander — Alma Russel. Ixtndon Smoke, gr. c, by Margraviate — Evelina Grey. Lone Ren. ch. c. by Ren Strome — Lone Sea. Lone Star Pride, ch. c, by Captain Bol — Snowniaid Apxt. Lonctree. b. c. by Lofrasco — Plane Tree. liongridge. gr. c. by Faraday — Zealotry. Longshaiiks, br. c. bv Mcltonian — Sutte. Lookinto. b. f. by The Scribi — Pry. Lord Cliilton. b. c. by Chilton — Hanover Queen. Lord Chtiinleigh, br. c, by Bowling Brook — Lady Janet. Iord CajliMiter. ch. c, by Potentabs — Will o the Wisp. Lird Rochester, lir. c. by Disguise — Hampton Belle. Lord Wells, ch. c. by Ort Wells — Lady Manners. Lost Lilv. b. f. by Fernandino — Physic. Lottery Man. b. c. by Dick Welles — Hettie Given. Lotus Flower, b. or br. f, J y Judge Morrow — Lotus Lily. I ottie M.. b. f. by Madstone — Merry Glenn. Lou Hopkins, b. f. bv Stranger — Alay Hopkins. Lou W.. br. f. by St. Evox — Rose Miller. Louis des Cognets, b. c. by Ben Brush— Coppelia. Louis Katz. br. c, by Ruck Massie — Fair Fortune. Louise B.. b. f. by Balgowan — Apozea. Louise Poiut. br. f. by Jack Point — Lutie Mac. Louise W.. br. f. by Orsini or Baunockhurn — Semolina. I ouisville I.ady, ch. f. by Allan-a-Dale— Waninta. Lourcllo. br. f. by Young IMorello — Lou Rush. Love Cliff, h. f. by Clifford — One I Love. Love Cure. b. f. by Cesarion — Rlaze O. Lovely Joe. ch. c. by The Hero — Miss Star Apx. Love-Not. ch. f. by Voter — Truelove. Loves Token, b. f, by Dr. MacBride — Kissing Ring. Ivoween. b. or br. f. by Intrusive — Arthesia. Lueico. ch. c. bv Lucifer II. — Rinnetta Cotton. Lucile Wilson, li. f. bv Fan Tarn— Miss Walk. Lucille Allen, b. f. by Box— Sallie Marshall. Lucille Cavuga. ch. f. bv Cayuga — Ah Yet. Lucille Manloy. br. f. by Inflexible — Yodel II. Lucille Powell, it. f. by Stranger — Amanda Powell. Lucky Hit. b. c, by Inspector B. — Chance Shot. Lucky Monis. b. f. by Lucky Charm — Monis. Lucky Strike, b. c. by James Warren or Magis- Lucretia. ch. f. by Cormorant — Lucrusta. Lucy Allen, br. f. by Stranger — Celeste dOr. Lucy Lil lard. ch. f. liy Stalwart — Jsobel. trate — -Mazula. Lud, ch. c. bv David Tennv — Lulu IV. I.ula. b f. bv Oddfellow — Belle of St. Louis. Lula Buck. It*, b. f. bv Buckvidere— Oblation. Lurvilla. b. 1. by Baldomero — Belle Bitler. Luscious, b. f. by Charcot — Banana. Lvdia Buckley, b. f, by Joe Buckley — Glorys Love. Lydia Lee. ch. f. by Sciniillant II. — Lydia II. Lytic Lake, h. f, by Chop Suey — Eva May. Imported.