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PENSACOLA MEETING TO BE EXTENDED. Ietisaeol.i. !-"l:i.. April IP.— Cold weather today Ml liot materially decrease the attendance. Interest in the racing iva- keen, while speculation was good and resulted in profit for tin- bookmakers. Clasncr raae Hw» Mfcnaera and his followers were rewarded handsomely. Caltha and Coloin-l /ei,. both extensively supported, wen- the only winning favorites. The former Mai oi. up K139 over an entered price of like amount, hat was retained. Additional arrivals i-ann i.dav Jacksonville and it is now pi-o|H scil to extend tie meeting to some time in May. I ue»«lav in ; will be Llks Dav and Wednesday will l.e Cliarit.v 11. v The [iroeetMa will be donated to some woilliv can- . vlai.v horsemen will ihimrt for Kentucky on S.iTiirdav aext. Thus- Iniendiiig to race at the half mile Canadian courses will remain here until the eleae.