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TORONTO STAKES TO CLOSE MAY 2. Toronto. Out.. April 19.— The Ontario Joekev Clubs spring mooting at Woodbine will occupy seven days. opening on Saturday. May 21. when the Kings Ilate will Ik- run. and closing on the following Saturday. May is. The stake program will not. of course, tx- the same as last year, since fourteen stakes can not well Ik- given In seven davs. However, it will 1* one of several valuable events, and such of the old features as are missing will prohahlv l e found provided for when the fall meeting comes around. The program will be announced in a few «tay . ami stake entries will close on Mav 2. There are many horses in training at Woodbine now and many inquiries for stable room. The track at Woodbine was never in better condition, and its appear-en.v well repays the care that Las been taken of It all winter and spring. 1 Uder the conditions that will govern racing and the speculation incident to it as soon as the new law lias passed the few formalities necessary to transform it into a statute, running race meetings, twice a year, are limited to seven days, and harness race meetings to three days — that is. for such as desire to take advantage of the exemptions provided with regard to lietting. Meetings at which there Is no organized wagering are not limited with regard to their duration. Meetings must be continuous — that is. it is not legal to spread the seven days of racing over a greater period of time. Sunday, of course, being a dies non. or day that is not counted. No association can give meetings at more than one track, ami the mine track cannot l»e used by more than one asso-cition for the purisisc of holding more than the two meetings. Itookmakiug. poolselling and wagering in general are protected on incorporated tracks at the two meetings yearly if the betting is confined to the races conducted there. Associations may sell advance information to t ookmakers only for use on their own tracks. The ■asftsrissrs. whether auction or tnutuel. is allowed to transact business and charge a commission. Now the bookmaker will be able to Ing was illegal when it included the collection of a i-oininission. Now the bokmakcr will be able to occupy a fixed stand as in the old days.