Lexington Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1910-05-01


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; LEXINGTON FORM CHART. LEXINGTON. KY.. SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1910.— First day. Kentucky Ass.vciation. Spring Meeting of 7 * lays. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. D. O. Falconer. Starter. James Milton. Baring Secretary, W. H. Shelley. Rating starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time 2::.0 p. m.l. YV indicates whip. S spurs. 1! blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse aim weight curried. *Indicales apprentice allowance. tJ|fV4t/"« FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. BOSht— l:0r.C.— 4 117. 1 Purse 00. .1-year-olds and Q/2*03 upward. Allowances. Net valne to winner 00. ~ ,. ,. ... . .. Mutuel Takings. Auen „ „. T Iml Horses AYVtlPSt 4 % Strlin Jockeys Owners str p, gg Sales. KM "llIcYSTAL MAID W 4 10S 7 3 li 1 11 l1 .1 Deavpt H K Lewis $:»»! .".9 5 842atHANBRIDGE w 5 lie. « 4 4 3 Li a Herbert i H HolD 7:« r.4 510 ■ BS271*EARLY TIDE aa S IM 2 I pa at :: . P| J YYilson .1.1 Ferguson 24 14 43 I 84143 MERRICK wn 7 113 1 2 2= S4 :.• 4a .1 Howard . I C Milam 91 74 149 M SV.2-ALK. THE CHEAT W 3 101 5 7 4!» 2" 4- 5- Can/. Ill Wheat* roft 31 20 102 5 S549DMIAMI w 4 110 1 1 ti1 7 ti li" Scoville .1 N C:mden 115 titi 2.V 11 s.o75 ZEPHYH w I 9ti 3 « 7 «- 7 7 E Martin D Scott 3D 34 SO 5 Time. 24«i. 49. l:01»i. 1:08%. Track fast. ?2 inutuels paid. Crystal Maid. *4:!»0 straight. .50 place. .00 show; Hanbridge. .45 place, .! 0 show; Earlv Tide. ».".Mt show. Equivalent looking odds— Crystal Maid. 145 to HM straight. 25 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show: Hanbridge. L2 ■. to Kiti ph..-.-. 45 to loo show : Early Tide. MB io loo ahaar. "Winner -Hr. f. by Pirate of Pcaaaace— Silk Maid drained by YV. L. Lewis*. Went to post at" 2:32. At jiost 1 minutes. Start fair. Won driving: second and third the same. CRYSTAL MAID, away forwardly and well ridden, maintained an easy lead to the last furlong, where she was put to a hard final drive and finished gamely, though tiling. HAXRRIIm;E aided fractii.tisly at the lot and was auav in a tangle, but ipiiekly ran into game pursuit an.l was wearing the winner down steadily EYRI.Y TIDE came fast in Ihe last furlong and made a game effort. MERRICK ipiit after going half a mile and was probably short. ALFRED THE CHEAT ran fairly well. MIAMI hail no mishaps and ran Marly. Overweights — Alfred the Croat. .1 pounds. Qg-vQry SECOND RACE— -M Mile. 54.117— 473 i— 2— 105. Purse o0. 2 year-olds. £jj lJ i Allowances. Net value to winner 25. , ,, ,, . .. Mutuel Takings. Aucn ■ „ .„.*,.„£... ■,■ mt r" t Ind. Horses AYYtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Sr ,,| Sr] s;;iies HENRY WALBANK ■ Ml ti I li 1- 1" J Deavpt C H Whitney5 % 29 $ S2 iiW. sS472JAl-K DENMAN wn 113 7 4 4- 4- 2* J Howard J M Coode n7« 112 24ti 20 88998 LA I" MEXICAN w 110 11 7 3i 3i 35 A Walsh L Kellv 535 IKS 42*1 25 TAHOE m 107 IS 7 ti" 4h T Rice J M Camden lti lo 31 1 88781GROVER HECHES wk 110 5 6 2 2U 5* Troxler I Hill ISO 70 175 11 SIDNEY R. wn 105 8 3 61 51 ti1 Scoville J R Taylor t73 22 149 I S:ki273OKACLE w 113 1 1 H 7 73 llasner T P Haves 42 32 S9 I AMER1CANEEH w 105 10 5 8 H- S3 Herbert YY Cerst 16 ti 29 DUSTY a 103i 9 9 .94 9i 9 D Austin YV .1 Yuun; I t t MONTY FOX w 105 2 10 In lo 10- C.anz A Ferguson 7ti 4S 116 t SPLINTERS W 105 3 11 11 11 11 J Wilson J C Milam 23 12 2fi t fMul.iel lichl. Auction field. Time. 24V5. 49. Track fast ¥2 inutuels paid. Henry Walhank. 1910.sho.7O straight. JllMKi place. 1910.sh.40 show: Jack Deuuiau. .10 place. S..1.00 show ; La L" Mexican. S2.S0 show. Equivalent lKM king odds— Henry Walhank. 32.15 to 100 straiglit. S52 to UK» place. 220 t* 1 K show: .lack Penman. 120 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show: La I Mexican. 40 to 100 show. Winner — Br. c. by Faramlolc — Lady Oalopin trained hy C Lewisi. Went to post at 3:17. At ]H st 2 minutes. Start good. YVon driving: second and third the same. HENRY WALHANK went into a aaai lead in tin- first quarter and. under hard urging, outstayed JACK PENMAN. The latter finished fast and would lave won in a feat strides more. LA I" MEXICAN" moved up with ■ rush in the stretch, but was sharply Lumped by -TACK HENMAN in Hie last furlong and eaaH ■ lot recover. TAHOE dosed a gap and finished fast. GROVES HUGHES tired after showing much speed lor Urea furlongs. S1HXEY R. can do .letter and suffered from interference. AMERICANEER ran green and will improve. Scratched AT 100 Cheeky, 102. Overweights Tajioe. 5 pounds; Dusty. 1 1. QOOQQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 70D3B— 1 :12%— 3— 108. Purse 00. .1 year olds and up-£j*j£CjCJ ward. Selling. Hat value to winner 25. I ml Horses AWtlPSt % V-i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Msu" plslT Sales" M4B DAINTY DAME W 6 111 7 I 1- P I* l" V Powers .1 T Ireland 19 34 S4S3 5 8889DTOM DOLAN w C 110 1 2 2i 1- 2* 2" A YValsh E Corrigan M 114 325 120 88954GRENAr B w 9 107 « 4 3" tii E» ■« T Rice T Hatfield 120 96 137 t 8831 MAURJSTANIA w 4 Hr2 10 7 E» 4» 4i 4» J Wilson CartvandDniap 20 14 4« + 819X7 BROKEN TIES wit 3 105 2 I P W 7 .".» Scoville E R Hradlev s H 23 f fandm SOLICITOR w 4 106 9 1 7 5- Si ti- D Austin YV J Young 7.8 40 88 1 K4M MAE HAMILTON w 5 111. 3 10 1*1 91 9 7i Clasner YV H Duke ts4 M 167 i 84434 PAL w 7 109 11 6 4 P 3 Si Hufnagel .Ino Marklein 38 20 67 i B82S0 FATHER EUGENE wn 3 93 5 I S1 St 6- 93 H Ra*ltke H Sehreiber 70 22 89 t CHARLIE HILL w 4 112 4 5 ti 7i W lo1 .1 Deavpt S K Hughes t t t % 88744 HARRIET HOWE WB 4 105 S 11 11 11 11 11 F Jackson J H Nichols IS 12 23 X vMtituol Held. tAuction Held Time. 24%. 49-K. 1:15. Track fast. mutuols paid. Daintv Dame. .70 straight, .00 place. .50 show; Tom Dolan, .05 place. .S0 show; Greaade, 0.00 show. Eipiival.nt booking odds Dainty Dame. S5 to loo straight. 50 to 100 place. 25 to 100 show: Tom Dolan. 103 to PJO place. 40 to loo show: Greaade, 400 to loo show. Winner— Br. in. hy Handspring My lair Kentucky trained by J. T. Ireland i. Went to post at .",:5t;. At ixist I minutes. Start had. Won easily; second ami third driving. DAINTY PA ME. in splendid form, went into a commanding lead soon after the start and never left the result In dotiht. winning in a canter. TOM DOLAN moved into content ion with a rush and always held the other* Lack of the winner safe. GRENADE dropped hack after going a quarter, hut came with a rush mar the end. MAIRETANIA showed sIM.ed. hut tired. BROKEN TIES wis gaining in the last furlong. SOLICITOR and MAE HAMILTON ran as if short. PAL tired hadlv. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched ss2H7 Ronton. IO". Overweight-- Mae Hamilton. pounds; Harriet Rowe. ... Q O O Q O FOI RTH RACE— 1-2 Mile. 54317— 47"/,— 2— 105. Breeders Futurity. ,000 added. Cj * sty *J 2 year-olds, ■pacha YVeights. Net value to winner ,513. Mutm . Atien Ind Horses A Wt PPSt % "; Sir Fin Jockeys Owners likings HOUSEMAID w 115 1 1 1 1" P" V Powers CLHarrison i-",s4 64 |M ? GOLDEN VAK1 W 115 S 7 til 0i P S PaajS G H Ott H323 164 222 13 LITTLE OASIS w 115 9 5 7 ."■ 2" D Austin .1 K Yil.v si; :4 120 II. MA W 115 5 S ■ lit" 4" Troxler TCMcDow.ll ti:!0 222 M 14 incision w lis 12 I V 9 V A YValsh V Q Taaha 1 1 U 01 t t+FOHEHEAD Wit IIS 14 9 - si i;- BJ Martin J H Morris iJ17 72 229 i BOBBY BOTER w lis |] ] a 2" 71 Scoville E R Hradl.-v l..o lti 15s + LITTLE RAJAH w lis lo 12 5h 7i Si T Rice .ISMcCulloiigh t t 1 t ss;sj IWALAN1 w 115 I t: feP Hi M .1 YYilson B Schreiher 24 lo 29 1 INION jack a lis 12 I P. I] i»i Gaaa IHWheatcrofl a 12 M i BLAIR BAGGLBY w lis 15 M IP li- 11- .1 Deavpt I ll Whitney t t t 2 BOBBRTA T. xr. 115 7 14 12 13- 121 F Jackson .1 Wcl h tt tt it tt 8897a ORANK wn 115 2 11 ll» 12 13- Clasner T P Haves i;9 2S 90 t FANNY KEMHI.E w 115 4 4 14" IP 14 J Howard D T Morris t t i ♦ DANCING ijlEKN" w 115 .! 1". D 1". 15 ITaOaa C l Cheiiault r t 1 I ttAdded starters. -; ■■;■:. B. ott and T. Wehh entry. : Mutuel Oral. tAactlon liidd. Tbae. »*•«, 0S%. Track fast. niutlKds paid. Housemaid. .0* straiglit. .15 place. $::.lM» show; O. B. Ott and J. Welch ontrv. |4.15 place. |4.0I Show: Little Oasis. ,.S1 s|„,w . lapiivalent aookiaa odds Housemaid. 25n to 100 sraight. 1 »7 to Iihi place. *.» to 100 show; C. B. Ott sad J. Welch entry. In7 to IOO place. 130 to HiO show : Little Oasis. 2I » to l*M» show. Winner B. f. hv Rr istick Ethel Pace lirained , . P. rkinsl. Went to post at 4:12. At post 5 minutes. Start good W n easily; st ml and third drivil:-. HOI SE MAID, away forwardly, was rushed iuto a commanding had quick!, is probably a crackerjack aud wou as I her rider pleased. GOLDEN EGG made a game rush in llio last sixteenth and wore the others down in tin ■at seventy yards. LITTLE OASIS ckmd a gap and stood the linal drive gaiuolv. IL MA. probably second beat, aas ;iw ay on the oatstdc and forced to go around the others and finished fast. BOBBY BOYEK was promm. m for a quarter. IXCISIOX ran w. 11. UNION JACK was toned hack alter Ruing a quarter There Wat, a jam soon alter the start from which illUXIu. ROBERTA T. and 1V1.VXI Buffered Serai, hod -Covencr gray. 3 1."i: The Whip, lis: Inmhr. ll.c itoainia. ll.V QOOOH FIFTH BACE-l Mile. 77122 -1 ::M»S-.-.-.--107.1 Iurse ISO* ,Tj car-olds and upward. O *J *JJ Allowances. Net value to winner fSM. 1,1,1 ■*■■»■ AWtPPSt % i.i »i StrFiti Jockeys Owners U5and*and**and* jffi Iox.vr rlM r. I 1- l- l«» 1»* 1« Herbert W Gem mi 191 tfiw 68 «vs:.iii;« k.i. boola w :: »r, :: .; r,i 4 4 ::j - 10 Martin .1 N Camden 1M M M 125 BCtM JOB MORRIS ■ IN 4 I S J» :■ ja ::" T Koerner KH Anderson ::is »4 17«; 1 iJao.CitONSOLE W 4 M9 1 :: .; .; I :, i j Deav*pt A Weber t:ts 282 arj I ;i - MARKIE M. w 3 ! 7 L 4 :;. ::■ 1- "-• .1 Wilson .1 C Milam 17 is 61 J i771S»W. A. UCAGH wit 4 Hit I | 4 gh 5» .; i; Hufnagel Jno Marklein HI Id SO ;A11 "" «eld. Tiine.23«.,. 48*,,. 1:14-,. 1 :«■»,. Track fast. *2 n.iituels paid. Donau, ?4.1o straight, if:;. 2.". place, Jand0 show; BooU Boola. $.s.:;r idaee. $."...":0 show: Jo- .i rris, s.;.4o show. Kqiiivaleiu baotteff odds --Donau. ] 5 to 100 straight. ,V» to 100 place, 2T» to 100 show: Boola Boola, 317 to ]o place. f.r, |o ]oo show: Joe Morris. 7 | to ;oo j|mr. Winner 15. e, by Weahrtborne— Al Leae trained by G. Ham. W—t to post at r.:17. At i«.st .". niiimies. Start gee*. Won easily; second and third driving. DONAU displayed great speed, sprinted away from the others soon after the start and won eased up to a canter t.m ugh the last sixteenth. BOOLA BOOLA began slowly hut. after savins anaail when tarateK into the stretch, came last and outstayed JOE MORRIS in the linal drive. JOE MORRIS was well up for six fur lung* then tired badly. ttiNsol.K finished last. MARKIE M. ran well and probably will improve. W. A. l.I.AI II ran poorly. I Snatched - s.vs:!7i Judge Donaoa 113. . • Qv.i weights Markie ,l.. g pounds. 8 | * k 1 SIMM RCE 1 Mile and 20 Yards. MliH 1:41"-, 11-KH.l iurse $.100. :; vear-1J **J A. olds and upward. Selling. X. t value to winner 2o. Bid Horses AWtlISt J| % ft Sir Fin Jockeys Owners "sttPlSaV Sules" MM6 MISS CRITTENDEN w 4 M8 7 1 1 II 11 ].. F. 1 Austin W .1 Young M5S IM |tM MM »wis= EDWIN L. we. 4 ]].! 2 r. 7- ;•• fij 4- a .1 Ivavpt A Wilier ;::: ::7". Hi 00 t»87:.-HYPKRloN II. wis TIM I :, a P Q :;- T Rice T HntlhrM ta OS m t lW:.iriiM|. BARD Wit « 112 i 2 3» L- L- 3 4- A Walsh I, Kelly 4li:« 124 MS J tssttSOQCAtlGA wniiit:: l 7 «,- 7 P «« :. Powera B M Arthur 2ni 124 272 atej OIL.VBDBAR w t: fi IM C i ".- Bj 4" :.- ; F Jackson A 1 Steete 11 4 0 I iss7.".:.iI;a.1c XRONA as 3 ss ". : 4 l :. 7 7»« W WrispeoB COrrijaa S « 47 J ssi,:ii STAROVER nllM 1 I I I I I I Can/. IHWbeandtcroft 13 14 73 J tAuctioii held. Time. 24;. 49. 1:15-,. l:41Vk. 1:42";. Track fast. *2 mutii.ls p.nd. Miss Crittenden. 3.00 straiuht. .*7.4." place, .80 show; Edwin L., S.1.75 place, Sri.lO fhow; II|Hii..n II.. *;:.!»o show. Kaoivaleat aouktetr odda Mis- Crltteadka, MM to IW atrahrht, 72 to 100 place, !K to 100 show; Edwin I... s, to loo place, SS to km show : Hyperion II. so t » Umi show. Wiurer h. I. Iv Boyal Flush III. — Daamteaaa train-d by W. J. Youiir. Weal to ]H,-i :it r,:.-,:;. ai posi ;; minutis. Start Raod. Won lriviiiir: second and third the same. MISS RITTENDEN. Innu a last slari. moved into the lead with a rush and. shaking olT the early challenger* th iase. won all the way. FDW1X I., betraa slowlv. l.nt Rained steadilv after Boing a half mile ami tin ished with a rush. HYPERION 11. was prominent throughout, hut tired slightly alter ntac thru-quarters. BONNIE BARD null m the bud furious. QUAUGA had no mishaps. RAMON CORONA weni well lor live farlougK. STAROVER tri -d to run out on the turns. The winner, en tired lor .$.". mi. was hid up to S.O.". and llillhl in. _ SeraKlK-d s7!t7:irThe Minks. 115; MM? Beau Brtnninel. 114; Mttttlmjg Yie, 10S; MM! Water Lake, ftoera eights — Staroyer. ■". |K nnds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1910050101/drf1910050101_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1910050101_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800