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I I CANADIAN STABLES REACH WOODBINE. Toronto. Out.. April : 0. — Trainer John Nion has trrired at Woodbine from Windsor, where he wintered the horses of the Valley Farm Stable. He brought down twenty-one head, two of them. Lucknla ind Ford Flam, being bM own paaaerty. The Kings Plate winner of last year, the Canadian Derby Winner, Charlie Gilbert, the borne bred champion dimmer ami the speedy Bciiham. the Platers and the tWO-year-Olda are all in a condition thai speaks of Iuremit: ing care through the winter. The horses iu the string are as follows: Shlmoaeae, eh. m. B, hy M.ntimas — Lyddite. dimmer, eh. h, o. by Martimas -Flicker. Denhani, eh. S. I., by Derweata ater Cottonade. Charlie dlbert. cli. g. 8, bl Hiaiyar — Frogniore. Coiniiioi.!. h. t, 3, by The Commoner laabito Fanner, b. g. :.. by The Commoner Flaceiia. Whaup. eh. e. .:. b Martimas -Fee Weep. Xobie. eh. g, ::. by Martiaiaa Nohlec. Last Post. eh. f. ."•. by Martimas Flicker. William Pitt, br. c, •" , l y The Commoner — Maud BUckborB. English Esther, cli. f, n, by Lord Eslerling— Lizzie English. Lady Sybil, cli. f, 3, hy The Commoner — Loyal Marie. legislator, cli. g, 2. by The Commoner — Mary Cowan. Rnahwater, ch. f, 2, by The Commoner — Sprlng- Wtlls. Valley Maid, cli. f, 2, by The Commoner— Oak Maid. Placerland. b. g. 2. by Makalaml — Losiola. NobUity. ch. f. 2. by Martimas Xoblec. Iowderman, ch. g. 2. by Martimas -Lyddite. IFingelight. ch. g. 2. by Martimas Flicker. Luckola. br. g. I. by I.uckitt — LoaMa. Lord Elain. b. g. :,. by Bird Esterling Kate Elam. At Valley Farm are a bakers dozen of yearling-, the BMSt promising of which is a sister lo Shiniou-ese. The list is as follows: Chestnut lilly. by Mart imas— Lyddile. Cbeatnut g dding. by Martimas— Roata* Yokes. Chestnut gelding, by Martimas — Splash. Chestnut iil ly . by .Martimas -Firewater. Chestnut colt, by Martimas —Springwells. Chestnut Jill v. by Martimas Sani|«an. Chestnut tilly. by Martbnaa NoMee. Chesluut gelding, by Martimas — Lonaa Water. Bay gtddiug. by Martimas — Ixsiola. Bay lilly. by Ailes dOr Sugar Plana. Bay liilv. by Harvey -Favor Me. Bay lilly, by Ailes dOr— Blue Croiise. Chestnut gelding, by Ailes dOr, Talala. Trainer Al Bailer has reached Woodbine track from Windsor with nine horses belonging to George M. lleiidrie. ami ten owned by J. W. Boyle have arrived from the same place. The I.oyle bornea winter., 1 at Woodstock, but weal to Windsor several weeks ago to obtain aihantage of the more forward conditions prevalent there. Mr. Hendries horses are chiefly Intended tor rxona-eeaartry racing, and among them are several line, big animals thai have never started either on the Hat or through the liehl. His list is: Xal B.. eh. g. S. hy Maddalo -Mary Cowan. The Shaughraitn. ch. g. 5, by Nasturtium -Ballyhoo. Be Thankful, ch. g. ." , by Handsome — Crest. Xiek 6 Time. ch. g, 4, by l.ovalisl Wait a Bit. Rockcastle, b. g. I. by Dick Welles ll.-uie Grata. Giddy Girl. a. f. 4. bv Loyal let Whistling drl. Loyal Maid. b. f. 4. by Loyalist -Oak Maid. Jasione. eh. f. .".. by Kins Hanover — Xoblesse. Cumberland, b. g. .:. by Mel Ionian Luonsta. Mr. I.oyles ten are headed by the Hamilton Derby winner. Detective, looking like a champion. Except the three-year olds. Tophet and Cast Steel, the remainder are youngsters, all in line condition and a high-bred lot that should do well for the blue jacket and yellow cap that have been carried by some great horses. The list is: Detective, ill. e. 4, by Ml Mil I Hilnltoa Tophet, h. g. .",, by Poatiac Miranda. cast Hteet, ch. f. ::. by Poatiac Caatabowt Allaneeii, ch. f, 2, by Stalwart— Alianette. Lady Bvrne. b. f. 2. bv Stalwart -l.adv Ilsloy. Dypker Cade, b. f. 2. by Disguise Pastoral. Kos.dale, b. i. 2, by Woobrthorpe -Hanroae. Xel.-hen. br. f, 2. by Singleton -Miss Pakington. Colden Wedding, br. 1". 2, by Golden Maxim — Wedding Dav. Helen Winter, ch. f. 2. by Stalwart -Heliopolis. Other arrivals al Woodbine track include M. C. Friiehards flprlthonnd. Hooray, Beymoar Bewtler. Veiieta Slrome and Cam bio: II. Bond s Chilli. P. Kuhns Duke of Bridge* ater and Douglas Cornells Gwendolyn F. The tirst appearance of the pari -inutuel system of betting on Canadian race courses may acear during the week of May 2:;. when the meeting of the Country Club of Victoria. B. C, will be held. The British Columbia clubs have been wailing for the legal izaliou of the machine in order to" substitute it for the old method of bookmaking.