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MONTREAL STAKES TO CLOSE WEDNESDAY. The Montreal lackey Club invites nominations lo four t:ikes which are to bl run in tin- course of its aariac aw***tiac of l.ilo. They are to close for 1 n- trh- at inidiiiglit of ■dne-d.-n . Maj 4. .so there is raaaan for prompt action an ate part of thoae who in-ud to rat* tin ir horses - over the Ghanaian circuit. The event*, in tpiestion are: Windsor Hotel Cup. three year-olds and over, fl.-oo added; 1 IS uiileB. .lacipies Cnrtier Btakca, laiii jm aMi and awcr, .LoO adihd: 1 mile. Kiidergarlen Slak.s. two viar olds. S1.0OO added • 5 V mile. Prince of Wales St.eploehase. .«_00 added; ahoul 2 1 I miles. The purses will range from »0 lo S71HI and the ateeting is oae that nhoahl be awarded a "oodly nieasnie of American patronage laitries 1 are |a be mailed to the Ink of the course, 11 St ■ Sacrament Street, Montreal, Can.