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CHARLES KOHLER BUYS MORE MARES. Xew York, April :;o. James Caffrev lias soil .,, Charles Rubier, who reccnilv purchased the ■tllti— I mle from S. C. Ilihlreth. a baa eh of mans, one ol them is nine Btoofi, a half sister to Modesty. A toal by Use K.uicocas Stud stallion, Armealii. went wiih Bine Blond, Blue Blood has thrown the winners, Flue Crest and Blue Tie. Another mare in the lot was Doable Six. a daughter of Domino anil Cloaiiiing. Double Six was bred bv John Guilbert I -..llauslieo. who owned her dam. There is a two-year old by Koehamplon Double Six out this season Another of the mares was Katie Caffrev. a winner under Mr. Caffreya colors. These mares have been shipiN-d 1 roin Kaneocas Farm to Mr. Kohlers place in the Bam.ipo Hills in -New Jersey. Several of them are in foal to Kam ocas stallions, and thev will all Im- anted Witt Dacht this spring. Mr. Batter is :i niodesi and naasswaUag gentleman, a keen loer of the thoroughbred and a warm votary of racing.